Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom | Jurassic Park Wiki | Fandom
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"Life finds a way."

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a 2018 science fiction action adventure film, directed by J. A. Bayona, written by Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly, along with executive producer Steven Spielberg.

The sequel to 2015's Jurassic World, and the second installment of the Jurassic World Trilogy. The film stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard and B. D. Wong, reprising their roles from previous entries to the series along with Daniella Pineda, Justice Smith, Rafe Spall, Ted Levine, Toby Jones, James Cromwell, Geraldine Chaplin, and Jeff Goldblum who returns to the franchise for the first time since 1997's The Lost World: Jurassic Park.

Set three years after the events of Jurassic World, Mount Sibo, a dormant volcano, has become active on Isla Nublar, and threatens to destroy the island's population of dinosaurs. With the eruption imminent, the park's former operations manager Claire Dearing, now the founder and leader of the Dinosaur Protection Group, recruits Owen Grady in an effort to rescue the island's dinosaurs and evacuate them to safety.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was released in the United Kingdom on June 7, 2018 and later in the United States on June 22, 2018. Fallen Kingdom was followed by a sequel, Jurassic World: Dominion, which was released on June 10, 2022.


"A rescue op to save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode. What could go wrong?"
Owen Grady, sarcastically.(src)

Six months after the demise of the Jurassic World theme park on Isla Nublar, a group of mercenaries are sent to Isla Nublar to recover the bones of the Indominus rex from the Jurassic World lagoon for the creation of a new genetically modified hybrid: the Indoraptor.[1] An underwater submersible is sent down and retrieves a rib bone, and sends it up on a buoy before it is attacked by the Mosasaurus. The people on land who opened the gate to the lagoon lose contact with the submarine pilots. The gate starts to close and a Dilophosaurus can be heard running away in the jungle. The trees nearby shake and Jurassic World's veteran Tyrannosaurus rex attacks the group. Jack is left on the ground and their helicopter lets down a rope ladder. They escape the Tyrannosaurus, but Jack is then swallowed by the Mosasaurus after it jumps into the air and it escapes from its enclosure.

In 2018, Claire Dearing, the former park manager, has now founded the Dinosaur Protection Group, an organization dedicated to saving and protecting the dinosaurs. After the government refuses to fund a rescue operation to save the dinosaurs (as advised by Ian Malcolm), Claire is summoned to the estate of Sir Benjamin Lockwood, an old business partner of John Hammond, who agrees to fund the rescue mission and bring the dinosaurs to a new sanctuary island where they will be left to live on their own, safe from human interference. Lockwood's assistant, Eli Mills, asks Claire to recruit Owen Grady, a former raptor trainer who worked at the park, to find and capture Blue, the last surviving Velociraptor. Claire goes to recruit Owen who initially is reluctant and skeptical over saving the dinosaurs at all. However when he later rewatches old videos of Blue as a baby, Owen decides to join Claire's team.

At Lockwood Manor, Maisie Lockwood, Sir Benjamin's young granddaughter, teases housekeeper Iris with a jump scare in the Museum Parlor. After Iris berates Maisie for her sense of humor, Maisie goes to speak with her grandfather. Lockwood mentions how much Maisie is like her mother which leads Maisie to ask if she "looks like her" which troubles Iris. Lockwood, however, tells her that she does and also tells his granddaughter that her mother once visited Jurassic Park "a long time ago" and that she too - like the Dinosaur Protection Group - would've tried to save the dinosaurs.

Claire and Owen then set off on a charter plane with Zia Rodriguez, a paleo-veterinarian, and Franklin Webb, an IT expert, both from the Dinosaur Protection Group. Once their plane lands, the group is surprised to find a large base camp has already been set up, and they are met by Ken Wheatley, a big game and trophy hunter serving as the "expedition facilitator". They all set off along with a group of mercenaries to reactivate an abandoned radio communications tower that they will use to find the dinosaurs via their RFID chip implants. Along the way while passing through the Jurassic World main street, they encounter a Brachiosaurus, the first dinosaur Zia has seen in real life.

Owen, Zia, Wheatley and some of the mercenaries go to find Blue. Owen suggests that he set out on his own to find Blue, and the others stay behind at the truck. When Owen comes upon the fallen Explorer 04 near the old Tyrannosaur Paddock of the old Jurassic Park, Blue jumps out and Owen tries to bond with her before she is tranquilized by Wheatley and his mercenaries. Angry, Blue tackles a mercenary and kills him but not before drawing his sidearm and shooting her, much to Wheatley's and Owen's dismay. Owen tries to attack Wheatley but Wheatley tranquilizes him and threatens to shoot Zia. Zia says that she is the only one who can keep Blue alive and Wheatley has his men put their weapons down.

Mt. Sibo erupts, causing the mercenaries protecting Claire and Franklin to panic and drive off, locking them inside the old communications center. A Baryonyx surprises them by crawling through an old tunnel, but is temporarily held at bay by falling lava. Franklin and Claire narrowly escape through an emergency ladder and lock the Baryonyx inside the communications center. Owen awakes from his unconsciousness, but is still mostly immobile. He is surprised by a Sinoceratops, which plays with him for a little while before getting scared off and running away from the approaching lava which crawls toward Owen but he manages to (barely) escape just before he is engulfed by the lava. He runs into Claire and Franklin and yells at them repeatedly to "Run", the three elude the lava and falling debris and magma bombs, while avoiding getting trampled by the stampeding dinosaurs.

