Stranger Things casts Cary Elwes, Jake Busey for season 3 - CNET

Stranger Things casts Cary Elwes, Jake Busey for season 3

Netflix's Stranger Things recruits stars from The Princess Bride and Starship Troopers for some slimy-sounding roles.

Amanda Kooser
Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET. When not wallowing in weird gear and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeSoto.
Amanda Kooser

Eleven and the gang may have to contend with some sleazy new characters.


Netflix announced two new cast members on Wednesday for season 3 of the hit throwback horror series Stranger Things. Cary Elwes is coming to lead the town as Mayor Kline and Jake Busey will play Bruce, a journalist for The Hawkins Post. 

The mayor of Hawkins, Indiana, sounds pretty unpleasant. While Elwes may still best known for his turn as Westley in The Princess Bride, his Stranger Things character will be a far cry from that dashing "as you wish"-spouting hero. Netflix describes the mayor as "handsome, slick and sleazy" and "more concerned with his own image than with the people of the small town he governs."

Bruce doesn't sound like much of a prize, either. Netflix says he has "questionable morals and a sick sense of humor." If Busey's last name rings a bell, it's because he's the son of actor Gary Busey. He's had roles in Starship Troopers and From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series

Details are trickling out about season 3, but we won't be revisiting the town of Hawkins, its child heroes and supernatural happenings until at least late 2018 or even into 2019.

'Stranger Things' posters pay tribute to horror classics

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