Top 50 Nickelback Songs
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Top 50 Nickelback Songs

Nickelback was formed in Hanna, Alberta, Canada, in 1995 by brothers Chad and Mike Kroeger. They started as a cover band called “Village Idiot.” But, they changed their name to “Nickelback” when they decided to start writing their own music. The name came from the phrase “Here’s your nickel back,” something that bassist Mike Kroeger would often say to customers when he was working at Starbucks.

After releasing an EP and a full-length album, Nickelback got signed to Roadrunner Records in 1999. In 2002, they rocketed to worldwide fame with the release of the multi-platinum album Silver Side Up. Their 2003 release, The Long Road, was even more successful, while 2005’s All The Right Reasons remains their best-selling record to date. 

Nickelback has released ten studio albums which have sold over 50 million copies worldwide. They are considered one of the most successful Rock bands of the 21st century. So, here are my picks for the Top 50 Nickelback songs in no particular order or ranking.

Top 10 Nickelback Songs

Top 50 Nickelback Songs


Album: All The Right Reasons  

Nickelback has always had a heavy side, and this early track is one of their best hard hitters. Mostly, it flies under the radar due to the popularity of other singles. But, for many hardcore fans, this remains one of Nickelback’s best songs.

The song is by no means as polished as later material. But, having that rawness in earlier material often adds a kind of aura to the recording. “Animals” is drenched in another ingredient that would characterize the band’s later material. A great sense of humor. 

Another noteworthy aspect of this track is Chad’s vocal range and dynamics. He can go from cruising speed to coming apart at the seams in a second. Don’t believe me? Just listen to how he breaks into the chorus on “Animals.” 

Too Bad

Album: Silver Side Up

This is another early track that often gets overshadowed by the most popular Nickelback songs. When you hear it for the first time in a long while, though, your mind immediately goes, “How could I have forgotten this one?”

“Too Bad” is a good showcase of Nickelback’s variety in terms of light and dark. Musically, the verses are laid-back and melancholic. However, the chorus is much faster and more aggressive sounding. Despite this contrast, the songwriters created seamless transitions that make the sections fit together like pieces of a puzzle. 

This track deserves extra attention for songwriting and performance. Chad was already well into his stride by this time. But “Too Bad” marked a deepening in lyrical content and performance. Kroeger proved that he could write more emotional content. And that he could imbue the words with the emotion needed to convey them properly. 


Album: All The Right Reasons

Internet memes aside, there are many reasons why “Photograph” became an enduring signature Nickelback song. For my money, the largest contributor to its popularity and timelessness is the universality of the theme. The song contains the perfect mixture of joyful reminiscence and bittersweet longing we’ve all felt at one time or another. 

The lyrics may be autobiographical, and no doubt, lots of listeners will have little in common with Chad. But, when you hear him singing about his youth, it makes you conjure up images of yours. An interesting side-fact is that Kroeger broke into his school’s safe eleven times, not “half dozen,” as stated in the lyrics. 

“Photograph” was the first of three consecutive Top 10 hits from the album All The Right Reasons. It’s a double-platinum masterpiece that will not only be remembered as one of the best Nickelback songs ever but also as one of the definitive ballads of the 2000s


Album: All The Right Reasons

The fifth single from Nickelback’s fifth album has a middle-of-the-road reputation in how it was received by fans and critics. Some listeners criticized the more commercial sound along with the seemingly “shallow” subject matter of this laid-back Country Rock ballad. Others commended the group’s willingness to experiment and interpreted Chad’s lyrics as intellectual, social commentary. 

“Rockstar” is a fun song. As mentioned before, humor features a lot in Nickelback’s music. And the video for this one is nothing if not funny. There is hidden depth in the cliche-drenched lyrics when viewed as satire. This might explain why the track has stood the test of time so well. The studio recording features background vocals by Billy Gibbons from ZZ-Top. 

Like it or not, this quadruple-platinum anthem is forever ingrained in the Nickelback story. So, don’t act like you haven’t sung along to it during closing time at the bar.

Gotta Be Somebody

Album: Dark Horse

The Dark Horse album is a masterpiece of production and songwriting. There is a maturity to the material that only comes from a group that has developed its sound over the years. And this epic track showcases how good Nickelback has gotten at being Nickelback.