Franklin and Claire both hide inside a Gyrosphere, when a Carnotaurus appears and fights a Sinoceratops, before being pinned down and killed by the T. rex who also makes a run for it. Franklin, Claire, and Owen make a run from the burning ash, Owen is slowed down a bit by the ash, but Claire and Franklin fall off the edge with several other dinosaurs. The magma bombs break the Gyrosphere, and Claire and Franklin almost drown, but are able to survive when Owen opens one of the doors using his survival knife. Crawling up on the beach, they see several of the dinosaurs, such as the Baryonyx and T. rex all being captured, The mercenaries on the ship called the Arcadia begin caging all of the captured dinosaurs, Wheatley takes a pair of pliers and yanks a tooth out of a tranquilized Stegosaurus, Owen, Claire, and Franklin also see Blue being tended to by Zia who has been captured, then the three use a truck to drive on the ship, which is leaving the island, they only barely make it, and watch the island burn up in the background. A trapped Brachiosaurus calls out to the departing ship before being engulfed by the ash and perishing.

Eli is disappointed by the lack of progress and meets with Gunnar Eversol, an auctioneer who he hopes will help sell the dinosaurs in a grand auction. Maisie overhears their conversation and learns of their plan. Eli takes Gunnar to a lab, where he reveals that they are creating a new dinosaur, called the Indoraptor, and potentially other improvements in its wake for the sake of military interests and warfare. The current specimen being a prototype, and their plan to use it for militaristic purposes (and act upon Vic Hoskins' original plans for the Indominus Rex). Maisie attempts to tell Sir Benjamin, but he seemingly believes she misheard them and sends her off to bed.

Owen, Claire, and Franklin find Zia and Blue as Zia is trying to stop Blue from hemorrhaging. Owen tells Zia that the mercenaries are animal traffickers planning to sell all of the dinosaurs which prompts Zia to mention that Blue won't be sold since she believes she's wanted for a different purpose. Zia further tells them that before she can treat Blue's gunshot wound, she needs a ready blood transfusion for Blue just in case. Unfortunately (much to Claire's chagrin), the only blood match on the ship would belong to a tranquilized T. rex on board and inside one of the transport trucks, and so Zia sends both Owen and Claire to retrieve some of the live dinosaur's blood. They find the Tyrannosaur and successfully get her blood but are locked in by some of the guards as the T. rex wakes up. As the agitated animal begins to freak out and thrash violently, Claire escapes through the top and opens the main doors of the cage; Owen narrowly escapes the T. rex’s snapping jaws before she can bite him in half. Zia then operates on Blue and successfully gets the bullet out of her wound.

While Blue's operation occurs on the Arcadia, Maisie, having observed Mills entering the passcode for the mansion's elevator the previous day, secretly enters the laboratory and watches several clips of Owen training the Velociraptors on Isla Nublar. Her exploration is interrupted by Mills and Dr. Henry Wu; the latter is extremely stressed about Blue's condition. Maisie, in an attempt to escape the two men, backs into a corridor and encounters the caged Indoraptor, who reaches out and gently strokes her hair from behind. Maisie screams, alerting the attention of Mills, who angrily escorts her upstairs and locks her in her bedroom. Mills orders Iris to keep Maisie in her room but Iris then tells Mills Sir Benjamin needs to speak to him. Privately, Lockwood confronts Mills about the latter's true intention of selling the dinosaurs in an auction, angered that Mills has crossed him and used his own mansion as the auction's venue. Ordered by Lockwood to call the police himself, Mills instead murders Lockwood by smothering him with a pillow.

The DPG awaken aboard the Arcadia the ship docks in Northern California. Owen, Claire, and Franklin try to sneak off the ship but Franklin is caught and mistaken for one of the deck crew. Zia helps cover for Franklin by saying she needed his help and Franklin is taken along with the rest of the crew to load out the dinosaurs. Claire and Owen sneak onto an empty transport truck and drive off with the entire convoy en route to Lockwood Manor. However the two are recognized by a mercenary who warns Wheatley and captures the two before they can drive off to warn the authorities.

Mills and Wheatley have Owen and Claire imprisoned in the subbasement animal pens with the dinosaurs and Mills calls the two out on their past sins & actions which contributed to dinosaurs being exploited and harmed. Owen nearly breaks Mills' arm before Claire pulls Mills forward to hit his head on the cage bars. Bidders soon arrive for the auction and Maisie escapes her room from the outside rooftops to get to Sir Benjamin's room to warn him. However she finds Sir Benjamin dead and flees down the dumbwaiter chute to avoid being caught by Mills again.

The auction begins to take place with Eversol speaking to customers of various national backgrounds. Several species from Isla Nublar are presented and bought by guests at the auction and some being driven off to places far away. As the auction occurs, Owen manages to trick a juvenile Stygimoloch into breaking down the concrete wall of the pen with its dome head before further tricking it into breaking the cell door. As Owen and Claire get out they run into Maisie whom Claire remembers from her meeting with Lockwood. Maisie also recognizes Owen from the videos on Wu's computer. In her grief at losing her grandfather, Maisie sobs in Owen's arms and Claire and Owen decide to take Maisie along with them in order to get out of the Manor and shutdown Mills' plans.

Finally the last animal of the auction is presented in full view: The Indoraptor. Owen, Claire, and Maisie (through the maintenance vents) witness the Indoraptor's reveal and Maisie tells Claire that it was created by Wu. Amazed by the creature's ability to lock onto a specific target (courtesy of a laser and an acoustic signal on a gun), the attendees begin to bid on the Indoraptor despite Eversol stating he is not for sale. Eversol is then coaxed by Mills to accept bids, much to Wu's disdain as the prototype Indoraptor lacks Blue's genome - and thus can neither empathize nor follow more specific orders (as well as if it is sold, the data in its DNA could be remade by another party). Understanding that the Indoraptor is far too dangerous to be sold, Owen disrupts the auction's proceedings with the aid of the Stygimoloch and wreaks havoc among the spectators. Mills flees and orders his men to get the Indoraptor out of Lockwood Manor. Owen bests several mercenaries in hand-to-hand combat, then reverses a switch which prevents the Indoraptor's cage from exiting the auction room.

