Steam’s hottest new survival game gets its first big balance patch
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Steam’s hottest new survival game gets its first big balance patch

Infection Free Zone, the new zombie survival game blowing up on Steam, has already had some massive balance changes that work in our favor.

Infection Free Zone Steam balance patch: a zombie in a hospital gown being restrained by two doctors

As far as genre mash-ups go, new building and survival game Infection Free Zone is one of the more interesting ones. It’s Cities Skylines with zombies, or Frostpunk with a global pandemic, and it’s out now in Steam Early Access. If you missed the launch though, don’t worry, as developer Jutsu Games has already released the first of many upcoming balance tweaks and changes, making it even easier to get on board.

With a launch peak of almost 20,000 Steam players already, Infection Free Zone is certainly a popular survival game. If you’ve not heard of it, the game is a lot like Project Zomboid and other building and survival games in that it’ll task you with keeping survivors safe, building a base, going out for resources, and keeping the zombies at bay.

Where Infection Free Zone differs is in the maps, as it uses actual data to approximate almost anywhere in the world. So if you want to survive in your home town, the busy city streets you already know, or even a place in the world you’ve never been, you can.

With that, Infection Free Zone has just had a major balance patch, making your initial experience all the better if you want to dive right in.

Infection Free Zone major balance tweaks

  • Number of hordes and swarms lowered for normal and easy mode
  • More migrants and answers to your invites
  • Food is easier to find and faster to produce
  • Construction costs are lowered
  • Constructions and deconstructions are now faster
  • Deconstructions give more wood and metal
  • More types of riders groups added
  • Fewer buildings are required to start the game in some regions
  • Some achievements are easier to achieve
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The team at Jutsu Games adds that it knows of a few issues that it’s looking to resolve, like the weather getting weird after multiple reloads, the game not assuming optimal performance automatically, and the game crashing in some regions with other small squares inaccessible. All of this is getting looked at and should be fixed soon, though.

Keep in mind that Infection Free Zone has just launched in Steam Early Access, so lots of changes and improvements are on the way. It’s also 10% off until Thursday April 25, if you want to dive in.

If you’re looking for more than just Infection Free Zone we’ve also got all the best zombie games you should try, and some stellar building games as well.

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