Remarks by President Charles Michel after the European Council meeting of 21 March 2024 - Consilium Skip to content

Remarks by President Charles Michel after the European Council meeting of 21 March 2024

The unity of the European Union on extremely important topics was, once again, strongly affirmed this evening. We started the meeting with an exchange of views with Secretary-General Guterres. This was an opportunity to reiterate the European Union’s determination to work with the United Nations to defend international cooperation and multilateralism, to prepare for the Summit of the Future, in support of the United Nations, and to try to ensure that the European Union is a loyal, credible and predictable partner on the key issues of climate change, the fight against inequality and the desire for greater international stability. That is my first point.

We again had on the agenda our support for Ukraine. We made very important decisions, especially to make it possible to use the windfall profits from Russia’s immobilised assets and a proposal has been put on the table by the Commission. We are determined to act quickly so that we can use this money to support Ukraine, including with military equipment. It shows that the 27 leaders have understood the seriousness of the situation. It shows that we are determined to bring more support to Ukraine. Let me give you one other example: we discussed this very concrete, very operational Czech initiative to make sure we are delivering what is needed for Ukraine. We know this is extremely urgent. Support for Ukraine is also in the field of enlargement because we were able to support their efforts and to encourage Ukraine to reform. The negotiating framework is on the table, and we invite the Council to work quickly to make progress. I hope that under the Belgian presidency it should be possible to hold the first IGC (InterGovernmental Conference) with Ukraine.

The European Council was also an opportunity to extensively discuss colleagues’ commitment to embark on the journey towards European security and defence. And I am well aware of the words I am using: I firmly believe that the decisions taken today represent a real paradigm shift for the future of the European project. For decades, the European project was based on prosperity, on economic cooperation, on shared values, with the impression that security and defence were primarily in the hands of NATO, which is of course a substantial force and alliance for transatlantic relations and security.

With today’s decisions, we are committed to strengthening the European dimension, the European pillar. I would like to highlight some important points that we discussed. The first is funding. How can we ensure, in addition to strengthened European cooperation on military capabilities, that we send a signal to the private sector, to our businesses, to the industrial base, including SMEs, that we are mobilising funding? We therefore decided to look at all possible financing options. Above all, there was strong support for working with the European Investment Bank to send out a signal that more capacity will be mobilised in this area. Spending as Europeans, investing, investing more, investing better, reducing fragmentation. This is really what lies at the heart of the ambition to strengthen our defence capabilities, and I believe that we took a very important step in the meeting this evening.

The third point is the Middle East. We all understand that it is important to send a very powerful and united message on this important question and challenge. Once again, I want to repeat that we condemn in the strongest possible terms the terrible terrorist attack against the people of Israel on 7 October. We are determined to support all possible efforts to allow humanitarian access. This is a humanitarian tragedy. We believe in international law, we believe in international humanitarian law and that's why everything must be done to convince and make sure that there is a real possibility for more humanitarian access.

I would like to reiterate that we took note of the decisions made by the EU, by many member states with regard to the financing of UNRWA and we agree that the role of UNRWA is essential, to be crystal clear on this matter. We are also determined to do everything to avoid escalation at regional level. It is a risk for the region but also for all of us. We call on the Government of Israel not to launch a ground operation in Rafah, because we can imagine what the consequences would be.
And finally, I would like to be very clear that we ask for and call on international law to be respected, including with regard to the illegal settlements. We believe in the two-state solution. We believe in the resumption of the political process. We think that it is fundamental for the EU to be very active to try to support all constructive efforts. We also need to support the Palestinian Authority to make sure that it is in a position to take more responsibility in the future.

Lastly, a key point which shows to what extent this European Council delivers results, which illustrates the unity of the European Union and the geopolitical ambition of the European Union: we decided to open negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is an important milestone. We invite the European Commission to work swiftly on the negotiating framework, and we invite the Council to move forward, taking into account all of the relevant elements that will need to be addressed in order to complete the next steps.

We made the decision to open negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. We invite the Commission to take the steps that will be needed, taking into account the relevant steps that need to be taken by Bosnia and Herzegovina. A few minutes ago, just before the start of this press conference, I had the opportunity, to congratulate the Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to express our solidarity and our will to cooperate a lot with them and to make sure that this will be a positive development in the future.

As you can see, there is unity, there is determination, and most importantly, there is a message for Europeans: the European Union is sound, solid and robust. There is also a message for the rest of the world: we wish to be a force which defends values without double standards, which defends principles of trust in international law. And a message for the Kremlin: we are determined. And I think the speed with which we are taking decisions on matters of great geopolitical importance demonstrates this determination. We are not intimidated. We are robust, and we will continue to do what it takes to defend peace, prosperity and security.

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Last review: 22 April 2024