Immediately after everyone flees the auction, Wheatley enters the deserted auction room and notices the Indoraptor. Having never seen the creature before and wanting one of its teeth for his necklace, Wheatley shoots the Indoraptor with two tranquilizer darts and enters the cage after the Indoraptor appears to be sedated. In reality, the Indoraptor is unaffected by the tranquilizer darts; he smiles and distracts Wheatley by waving his tail in the air before severing Wheatley's right arm and devouring him.

His death is witnessed by Eversol who makes a dash for the elevator (without being spotted by the hybrid), where all the other executives were hiding, but pushes a woman out of the way so he can access the code to close the elevator, causing her to scream at the sight of the Indoraptor, who rushes at the still open elevator but the doors successfully close before the Indoraptor can reach them; however, the hybrid (either with intent or by chance) uses its tail to cut off the power supply to the auction room, which automatically reopens the elevator door. The Indoraptor then proceeds to maul Eversol and the other executives to death.

Owen reunites with Claire and Maisie and the three encounter Mills and two security guards in the mansion's basement. Mills argues with Claire and Owen, the latter two believing they can still stop Mills to which Mills says they cannot undo the changes to the world that started with Hammond and Lockwood first creating dinosaurs. After unsuccessfully trying to coax Maisie to come with him, Mills reveals to Owen, Claire, and Maisie that she is actually a clone of Lockwood's beloved daughter who had perished in a car accident many years prior. He used the technology that cloned extinct dinosaurs to clone his daughter (and had it in the subbasement of Lockwood Manor). As Owen, Claire and Maisie process this revelation, the Indoraptor suddenly appears and kills the two security guards, prompting the others to flee.

Meanwhile, Franklin - now disguised as a laboratory assistant - manages to find Zia who is handcuffed to Blue's cage. Wu has begun evacuating the lab to secure all the genome data and still needs Blue's blood. He orders Zia to get Blue's blood for him to which Zia reveals to Wu that she had given Blue a transfusion of T. rex blood, thus making her now "impure" in Wu's eyes. Franklin then injects 20 cc's of Carfentanil into Wu's neck, incapacitating him, before freeing Zia. the two try to flee but are cornered by two mercenaries. This leads Zia to unleash Blue who acknowledges the two for saving her before attacking the mercenaries. As Zia and Franklin flee to safety, Blue kills the two gunmen and escapes the laboratory before a massive explosion occurs - the brief battle had caused damage to several tanks of hydrogen gas within the laboratory.

Owen, Claire and Maisie take refuge on the main floor of Lockwood's mansion, in the skeleton and replica display room. They notice a human corpse on the ground near a Agujaceratops skull; as they approach it, the Indoraptor reveals himself and pulls the corpse farther behind the skull. The three protagonists take refuge against one of the walls of the skull's casing, but the Indoraptor successfully locates their vantage point by tracking their scent and climbing on top of the Agujaceratops skull. The Indoraptor chases Owen, Claire and Maisie up a spiraling staircase before the three escape into a power supply room, where Owen turns off the entire mansion's power.

Zia and Franklin discover a hydrogen cyanide leak near the laboratory, which will kill all of the dinosaurs if it spreads to the encaging area. Franklin resets the control system in order to restore power to the mansion. At this time, Owen, Claire and Maisie are hiding behind a diorama of a Velociraptor and Dilophosaurus engaged in battle near a glass wall. Maisie soon realizes that she is staring into the face of the Indoraptor through the glass wall and shrieks in terror; the Indoraptor breaks the wall and pursues the group once again, injuring Claire's leg with his toe claw in the process. The Indoraptor chases Maisie up another staircase and down a hallway until Maisie escapes up to her bedroom, where she takes refuge in her bed.

Owen is urged to take care of Maisie by the injured Claire; the two share a passionate kiss before Owen leaves to search for Maisie. The Indoraptor, who by this point has ascended to the mansion's roof, lets out a demonic screech and descends the building until he reaches the windows leading to Maisie's room. Hanging upside down, the Indoraptor opens one of the windows and enters Maisie's room, slowly approaching her bed as she begins to shiver and cry. Just before the villainous hybrid attacks, Owen enters Maisie's bedroom and shoots the Indoraptor multiple times with live ammunition. The Indoraptor is unaffected, and stands back up to face Owen. Blue enters Maisie's bedroom and confronts the Indoraptor; the two begin a vicious fight as Owen and Maisie escape the bedroom.

The Indoraptor fends off Blue and traps Owen and Maisie on the glass roof of the display room. Just before the Indoraptor pounces, Claire appears and coaxes him into attacking Owen with the laser and acoustic signal on the same gun used in the auction demonstration. The Indoraptor charges towards Owen and falls through the glass roof; however, he manages to grab ahold of a rafter connecting the glass panes together and pulls himself back atop the roof. Blue suddenly appears and jumps onto the Indoraptor, causing both to fall down into the display room. The Indoraptor falls directly onto the horns of the Agujaceratops skull, which impales and kills him, while Blue lands on top of the hybrid's corpse and escapes. Franklin and Zia enter and reunite with Owen, Claire and Maisie, and the five protagonists escape the battleground.

However, a new issue looms; the dinosaurs are trapped in a room that is flooded by noxious hydrogen cyanide. Claire releases all of the dinosaurs’ cages one by one. Claire puts her hand on the red button that would release all of them from the entire building, but Owen discourages Claire to do so, thus making Claire resist because she does not want the dinosaurs to destroy the world. However, Maisie pushes the button anyway, releasing the captive dinosaurs, allowing them to escape to the mainland, exclaiming, "They're alive, like me."

