VidMate for Free ⬇️ Download VidMate App for Windows PC: Install on Laptop or Computer
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VidMate App

  • Developer: VidMate Studio
  • Genre: Media Player, Video Downloader
  • Version: 4.5056
User Rating: Rating 4.68

VidMate for PC is not an official representative or the developer of this application, game or product. Copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners


Release Date
VidMate Studio
VidMate Studio
Media Player, Video Downloader
Windows PC


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Install VidMate Application

Kyra Bonner

VidMate is a video downloader and player for Android devices. It can help you download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other sources and play them on your device. Software product VidMate app load is free android application that lets you download and watch films from Youtube and other video platforms. It also lets you download and use films from your device.

It has a clean user interface and is very easy to use. It is great alternative to default film player application. Software product VidMate apk is an online video downloading service that does not provide any service for streaming films. Is an extension for Chrome browser that allows users to load videos from YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, Facebook, and other film sites. Is designed for Android, iOS devices, but it also has a Chrome extension.

Application VidMate install is free application for Android that allows users to watch videos from YouTube or from other sources. Application is very easy to use and has a simple interface that is suitable for users of any age and level of experience. Supports a wide range of video formats and also includes video downloader and film converter. Software product VidMate PC is a free and open-source android application that allows you to download and play a variety of videos from YouTube and other video-sharing websites. Provides an interface that is clean and easy to use, it's free. Software product provides functionality that enables you to download films with just a few clicks. VidMate computer has a lot of support in terms of updates and fixes for bugs.


Interface of application is quite simple and straightforward. It has search bar where you can type a video’s name and a list of films that match name you’ve typed. When you click on a film in list, a preview of it is shown in right side of screen. In top of screen is a list of all videos you’ve downloaded. When you click on a film, film starts playing in center. Interface of VidMate free download app is very easy to use and it is very clean. Interface provides you with list of films that you can watch, watch later, download, upload. In video pages you can find a play button on bottom of screen, a video description, load button.

Download button will only be visible if film is available to download, you can also see a load time at bottom of screen. Application allows you to download video in different formats and qualities. Interface is very intuitive and provides a lot of space for you to view films. Software product VidMate download PC has very simple and straightforward interface that is easy to use. Application has search bar that makes it very easy to find films that you are looking for. Just type in keyword and application will automatically search for it. It also includes a list of popular videos on right-hand side of screen.


It’s easy to download videos from download VidMate laptop. You can either search click on it to download it or click on a film in list of downloaded films to start playing it. If you want to download a video from a site that is not in list of supported sites, you can do this by clicking on “Download from URL” button and entering URL of films you want to download.


Software product VidMate application is a functional video downloader with a few bugs. The app is free, but offers a premium version with no advertisements. Application can be a lifesaver for people who do not have a stable internet connection.


Application free VidMate does not have a customer service phone number or email. Software product does not have a live chat feature. Application does have a help page, which provides basic information about application and its features.


  • Why can't I login to VidMate application?
    You may need to logout and login again to app.

  • What is download VidMate App?
    Is a free app, which is downloadable from Google Play Store, that allows user to watch as well as loading content from various video-sharing sites.

  • Why is App not working?
    If app is not working, it is possible that application is blocked by device's settings. In this case, disable restrictions and try to access app again.


If you're looking for an android app that will let you download videos, then VidMate Windows is application for you. Is an application that will let you download films from different websites like YouTube, Facebook, others. Process is simple and application is fairly intuitive. There are some things that can be done to make application better for users, but it does job well. Software product VidMate computer is a free open-source audio player. It is designed to playback audio on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS. It supports a wide range of formats including mp4, 3gp, m4a, mp3, wma, more. Is a film and audio player with an easy-to-use interface, wide range of formats.


  • High Definition Videos;
  • Fast Downloads;
  • No Sign-Up Required;
  • Intuitive and easy to use;
  • Wide selection of content;
  • Can download videos for offline viewing.


  • No Chromecast Support;
  • Free version is ad-supported;
  • Easily attracts malware.

The Latest Version

These links follow a webpage, where you will find links to official sources of VidMate App. If you are a Windows PC user, then just click the button below and go to the page with official get links. Please note that this app may ask for additional in-app or other purchases and permissions when installed.
Install App