Rowman & Littlefield Celebrates 75 Years | Rowman & Littlefield

Rowman & Littlefield is proud to celebrate its 75th year as an independent publisher in 2024. Read a letter from our publisher here. Rowman & Littlefield publishes entertaining and informative non-fiction for general readers, high-quality college texts, and professional and scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences.

Rowman & Littlefield, an imprint of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., is based in the Washington, DC area. Our publishing program includes nonfiction, textbooks, academic scholarship and reference, and professional titles, as well as partnerships with associations, societies, and professional organizations across the humanities and social sciences. Rowman & Littlefield is dedicated to publishing texts and books of general interest in the social sciences: area studies, communication, criminology, education, geography, health, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, and women’s studies. We offer serious works of scholarship, core textbooks for introductory courses, supplemental, affordable paperbacks for alternative approaches to teaching, and general interest and trade books for the curious reader. Click through to our company directory here.