As Mills is about to put the Indominus rex fragment into the car, a stampede sound can be heard. As one of the men goes to investigate, a Pteranodon snatches and drops him onto Mills’ car, killing him. The now free dinosaurs begin to stampede out of the mansion, trampling another guard to death. Mills immediately takes refuge under the car, which is quickly trampled and destroyed in the stampede. As Mills gets up from underneath his wrecked car and tries to pick up the I. rex fragment, the T. rex suddenly appears and snatches him in her jaws, brutally shredding him before tearing him in half with a Carnotaurus, and ultimately devouring Mills, the T. rex then knocks over the Carnotaurus with her head scaring it off in the process. The T. rex triumphantly roars and walks away, destroying the I. rex fragment in the process and ensuring that no carnivorous hybrid can ever wreak havoc upon the world again.

Owen, Claire, Franklin, Zia, and Maisie all exit through the entrance of the Lockwood Manor, where Blue reunites with Owen. She does not attack the group and Blue and Owen connect briefly with Owen tearfully accepting his bond with the raptor and that he cares deeply for the animal. Owen instructs for Blue to accompany him and promises he will keep her safe from now on, however, Blue denies him when sensing his meaning as being back in an enclosure. She departs into the California wilderness as Owen and Maisie look on.

Flashing back to the Senate Hearing from the beginning of the film, Ian Malcolm sums up his thoughts and arguments as the world is shown changed. At an unknown beach, the Mosasaurus attacks surfers in a wave; the old Tyrannosaurus breaks into a zoo and roars at a captive lion that roars right back at her; Owen, Claire and Maisie are seen driving down the highway to an unknown destination as three Pteranodons fly past them along the coast; and Blue is shown running and jumping onto a cliff overlooking a suburban neighborhood below, signifying that dinosaurs and humans must now co-exist with one another, and calls out four times, into the sunset. Ian Malcolm closes out his argument with a final statement: "Welcome to Jurassic World".

In a post-credits scene, the three Pteranodons fly around and ultimately settle down on the Eiffel Tower replica in Las Vegas.


For a complete list, see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom/Cast and crew.

  • Chris Pratt as Owen Grady, An American Navy veteran and the former Velociraptor trainer of Jurassic World.
  • Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing, The former park operation manager at Jurassic World, now the leader of the Dinosaur Protection group.
  • Isabella Sermon as Maisie Lockwood, a nine or ten year old girl and the cloned granddaughter of Sir Benjamin Lockwood.
  • B.D. Wong as Dr. Henry Wu, The former head geneticist of both Jurassic World and the original Jurassic Park and the creator of the dinosaur hybrids the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor.
  • Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm, An expert in chaos theory who once consulted for InGen's Jurassic Park and was involved in an expedition to Isla Sorna and the subsequent San Diego Incident of 1997.
  • James Cromwell as Sir Benjamin Lockwood, Maisie's grandfather and John Hammond's former partner in the Jurassic Park project. He used the technology to clone dinosaurs to bring back his deceased daughter and raised the child as his granddaughter, a secret which he guards. He is murdered by Mills when he finds out about Mill's plan to auction off the dinosaurs.
  • Justice Smith as Franklin Webb, a former IT technician for Jurassic World who is now the Dinosaur Protection Group's systems analyst and hacker. He is a nervous civilian but skilled in his abilities at computer programing & technology.
  • Daniella Pineda as Zia Rodriguez, a former US Marine who is now the Dinosaur Protection Group's Paleo veterinarian. She cares deeply for the dinosaurs and is instrumental in saving Blue.
  • Rafe Spall as Eli Mills, a businessman and right hand man of Sir Benjamin Lockwood entrusted with protecting his vast fortune and who seeks to profit off of the dinosaurs. He is killed by both by the old T. rex and a Carnotaurus.
  • Toby Jones as Gunnar Eversol, a black market businessman and auctioneer hired by Mills to host the Lockwood Manor auction of the dinosaurs. He is killed by the Indoraptor.
  • Ted Levine as Ken Wheatley, A "Great White Hunter" who is the leader of the hunters / mercenaries sent to Nublar to capture the dinosaurs. Wheatley also collects the teeth of his quarry as mementos. He is killed by the Indoraptor.
  • Geraldine Chaplin as Iris Carroll, the longtime Housekeeper and employee of Sir Benjamin Lockwood. She helped raise Maisie Lockwood as well as her mother and keeps Sir Benjamin's secrets.
  • Peter Jason as American Senator Sherwood.

BBC Journalist and reporter Philippa Thomas appears as herself at the start of the film in a BBC News broadcast covering the main conflict of the film. Actors Sam Redford portrays the Helicopter pilot and Eric Kofi-Abrera, Ben Peel, and Mark Griffin appear as the mercenaries in the Helicopter at the beginning of the film. Kevine Layne portrays the submarine pilot. Robert Emms portrays the Tech mercenary named "Jack" in the script who is attacked by Rexy and then eaten by the Mosasaurus.

List of Prehistoric Creatures in the Film[]

Physically Appeared[]

Referenced Only[]


Release & Reception[]

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom had its world premiere on May 21, 2018 at the Wiznik Center in Madrid, Spain, the home country of J. A. Bayona. It would be released in cinemas in Singapore and Malaysia on June 7, 2018 and later in the United Kingdom, India, Italy, South Korea, and Angola on June 8, 2018. The film would finally be released in the United States on June 22, 2018. The release of Fallen Kingdom coincided with the 25th Anniversary of the release of Jurassic Park. This was celebrated with other pieces of media released to coincide with Fallen Kingdom such as the video game Jurassic World Evolution, the young adult novel The Evolution of Claire, and a 25th Anniversary Promotional event at Universal Studios.

