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Books spanning several years

80 replies

mablemaybe · 09/05/2024 16:27

I don't mean those epic books covering thousands of years.

Having just read One Day I'm looking for recommendations that follow characters over several years, seeing how their lives pan out. Maybe 20 or 40 or so.

OP posts:
Mothership4two · 09/05/2024 16:37

The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett does but it also follows three different timelines for the couple over the span of their relationship. It's been several years since I read it, so plot is a bit hazy now!

ChessieFL · 09/05/2024 16:43

Once Upon A Leap Year by Anna Bell follows two people with leap year birthdays over a period of about 20 years.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin follows two friends over a 20+ time period.

If you don’t mind something a bit more historical, The Cazalet Chronicles by Elizabeth Jane Howard follow the members of an extended family starting in 1938 and ending in the 1950s.

MermaidEyes · 09/05/2024 17:05

Seconding the Cazalet Chronicles. I've just recently re-read them again. Love those books!

monpetitchou · 09/05/2024 17:08

Pachinko spans about 100 years, following generations and off-shoots of a family. Recently read it and loved it, learnt a lot about Korea/Japan too!

Blackcountryexile · 09/05/2024 17:08

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo
The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin

DoraChance · 09/05/2024 17:09

I've just started book 5 of the Cazelet Chronicles, I've loved the entire series.

doofdoofdneighbour · 09/05/2024 17:11

Pillars of the Earth covers several generations and is a proper (readable) saga.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow as mentioned previously is also a romp through a couple of friends' lives.


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WithIcePlease · 09/05/2024 17:13

The Son by Philip Meyer. I cried.
We had it so good by Linda Grant.

Pemba · 09/05/2024 17:22

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson is brilliant. Follows the whole life of the main character (although less detail in the later stages of her life), but of course it's a bit more complicated as there are lots of different ways her life plays out.. You'll get it when you read it. One of my favourite books ever.

Matilda1981 · 09/05/2024 17:23

Firefly lane is brilliant (unless you’ve seen the series then it’s probably not worth reading!!)

FelicityBeedle · 09/05/2024 17:25

The century trilogy by Ken Follett is also very readable

SingingSands · 09/05/2024 17:26

The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne

I haven't read it, but DH just finished it on Audible and said it was very good.

SilverSimca · 09/05/2024 17:31

The Whalebone Theatre
Still Life

Roastiesarethebestbit · 09/05/2024 17:33

William Boyd , Any Human Heart

narwhalsarereal · 09/05/2024 17:36

Never look back by Lesley pearse

FlameTulip · 09/05/2024 17:38

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

exexpat · 09/05/2024 17:39

A couple of feminist classics might fit the bill: The Women's Room by Marilyn French, and The Group, by Mary McCarthy.

Or a more recent one is Expectation by Anna Hope.

CountingCrones · 09/05/2024 17:40

The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields would fit the bill

exexpat · 09/05/2024 17:41

The Whole Day Through by Patrick Gale is also a good, light read.

FknOmniShambles · 09/05/2024 17:41

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt is a good example of this. Loved it.

LondonLass61 · 09/05/2024 18:01

SingingSands · 09/05/2024 17:26

The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne

I haven't read it, but DH just finished it on Audible and said it was very good.

Great book!

Snoopystick · 09/05/2024 18:02

The Bronze Horseman trilogy - Paullina Simons

yoshiblue · 09/05/2024 18:04

Hearts Invisible Furies

Dilbertian · 09/05/2024 18:10

The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She originally started writing it to teach (white) American children in the 50s about their history as pioneers (or, as we now see them, colonisers). Based on her own life, and very Interesting, if you like that sort of historical stuff.

The Citadel, by AJ Cronin. The story of a GP in Welsh mining towns between the Wars.

To Serve Them All My Days, RF Delderfield. Again, set between the Wars. The story of a shell-shocked ex-serviceman teaching in a boys' boarding school.

The Avenue, also RF Delderfield. The story of several families living on an avenue of houses between the Wars.

Sensing a theme, here 😂

BiggerBoat1 · 09/05/2024 18:19

Go As A River by Shelley Read is a beautiful book.

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