Annandale High School PTSA - Fairfax County, VA - Our PTSA

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Our PTSA is made up of hard-working parents, teachers, and students who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Feel free to contact them if you have ideas or questions.

2022-2023 PTSA Executive Board Members

Annamaria Nields, President

Angeleah Jamison, Vice President-Programs

Rai Kent, Vice President-Membership

Jose Mercado, Treasurer

Andre McGinity, Secretary

Shawn DeRose, Principal

Mission Statement

To support Annandale High School faculty and administration in carrying out the mission of

Annandale High School


To strengthen the relationship between school, community and families


To bring parents closer to their children's education on a day-to-day basis


To foster better communication among faculty, parents and students


To provide an opportunity for supportive networking among parents, faculty and the administration


To foster positive relations within the diverse student population at AHS


To monitor, evaluate and disseminate information pertaining to school board and other elected

officials' decisions that impact our school community


2021 Annandale High School PTSA Uniform Bylaws 

2021 Explanation of Local Unit Uniform Bylaws