Overall reception of the film was mixed from critics and audiences - although there was a stronger positive reception general audiences overall. Many in the Jurassic fanbase had opinions ranging from extremely positive to negative. In spite of the mixed reception, Fallen Kingdom grossed more than 1 billion at the box office, the 36th film in history to do so and was one of the highest grossing films of 2018 alongside Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Incredibles 2, and Aquaman. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is one of the highest grossing films of all time alongside predecessors Jurassic Park and Jurassic World.

Home Media:[]

Fallen Kingdom first received a digital release on September 4, 2018. A physical release on the Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray 3D, DVD, and 4K formats was released later on September 18, 2018. Several special cases for Fallen Kingdom were released at different stores. Best Buy had a limited edition Steelbook Blu-Ray and 4K release. Target also had a special variant cover case of the blu-ray and 4K copy which came with additional bonus features and an artbook. Several stores released copies of the entire Jurassic Park films in one set with Fallen Kingdom.

News and rumours[]

Universal producers have in the past expressed their wish to create more films after the fourth Jurassic Park film.

Before Jurassic World[]

In November 2009, Joe Johnston was interviewed by Ain't It Cool News.[2] At one point, he expressed his vision of the new Jurassic Park movies: "it would take it off in a whole other trilogy basically".

In January 2010, Joe Johnston was interviewed by the Box Office Magazine. He again talked about post-JW Jurassic Park movies: "Well, there is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. It breaks away from the first three - it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy".[3]

Jurassic World[]

The production of the fourth Jurassic Park film, Jurassic World, started in April 2014. Its director, Colin Trevorrow, was interviewed by Empire Magazine.[4] During the interview, Trevorrow already hinted at more sequels: "We definitely talked about [sequels] a lot. We wanted to create something that would be a little bit less arbitrary and episodic, and something that could potentially arc into a series that would feel like a complete story."

Trevorrow said that he would be keen to direct them - “if they’ll have me”. He also hinted that the actors Chris Pratt and Omar Sy could reappear in Jurassic Park V and VI.

IGN wrote, on May 15, that Legendary Pictures producer Thomas Tull told them that "The ideas and script that they came up with, and story, are spectacular, so we may spend more than one piece in there.”[5]

In an interview with Empire Magazine, Colin Trevorrow confirmed that a sequel to Jurassic World was already in early stages of development.[6][7]

On May 29, 2015, at the Jurassic World premiere in France Colin Trevorrow revealed that he will not be directing Jurassic Park V.[8]

In an interview with RadioTimes, Trevorrow discussed his idea for the upcoming film. He said, "I really like the idea that this group of geneticists aren’t the only people who can make a dinosaur. [...] You know, when you think of the differences between Apple and PC – the minute something goes open-source, there are all kinds of entities and interests that may be able to utilize that technology." He explained that it would be like the relationship that humans have today with other animals, such as how some animals are "kept in zoos, like Jurassic Park, but they are also used in agriculture, and medicine and in war."[9]

On June 13, 2015, a day after the release of Jurassic World, Chris Pratt confirmed in a discussion with Entertainment Weekly that he had signed on to do an unspecified number of sequels to Jurassic World.[10]

On June 22, 2015, the Twitter account for Jurassic World tweeted an image revealing the release date of the sequel as June 22, 2018.[11] Furthermore, it was revealed that Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard would be returning for the film as well as Colin Trevorrow who will co-write the script with Derek Connolly.[12]

On July 24, 2015, Colin Trevorrow revealed in an interview with WIRED that the film would not reuse the plot of people becoming lost on an island with free roaming dinosaurs and escaping like in the previous films The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III stating "That’ll get old real fast." and that "this isn’t always going to be limited to theme parks". He further said that he would like to explore the concept of cloning dinosaurs being open source like he had mentioned in his interview with RadioTimes.[13]

Colin Trevorrow in an interview with JurassicCast revealed several details about Jurassic World's sequel and confirmed that there will be a trilogy. He mentioned that the second film in this new trilogy is based on Alan Grant's quote in Jurassic Park in the "Cretaceous Cafe" scene: Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution, have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?" Over the course of the trilogy, Claire's character would evolve the most, mirroring the changing world and that Owen "has stuff to deal with". The events of Jurassic World has opened a "pandora's box" with both Claire and Owen holding responsibility for some elements of the incident.[14]

Colin Trevorrow informally confirms future films featuring animatronics, via Twitter after fan speculates about possibility of no animatronics. [15]

After much speculation, it was announced that J.A. Bayona would direct the sequel.[16] Before he was confirmed as director, it had previously been reported that Universal was interested in having Bayona be the director of the Jurassic World sequel,[17] and Mike Fleming Jr of Deadline had reported after Bayona dropped out of World War Z II that he began hearing Bayona's name again as the potential director of the sequel.[18]

On April 21, 2016, The Knowledge confirmed that the sequel will be filmed in the United Kingdom.[19]

At the 2016 Licensing International Expo held in Las Vegas, Nevada, a promotional poster was revealed.[20]

On the preview for Production Weekly's July 21, 2016 issue, it was revealed that a working title for the film is "Ancient Futures".[21]

On July 21, 2016, the day the Production Weekly issue was released, fansite Jurassic Outpost reported that in conjunction with Reel News Hawaii that they had exclusively learned and confirmed that the sequel will start filming on February 27, 2017 in Hawaii where the first film, Jurassic Park III, and Jurassic World were filmed.[22][

