34 Facts about the movie Auto Focus - Facts.net
Euphemia Caron

Written by Euphemia Caron

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Youtube.com

Welcome to the fascinating world of the movie “Auto Focus”! In this article, we are going to take a deep dive into this captivating film and explore 34 interesting facts that you may not know. “Auto Focus” is a biographical drama directed by Paul Schrader and released in 2002, starring Greg Kinnear in the lead role. The film tells the true story of actor Bob Crane and his descent into the world of sexual addiction and obsession.

Throughout this article, we will uncover intriguing details about the production of the film, the behind-the-scenes stories, and the impact it had on the actors involved. So, get ready to embark on a cinematic journey as we uncover lesser-known facts about “Auto Focus.” From casting decisions to critical acclaim, you’ll discover something new about this compelling movie that you may not have known before.

Key Takeaways:

  • Auto Focus is a gripping movie that shows the rise and fall of a TV star, shedding light on the dangers of unchecked desires and the impact of fame on personal relationships.
  • The film delves into the dark side of Hollywood, offering a cautionary tale about the consequences of obsession with technology and the blurred lines between reality and illusion.
Table of Contents

Auto Focus was released in 2002.

Directed by Paul Schrader, this biographical crime drama film delves into the life of Bob Crane, played by Greg Kinnear.

The movie is based on a true story.

Auto Focus explores the rise and fall of Bob Crane, who was a well-known television actor in the 1960s.

Auto Focus received critical acclaim.

The film was praised for its gripping storytelling, compelling performances, and its exploration of the dark side of fame.

Greg Kinnear delivered a stellar performance as Bob Crane.

Kinnear’s portrayal of Crane captured both his charming on-screen persona and his tumultuous personal life.

The movie explores the obsession with technology.

Auto Focus delves into Crane’s unhealthy fixation with the latest camera technology, which eventually leads him down a dangerous path.

Willem Dafoe plays John Carpenter, Crane’s close friend.

Dafoe’s performance adds an intriguing dynamic to the film, as Carpenter becomes an enabler in Crane’s destructive lifestyle.

The movie delves into the darker side of Hollywood.

Auto Focus exposes the hidden realities and moral dilemmas faced by celebrities in the entertainment industry.

The film is shot in a gritty, documentary-style manner.

This adds to the overall authenticity and realism of the story being portrayed.

Auto Focus explores the themes of addiction and self-destruction.

Crane’s descent into a life of sex addiction and his eventual downfall is a central focus of the film.

The movie offers a thought-provoking commentary on privacy and surveillance.

In an age where technology has made it easier to invade someone’s privacy, Auto Focus serves as a cautionary tale.

Auto Focus was nominated for several awards.

The film received recognition for its screenplay, direction, and performances at various prestigious award ceremonies.

The movie portrays the rise and fall of Bob Crane’s career.

From his successful run on the sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes” to his career decline and personal struggles, Auto Focus captures it all.

The film offers a glimpse into the swinging ’60s.

Auto Focus showcases the glamour and excesses of the era, as Crane gets caught up in the whirlwind lifestyle.

The movie showcases the impact of fame on personal relationships.

Crane’s obsession with his celebrity status strains his relationships with his family and friends.

Auto Focus provides an unsettling exploration of human desires.

It forces viewers to confront the darker aspects of their own desires and the consequences that can arise.

The movie features a mesmerizing soundtrack.

The music enhances the atmospheric quality of the film and adds to the overall viewing experience.

Auto Focus tackles the topic of betrayal.

As Crane’s personal life unravels, the film examines the consequences of trust being broken.

The movie raises questions about the price of fame.

It prompts viewers to reflect on whether the pursuit of celebrity status is worth sacrificing personal integrity.

Auto Focus blends elements of drama, crime, and psychological thriller.

This multi-genre approach adds depth and complexity to the storytelling.

The film’s cinematography captures the changing tones of the narrative.

From bright and energetic scenes to darker and more ominous moments, the visuals reinforce the story’s progression.

Auto Focus was a box office success.

The film resonated with audiences, attracting both critical acclaim and commercial success.

The movie explores the allure and dangers of instant gratification.

Crane’s pursuit of pleasure highlights the consequences of seeking immediate satisfaction without considering the long-term effects.

Auto Focus sheds light on the blurred lines between reality and illusion.

As Crane becomes consumed by his alter ego, the distinction between his on-screen persona and his real life becomes increasingly blurred.

The movie delves into the psychology of addiction.

It provides insight into the compulsive behavior and emotional struggles that come with being addicted to certain vices.

Auto Focus offers a compelling exploration of guilt and remorse.

Crane’s internal conflict and moral dilemma serve as a gripping narrative thread throughout the film.

The movie features strong supporting performances.

From Rita Wilson to Maria Bello, the film boasts a talented cast that adds depth to the overall storytelling.

Auto Focus showcases the impact of media scrutiny on individuals’ lives.

Crane’s public image and personal struggles become fodder for tabloids, further exacerbating his turmoil.

The movie’s costume design captures the fashion trends of the ’60s and ’70s.

The attention to detail in recreating the era’s iconic styles adds to the overall authenticity of the film.

Auto Focus examines the dangers of unchecked ambition.

Crane’s unwavering desire for success blinds him to the detrimental consequences of his actions.

The movie explores the influence of external factors on personal choices.

Auto Focus raises questions about how societal pressures and influences can shape individuals’ behavior.

Auto Focus portrays the downfall of a once-beloved television star.

The film does not shy away from depicting the harsh realities of Crane’s life, offering a cautionary tale for those in the spotlight.

The movie highlights the complexities of human relationships.

From friendships to marriages, Auto Focus showcases the intricacies and challenges that come with forming connections.

Auto Focus is a character-driven film.

The focus on Crane’s personal journey and internal struggles creates a compelling narrative arc.

The movie remains a powerful exploration of the dark underbelly of fame and obsession.

Auto Focus continues to resonate with audiences, serving as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked desires.


Auto Focus is a fascinating movie that delves into the darker side of fame and obsession. The film showcases the life and downfall of actor Bob Crane, exploring the hidden world of sex addiction and the consequences it had on his personal and professional life. With its gripping storyline and compelling performances, Auto Focus shines a light on the price of success and the dangers of losing oneself in the pursuit of fame.


Q: Is Auto Focus based on a true story?

A: Yes, Auto Focus is based on the true story of actor Bob Crane.

Q: Who stars in Auto Focus?

A: Greg Kinnear portrays the role of Bob Crane, while Willem Dafoe plays the character of John Carpenter.

Q: What is the main theme of Auto Focus?

A: The main theme of Auto Focus revolves around fame, obsession, and the hidden dangers of addiction.

Q: Is Auto Focus a drama or a thriller?

A: Auto Focus combines elements of both drama and thriller genres, creating a compelling and suspenseful narrative.

Q: Does Auto Focus provide insight into Bob Crane’s personal life?

A: Yes, Auto Focus offers a glimpse into Bob Crane’s personal life, shedding light on his struggles with addiction and the consequences it had on his relationships.

Q: Is Auto Focus suitable for all audiences?

A: Auto Focus contains mature themes and explicit content, so it is recommended for mature audiences.

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