
曾慶宏在2009年入讀中大新聞與傳播學院,與中大結下不解之緣。在學期間,他把握機會參加了放映會、電影籌款、舞台劇等不同活動,收穫無數難得的經驗和樂趣,自此開展了他的電影之旅。2017年,在數百名中大師生的共同爭取下,新傳學院首度獲得了參與 #首部劇情電影計劃 的資格,《過時.過節》更成為計劃的優勝項目之一,曾慶宏因此得到了人生中第一份片約。從製作到上映,中大在《過時.過節》裡擔任了什麼角色?導演希望藉《過時.過節》帶出什麼訊息?

電影以冬至飯局為引子,帶出家庭的故事。適逢今天是 #冬至,讓我們一起閱讀曾慶宏校友與《過時.過節》的故事:https://bit.ly/3UGhpgo


【Hong Kong Family director Eric Tsang’s inseparable bond with CUHK】
Eric Tsang began his journey with CUHK in the School of Journalism and Communication in 2009. Fascinated by CUHK’s academic freedom and the opportunities it provides, he spent three enjoyable years devoting himself to creative content creation and extra-curricular activities. Back in 2017, with the support of many members of the School of Journalism and Communication, the School finally became qualified to participate in the First Feature Film Initiative (#FFFI), Hong Kong Family’s script was then recognised as one of the winning projects. That’s how Eric secured his first film contract. What's the role of CUHK played in Eric’s filmmaking journey? What's the message he wanted to bring out through the movie?

The film begins with a winter solstice dinner and brings out the story of a family. Let’s read Eric’s story together and enjoy the Winter Solstice today: https://bit.ly/3P9EBTa

Happy Winter Solstice!

#香港中文大學 #中大 #校友故事 #thechineseuniversityofhongkoong #CUHK #alumnistory

《過時.過節》導演與中大的不解之緣 曾慶宏藉電影帶出溝通對家庭的重要性 生於不和家庭的叛逆兒子電影以八年前充滿衝突、最後不歡而散的冬至飯局作為引子,娓娓道出三代同堂的芥蒂和矛盾。今年,一名親戚從英國回港....