That same day, producer Frank Marshall made comments about the film's current state to Colider. He said that the film was in “full-boar pre-production” with storyboards currently being created for the film and that shooting for the film will begin in early spring of 2017. He added that there have numerous meetings discussing the film and that the filmmakers have a template for the movie. Furthermore, Marshall said that director J.A. Bayona has been adding his ideas into the script. According to Marshall, despite the ideas that Bayona has contributed to the film's story at the moment, it is “pretty much the original story they [Trevorrow and Connolly] came up with.” He concluded his comments saying, “I think we're just having to look and see how we can involve the characters in the story with whatever dinosaurs we have in the action sequences. It's a challenge, but it's a healthy challenge.”[23]

On July 29, 2016, Frank Marshall confirmed in another interview with Colider that the sequel will film in Hawaii.[24]

Pacific Business News reports in August 2016 that scouts for filming in Hawaii will arrive in November 2016.[25]

IGN reports in September 2016 that the film will be more "suspenseful and scary" when compared to its predecessor, and that it would not feature militarized dinosaurs (a plot point set up in the previous film).[26]

IGN reported in October 2016 that the film's plot was to be thematically linked to the treatment of animals.[27]

On October 28, 2016, Jake Johnson answers a fan question on Twitter regarding his character, Lowery Cruthers, returning for the sequel saying, "From what I hear Lowery will not be in JW2."[28]

Variety reports on November 7, 2016 that actors Toby Jones and Rafe Spall are in talks to join the sequel.[29]

A leak revealed that the film will center on Blue, Owen's last surviving raptor from the previous film, as Owen attempts to stop Blue from being used for violent purposes.[30][31]

On June 22, 2017, the first poster for the film was released, exposing the new title to be Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

On July 7, 2017, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard were seen swimming towards the beach during filming of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.[32]

On November 22, 2017, the first footage has been released that shows Owen petting a baby Velociraptor.[33]

On December 7, 2017, the first Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailer was released worldwide.


American toy company Mattel acquired the liscence to make toys and actiion figures based on the Jurassic World and Jurassic Park film series. The releases began in 2018 to coincide with the release of Fallen Kingdom. The success of the sale of Jurassic World Mattel Toy Lines has led to the consistent release of Jurassic World Toys for every year since 2018.

Clothing with the Jurassic World Logo and the logo of the Dinosaur Protection Group was released in stores such as Hot Topic, Wal-Mart, Target, and other fandom specialty stores as well as Jurassic Park at Universal Studios. This apparel was also made available online.

The Lego Company's licence with Jurassic World continued with the release of several Lego sets made for Fallen Kingdom in 2018 based on scenes from the movie. More sets released later in the year featured Fallen Kingdom designs of characters for the Lego Jurassic World animated specials The Secret Exhibit and The Legend of Isla Nublar.


Jurassic Park Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.




  • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the first Jurassic Park film to actually feature its entire logo (not just stylized text) at the beginning of its film as the title sequence.
  • This film is also the first in the franchise to feature a Post-Credits scene.
  • The film has several allusions, references, and call backs to previous entries in the Jurassic Park film series:
    • Jurassic Park:
      • The overall appearance and role of character Sir Benjamin Lockwood is similar to and inspired by John Hammond in the original film. Lockwood even is in possession of a cane with a mosquito trapped in amber atop of it.
      • One of the stuffed dinosaurs on display in Lockwood's Museum Parlor is a Dilophosaurus with frills - that looks a lot like the Dilophosaurus from the original park.
      • Sir Benjamin is also in possession of a miniature diorama of Jurassic Park's gates on a diorama of Isla Nublar (seen in the final film and in behind the scenes features with Maisie playing with toy dinosaurs atop of it).
      • The Brachiosaurus met in the Main Street scene and who later dies in the eruption is stated by director Bayona to be the same specific animal met by the main characters of Jurassic Park in that movie.[34]
      • Owen, Zia, and Wheatley track down Blue near the jeep that was knocked over a cliff into the original Tyrannosaur Paddock.
      • The Indoraptor taps its raptor sickle claw on the ground to detect his prey, similar to The Big One as it hunted Lex and Tim.
      • Maisie dropping down the door of the dumbwaiter for the Indoraptor to hit his face is similar to Lex dropping down a cabinet door to trick a Velociraptor.
      • When Rexy roars after killing Eli, her roar stance directly references her roar after killing the Velociraptors at the end of this film.
      • When Rexy enters the Lion enclosure, the sound effect heard as she breaks through the fencing is the exact same as the scene where she got out of her fencing in the original film.
    • The Lost World: Jurassic Park:
      • Isla Sorna and Site B are specifically mentioned by Eli Mills in conversation with Claire Dearing.
      • Lockwood paraphrases Hammond's speech at the end of The Lost World. He also describes his sanctuary as having "no fences" similar to Isla Sorna's function.
      • One of the stuffed dinosaurs seen in Lockwood's Museum Parlor is a Velociraptor that has the same "tiger striped" color pattern as the Velociraptors that appear on Isla Sorna.
      • Claire Dearing's appearance is visually similar to Sarah Harding, the female lead of The Lost World. Both women are also redheads who are seeking to protect dinosaurs.
      • The overall role of Eli Mills - a corrupt businessman seeking to exploit dinosaurs for money - parallels that of Peter Ludlow who was also connected to an InGen founder (Ludlow to Hammond and Mills to Lockwood) that he usurped for power.
      • The overall narrative of trying to save dinosaurs from exploitation - and two rival groups the DPG and Hunters - is very similar to the plot of The Lost World and the conflict between that film's Gatherers and the Hunters.
      • The scene of the DPG operating on Blue is visually similar to the operation scene of the Baby T. rex in The Lost World
      • The Indoraptor's death by being pushed down into falling on a sharp object is similar to Kelly Malcolm's kill of a Velociraptor.
      • Mills' death - being killed and ripped in half by a T. rex and a Carnotaurus - is visually similar to the death of Eddie Carr.
      • The climaxes of both Fallen Kingdom and The Lost World are both set in the U.S. State of California and feature dinosaurs being brought to the mainland.
    • Jurassic Park III:
      • The bar scene in which Claire tries to convince Owen to come wiith her to Nublar is similar to a bar scene where the Kirby's try to get Grant to go with them to Sorna. In the first official trailer, a song played at the beginning over this scene that was similar to a country song that played in JP3's bar scene - both viewed as out of place in the Jurassic Franchise.
    • Jurassic World:
      • The main antagonist, the Indoraptor, is created from a rib-bone of the Indominus rex, the previous antagonist of Jurassic World. The idea of an Indoraptor was also alluded to by Vic Hoskins when confronted by Owen and Claire in that movie.
      • A faded advertisement for the gyrosphere rides at Jurassic World can be seen on the side of the building where the Dinosaur Protection Group is based.
      • Main Street is revisted by the characters en route to a Power Station. The Gift shop specifically (that Claire, Owen, Zach, and Gray ran through during Rexy, Blue and the Indominus' fight) is also seen.
      • Claire and Franklin become trapped in an abandoned Gyrosphere which was the prominent attraction featured in Jurassic World.
      • Blue stands on the upside Explorer 04 this is a reference to the posters of the earlier Jurassic World.
      • Blue’s final scene of standing on a cliff with a suburban setting below and calling out in the sunset is similarly framed to Rexy roaring out at Jurassic World at the end of that film.
  • There are also several allusions to the original novels by Michael Crichton. Director J. A. Bayona read the novels and deliberately included and followed up upon themes and ideas from the novels not included in the film series yet.
    • Ian Malcolm's line, "Change is like death. You don't know what it looks like until you're standing at the gates" is a paraphrase of his novel dialogue: "All major changes are like death, you can't see the other side until you are there."
    • The Destruction of Isla Nublar by Mt. Sibo is a reference to Nublar's destruction in the novel. However, the novel Nublar's destruction is at the hands of the (fictional) Costa Rican Military in a napalm bombing rather than a natural disaster.
    • The character of Sir Benjamin Lockwood, a colleague of Hammond who helped create InGen and the technology to clone the dinosaurs, bears a lot of similarities to the novel exclusive character Norman Atherton who was the mentor of Henry Wu and who died before the start of the novel.
    • Dinosaurs escaping into the wild on the mainland is a reference to dinosaurs escaping from Isla Nublar however through the circumstance of sneaking aboard shipping boats and into the Costa Rican wilderness rather than (further) North American wilderness.
  • There are several references made to the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, another Amblin film directed by Steven Spielberg:
    • The scene where the Brachiosaurus is seen through the fire in the pyroclastic flow as she dies is modeled after a scene where E.T.'s heart glows.
    • One of the many toys Maisie owns is a plush of E.T. that can be seen in her room (and especially during Blue and the Indoraptor's fight).
    • The American neighborhood that appears at the very end of the film being looked upon by Blue is the same neighborhood where E.T. was filmed.
  • This is the first and only Jurassic Park film to be produced in a 2.39:1 widescreen aspect ratio; the first three films were produced in 1.85:1, while the previous and next films are produced in 2.00:1 (with the latter also being in the open matte ratio of 1.90:1).
  • This is the second Jurassic Park sequel to be composed by the same composer as a previous film after The Lost World: Jurassic Park; John Williams composed the first two films, while Michael Giacchino composed both Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
  • This is the first film to in which only one Velociraptor is present during the events of the film.
  • This is the first film in the franchise to feature direct homicide.
  • This is the third film in which a dinosaur was not killed by a human. The prior two being Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III.
  • This is the first film to show an accurate Velociraptor mongoliensis, though as a skeleton only, for the first time in the franchise.
  • Trevorrow revealed on Twitter that the opening sequence with the submersible takes place 6 months after Jurassic World is shut down.[35] The rest of the film takes place 3 years after the 2015 incident.
  • Trevorrow also revealed on Twitter that some dinosaurs were saved off screen, as shown the Pachyrhinosaurus was saved, meaning other dinosaurs were saved.
  • Originally the fifth film was supposed to be 2 hours and 40 minutes long but has dropped to 2 hours and 8-10 minutes.
  • As of the third season of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, Darius, Brooklynn, and Yasmina witness Jack running away from the T-Rex and got eaten by the Mosasaurus from afar.
  • The Mosasaurus attacking the surfers in the waver is used in the short motion comic A Rising Tide and the Tyrannosaurus breaking into a zoo as the large carnivore and the lion roar at each other is used in the other short motion comic The Roar That Rules It All.
  • Scenes and concepts about the integration of dinosaurs into the world were removed from the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom script to be saved for the third film and to keep the second film's story focused.[36] According to Bayona, "There were moments that we thought, this is more like a Jurassic [World] 3 scene so we took them out from the script. Some of those scenes we thought were better seen in a world where dinosaurs had spread all over the world. Colin, from time to time, came to me and said, 'I want this character to say that line because this is a moment that's referencing something I want to use in Jurassic 3'."[37]
  • Although it's said on Fallen Kingdom that Sir Lockwood cloned his own daughter Charlotte to make Maisie, Dominion later revealed that Charlotte cloned herself, as she suffered from a genetic illness. To prevent Maisie from succumbing to the same illness, Charlotte healed her daughter-clone with a genetic treatment.[38]


  • Owen is able to shoot through the Gyrosphere, despite the previous film mentioning that the glass can withstand a 50 caliber bullet.
  • Maisie is able to escape her bedroom by releasing the key from the door and sliding it through the door gap with a piece of paper, however, after Eli locked her in there he can be seen putting the key in his pocket.
  • When Eli states that his men collected the Indominus rex bone, his voice sound implies the events of the film's opening was recent, with the film being set in 2018. However, in the novelization it is stated the events in the film's opening take place in 2016. Colin confirms that the prologue took place six months after Jurassic World.[35]
  • It is shown that Wheatley shoots the Indoraptor with two darts. They later disappear when he is picked up by the arm in the Indoraptor's jaws.
  • When Claire starts freeing the dinosaurs the computer screen shows cage 1 being open however it is cage 2.
  • When Claire is running on the island her shirt can be seen without any shoulder sleeves while for the rest of the film does appear with them.
  • When Owen looks up after arriving at the bunker, the mountain behind him has a monorail track. In all other shots of the valley the track is missing.