Chad’s confident delivery gives the impression of someone romantic but far from hopeless. As far as uplifting tracks go, this is one of Nickelback’s best


Album: The Long Road

A seminal track from a seminal album. No list of the Top 50 Nickelback songs would be complete without it. It’s a hard-hitting, epic Rock ballad that ticks all the right boxes. 

The vocal performance sits at the heart of this track. Kroeger’s voice seems to be on the edge of breaking apart from the first to last syllable. There is a desperation to this recording that makes the speaker’s urge for redemption come alive within the heart of the listener. 

Musically, the song is a sonic roller coaster of the best kind. The crisp acoustic guitar during the verses suddenly gives way to giant-sounding electrics during the chorus. The cherry on top comes in the form of an epic guitar solo. What’s not to like?

If Today Was Your Last Day

Album: Dark Horse

“Against the grain is a way of life – What’s worth the prize is always worth the fight.” In those two lines, Chad manages to convey the kind of beauty and truth that all writers dream of. If he wasn’t a singer in a Rock band, he’d probably have been a poet or a philosopher. 

Much of the material on the Dark Horse album has positive energy behind it. So, if inspiration is what you’re after, then look no further. Never before has good advice been so catchy and uplifting.

Side of a Bullet 

Album: All The Right Reasons

It is no secret that Nickelback has been subjected to all kinds of criticism by fans. This is mostly due to their commercial success and the mainstream sound of their more popular singles. Despite this, hardcore fans will know that they have their roots in good old-fashioned balls-to-the-wall Rock n Roll. This riff-driven revenge song is the perfect testament to that influence. 

“Side of a Bullet” was inspired by the death of Pantera and Damageplan guitarist Darrel “Dimebag” Abbot. Dimebag was widely considered one of the greatest shredders ever. Chad’s lyrics express his anger toward Dimebag’s murderer, a former US marine. 

“Side of a Bullet” features recordings of Darrel that were provided by his brother and bandmate Vinnie. Needless to say, that makes this song’s pedigree unquestionable. 

Burn It To The Ground 

Album: Dark Horse

If you want Nickelback firing on all cylinders, then look no further. This arena anthem is all about taking no prisoners, whether it be at a party or during the fight afterward. 

From the moment the killer riff kicks in until the last power chord fades out, this track doesn’t pull any punches. “Burn It To the Ground” won a Grammy for Best Hard Rock performance. It was also featured in the 2009 film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

How You Remind Me

Album: Silver Side Up

More than two decades ago, 26-year-old Chad Kroeger argued with his girlfriend in his Vancouver apartment. The dispute ended with him storming off to his basement, which was also the band’s rehearsal space at the time. 

He decided to start venting his emotions and thoughts into a song. Less than an hour later, he had a melody, some chords, and lyrics for what would become one of the greatest Rock songs of the 20th century. 

What is there to say about one of the greatest Nickelback songs that hasn’t already been said? So, it would be best to just press play and let it speak for itself. 

This Means War

Far Away

Figured You Out

Never Again

Something in Your Mouth

Feed the Machine

After the Rain

Just to Get High

Because of You

Follow You Home

Must Be Nice

Leader of Men

See You at the Show

Midnight Queen

Million Miles an Hour

Coin for the Ferryman

Good Times Gone

Not Leavin’ Yet

Throw Yourself Away

The Betrayal (Act III)


Just For

Cowboy Hat

Believe It or Not


Where Do I Hide

No Fixed Address

What Are You Waiting For

The Hammer’s Coming Down

Dirty Laundry

Edge of a Revolution

The Betrayal (Act I)

Because Of You (acoustic)

Flat on the Floor

Figured You Out (acoustic)

Next Contestant




Silent Majority

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Top 50 Nickelback Songs – Final Thoughts 

It is impossible to talk about Rock music from the early 2000s without mentioning Nickelback. They redefined and reinvigorated the genre with a sound that became the foundation for all the bands that would follow. They’ve been around for nearly three decades, and when I hear any of these songs, I close my eyes and hope that there are three more coming up next on the playlist.

Until next time, happy listening.

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