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Caroline Magerl

The whole picture

Caroline Magerl has gone from illustrator to author illustrator and now has her first wordless picture book coming out in 2025! In this one hour workshop, Caroline will be talking about:

  • Wearing both hats- Why become an author/illustrator? How changing my idea of what writing is, has helped me to tell stories ... my way; A description of my process and the advice I keep in red letters on my studio wall; Anecdotes which may help prospective author/illustrators on their way toward publication.

  • Tomato Sandwich- the writing of a wordless picture book(To be published by Walker Books early 2025)- A blow by blow description of the creative process behind my next picture book ‘Tomato Sandwich’; Without words, how to tell the story? Expression, perspective, scale, colour, line...what is in the toolkit of a visual storyteller? Identifying a theme from initial sketches-what’s your story about? Going from an initial premise to a complete narrative; The prickly problem of page layout.

  • My approach to illustrating in watercolour- a painting demonstration: From initial washes to final details, how I go about illustrating a full colour spread.

This workshop is hosted online via Zoom. Can’t make the live session? You will be able to watch a recording of this workshop for one week after the event!


Do I have to be an illustrator to attend this workshop? No! You don’t have to be a Cardboard Box Illustrator or have any drawing skills at all. Our workshops are super interesting for anyone who loves children’s book illustration or this particular illustrator.

I can’t make the time! Is there another way to watch this workshop? Yes! Each workshop is recorded and available to view on Vimeo for ONE WEEK after the event. The link will be emailed to you either in the afternoon or evening after the live workshop (depending how much technology loves me that day!). If there are any questions you would love to ask the illustrator but can’t make it to ask yourself, email your question to natasha@cardboardboxillustrators and I’ll ask for you :)

I want to attend many workshops! Can I get a discount? You can save some money by purchasing bundles of three or five workshops!

How do I access the live workshop? A Zoom link will be sent in your ticket confirmation. I will also email you the day before with the link, just in case!

I forgot to buy a ticket!! Can I purchase a ticket after the live event to access the recording? Unfortunately this won’t be an option, so please book a ticket prior to the live event even if you can’t make it. The recording will be in your inbox before the end of the day and available to watch for a whole week afterwards.

21 March

James Foley

30 May

Matt Shanks