National Screen Institute | Martin's Hagge | National Screen Institute

Martin’s Hagge

Martin's Hagge short film

Quick stats about the movie

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Martin, a middle-aged despondent writer, is burdened with Hagge, his wily personification of anxiety and depression but, after freewheeling Norah encroaches on his workspace, he learns apathy is a choice.

Creative team

Writer: Gordon Pinsent
Director: Penny Eizenga
Producers: Rebekah Boisvert, Penny Eizenga, Ben Robinson

Filmmaker’s statement

Hagge, a character created by Gordon Pinsent, is female, taking on a crusty, ancient decrepitude who loves nothing more than taunting her prey.

The Hagge captured me. I’ve never seen a fantasy character in film depict anxiety and depression, particularly a character so theatrical. I wanted to tell a story about anxiety and depression that included some humour and weirdness.

Hagge is definitely not an angel on Martin’s shoulder. Quite the opposite.

I love how Hagge desperately clings to Martin in order to stay pertinent, invaluable. Without his acknowledgment, she is nothing but a wizened creature of his imagination. In re-joining humanity, Martin takes the wind out of Hagge’s sails.

When her grip on Martin begins to slip, she’s forced to change tactics. First teasing, then dismissive, shifting to flattery, to empty threats, but Martin doesn’t bite.

On the verge of disappearing altogether and desperate to find another victim, she whispers dire warnings into the ears of pedestrians passing by, to no avail. Finally, settling on her last hope, takes the man’s head in her hands, happily home again.

About Penny Eizenga

Penny Eizenga

Penny Eizenga is a Toronto-based independent filmmaker and actor.

Penny recently directed the short film Martin’s Hagge, written by Canada’s icon Gordon Pinsent and starring Sheila McCarthy, now in the festival circuit.

The Run, her first foray into directing, won an award of merit at the Best Shorts Competition in La Jolla, CA. The film also screened at the Blue Stocking Film Series in Portland, Maine, Raindance Canada’s Indie Fest, Long Beach Indie International Film Festival, the LA Femme Film Festival and Houston Worldfest.

She was producer on the 2015 feature film Go Fish, with award-winning director/writer Brett Heard, which won audience choice award at the Muskoka Independent Film Festival.

Penny has produced over 20 concept television pilots and short films in collaboration with The Incubator Studio. She has also written, produced and starred in two award-winning shorts, Margaret Finds Her Mojo and Wilderness, directed by CFC grad Dawn Wilkinson.

Her web-based experience includes writing and directing pilot Grateful Tails, as well as producing a 21-episode series called The Giant Comes Out which screened at the LA Comedy Fest.

Penny has written two feature film screenplays, Put Your Lips On and Pretend to Sleep.