Prince Albert woman creates lending app for people in need | paNOW
The Lend !t App is available for Android and Apple users. (Submitted/ Alex Jordan)

Prince Albert woman creates lending app for people in need

May 9, 2024 | 4:00 PM

Noting the financial struggles many families face, Prince Albert’s Alex Jordan said the goal of a new app she created is to save money and make money.

Lend !t is essentially an online hub where people in Canada and the United States can go and lend people items that are not being used or vice-versa and people can find things they need but don’t want to buy.

Jordan, who hired a development team to build the app said the idea came while looking in her garage and realizing she had thousands of dollars worth of ice fishing equipment that was only being used once or twice a year.

“I could have lent this out for money and saved people money by not having to buy the whole set-up as well,” she said.

The obvious first question that comes to mind when using anything online is security. Jordan explained that people who download the app and join the hub’s community must register an account with a valid credit card.

A third party used by companies like Skip the Dishes or Air B n B then holds the money. Jordan added she has a team that looks for scams or fake credit cards.

“The risk that you would have to take would be like the risk you would when lending your snowblower to your neighbour or your friend,” she said, adding that you can likely expect some wear and tear.

Jordan, who makes $5 off every new booking, aims to one day grow the App where it becomes a source of income. (Submitted/ Alex Jordan)

The Lend !t app is available through the Android or Apple stores and as part of a soft launch, Jordan showed the app to her family and friends. She said the response was extremely positive.

“Wow, I know of 10 to 15 things sitting at my house that I could lend out or vice-versa. My neighbour was like I want a tree trimmer but I don’t want to buy a tree trimmer,” she said.

To attract users south of the border, Jordan plans to have a bigger launch in the next couple of weeks. Noting the app is now fully functioning, Jordan encouraged people to download it, throw some stuff on it, and provide feedback.

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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