About | Glasp

What is Glasp?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can use to highlight and organize quotes and ideas from the web without switching back and forth between screens, and access other like-minded people’s learning at the same time. Leave your digital legacy for humanity, while working for yourself 📚✨
Browser Extensions:
Mobile Apps:

Why are we building Glasp?

Mission: To democratize access to other people’s learning and experiences that they have collected throughout their lives as a utilitarian legacy. As Glasp stands for "Greatest Legacy Accumulated as Shared Proof", we want to visualize your contribution to human knowledge history.
Vision: To provide access to the highlighted world’s information in one click.

What problem are we trying to solve?

The problem we are addressing is the isolation of knowledge. If you leave your knowledge, insights, experiences only in personal spaces (e.g. note-taking apps), no one can access them after you die. You might be able to publish your notes just before you die but no one knows when it is. Since collective learning is how humans got smarter across generations, it would be a huge loss for all if we can't access what you have learned throughout your life.

What is our solution?

As a solution, we provide a free browser extension-based social web highlighter that lets you quickly capture online content with colored highlighting options, which are then automatically curated to your Glasp homepage. These highlights can then be tagged, searched for, linked to, and shared on a variety of other platforms, including Twitter, Teams, and Slack.
Check out your highlights on your Glasp page or in the original source, where they remain highlighted. Discover more content on the Glasp website and connect with others who share your interests. By following your friends or like-minded people, you will discover insightful and thought-provoking content that deepen your knowledge and understanding.
Highlight. Save. Share. Repeat.
Make an impact, become a knowledge curator.

How it works?

Here's a tutorial video of how to use Glasp:
YouTube video player

How it works with note-taking apps?

Ready to highlight and find good content?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.