Notes and references[]

  1. https://twitter.com/colintrevorrow/status/1010786678712172544?s=19
  2. Harry claws to learn from Joe Johnston on WOLFMAN set!!! (November 6, 2009), aintitcool.com.
  3. EXCLUSIVE: 'Captain America' & 'JP4' News, boxoffice.com.
  4. Phil de Semlyen (2014). Exclusive: Jurassic World Sequels Planned Plus Colin Trevorrow on Omar Sy, Empire Online, 23 April, 2014. Link.
  5. Tilly C. (2014). Producer hints at Jurassic World sequels, Imagine Games Network, May 15, 2014.
  6. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Digital
  7. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named JurassicWorld
  8. jurassicworld.org - Colin Trevorrow not directing Jurassic World 2 (May 31, 2015) Retrieved from http://www.jurassicworld.org/?id=307#comments
  9. RadioTimes - Jurassic World sequel could see Apple vs Microsoft-style dinosaur tech race (June 3, 2015) Retrieved from http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2015-06-03/jurassic-world-sequel-could-see-apple-vs-microsoft-style-dinosaur-tech-race
  10. Entertainment Weekly - Chris Pratt is signed on for more Jurassic World movies (June 13, 2015) Retrieved from http://www.ew.com/article/2015/06/12/chris-pratt-jurassic-world-sequel
  11. Twitter - #JurassicWorld
  12. IGN - Jurassic World Sequel Coming in 2018 (July 23, 2015) Retrieved from http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/07/23/jurassic-world-sequel-coming-in-2018
  13. WIERD - Exclusive: Jurassic World 2 may be off-island, with open-source dinos (July 24, 2015) Retrieved from http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-07/24/jurassic-world-trevorrow-sequel-hints
  14. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named JWIIPodcast
  15. Twitter - Colin Trevorrow (November 7, 2015) Retrieved from https://twitter.com/colintrevorrow/status/663151170198904832 (Screenshot)
  16. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named JABayona
  17. The Hollywood Reporter - 'World War Z' Sequel Moves Forward After 'Jurassic World 2' Drama (Exclusive) (October 30, 2015) Retrieved from http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/world-war-z-sequel-moves-835739?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+THRComicCon+%28The+Hollywood+Reporter+-+Heat+Vision%29
  18. Deadline - ‘Jurassic World 2’ Director Confirmed: It’s J.A. Bayona (April 18, 2016) Retrieved from http://deadline.com/2016/04/jurassic-world-2-juan-antonio-bayona-director-1201686008/
  19. Daniels, Nia. "Jurassic World sequel to film in the UK." The Knowledge April 21, 2016. Retrieved from http://www.theknowledgeonline.com/the-knowledge-bulletin/post/2016/04/21/jurassic-world-sequel-to-film-in-the-uk
  20. Goldberg, Matt. (June 21, 2016) Promo Posters for ‘Jurassic World 2’, ‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’, ‘Assassin’s Creed’ and More. Colider.
  21. Pugh, Chris (July 19, 2016). "Exclusive: Jurassic World 2's working title is 'Ancient Futures'". Jurassic Outpost.
  22. Pugh, Chris. (July 21, 2016) Exclusive: Jurassic World 2 to Begin Production February 2017; Returning to Hawaii. Jurassic Outpost.
  23. Cabin, Chris. (July 21, 2016) ‘Jurassic World 2′ Hawaii Production Gets 2017 Start Date. Colider.
  24. Weintraub, Steve. (July 29, 2016) "‘Jason Bourne’ Producer Frank Marshall on the Sequel’s Uniqueness, ‘Sully’, ‘Jurassic World 2′ and More". Colider.
  25. Shimogawa, Duane. (August 10, 2016) "Scenes from 'Jurassic World' sequel to be filmed in Hawaii". Pacific Business News.
  27. Osborn, Alex. (October 11, 2016) "JURASSIC WORLD 2 WILL BE A 'PARABLE' FOR TREATMENT OF ANIMALS". IGN.
  28. (October 28, 2016) Jake Johnson on Twitter.
  29. Kroll, Justain. (November 7, 2016) Toby Jones and Rafe Spall in Talks to Join Sequel to ‘Jurassic World’ (EXCLUSIVE). Variety
  30. EXCLUSIVE SPOILER! Jurassic World 2 plot details LEAKED teasing that the new film will centre around Blue the Velociraptor... as military vehicles are spotted on set in Scotland
  31. Jurassic World 2: New details on the plot have leaked, Blue back!
  32. [1]
  33. http://uproxx.com/hitfix/jurassic-world-fallen-kingdom-first-footage/
  34. 18 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Secrets from JA Bayona and Colin Trevorrow (July 3, 2018)
  35. 35.0 35.1 https://twitter.com/colintrevorrow/status/1010786678712172544
  36. Sciretta, Peter (June 26, 2018). "Exclusive: Colin Trevorrow Explains the 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' Ending, Teases Where 'Jurassic World 3' Will Go". /Film.
  37. Travis, Ben; De Semlyen, Nick (July 3, 2018). " 18 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Secrets from JA Bayona and Colin Trevorrow". Empire.
  38. Jurassic World: Dominion

External Links[]

