YUFE - Young Universities for the Future of Europe - Universität Bremen

YUFE - Young Universities for the Future of Europe

  • A European University in the Making!

    YUFE - Young Universities for the Future of Europe". We are an alliance of ten European universities and two non-academic partners. Together, we aim to build an open and inclusive European university. As part of this endeavour, YUFE offers students and university staff Europe-wide opportunities to develop and grow in their academic and professional pursuits.

    YUFE is an alliance selected and funded by the European Commission. U Bremen also receives support from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and the Senator for Science and Ports of the State of Bremen.



Places Open in European Continuing Education Programmes

Employees of the University of Bremen can now apply for three different continuing education programmes offered by the YUFE Alliance. The events will take place in the period between Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. Participation is free of charge.

Europafest 2024

YUFE will be present at Bremen's "Europafest"

On the occasion of the European elections, a festival will be organized by the Bremer Jugendring on 25.05.24 from 16:00 - 19:00 at the Osterdeich. YUFE will also be participating with an information stand. Anyone interested can find out about the possibilities of studying in a true European context.

[Translate to English:]

Be part of YUFE Student Journey!

Applications for the YUFE Student Journey are possible until 24th May 2024! More information here and at www.yufe.eu.


Dr. Philipp Baur

YUFE Institutional Coordinator
University of  Bremen
International Office
SFG - Room 0280
28359 Bremen


Phone: +49 421 218-60384
E-Mail: philipp.baurprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Project Website
of the YUFE Alliance:


  • Go to page: University of Essex
  • Go to page: University of Antwerp
  • Go to page: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Go to page: University of Cyprus
  • Go to page: University of Eastern Finland
  • Go to page: Maastricht University
  • Go to page: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • Go to page: University of Rijeka
  • Go to page: The Adecco Group France
  • Go to page: Educational Testing Service Global

What is YUFE?

YUFE is a network of young and innovative universities in Europe. Our goal is the development of a European university, open to all, inclusive and participatory.

YUFE is mobility: the exchange between the partners of our network, i.e. students, teachers, researchers and all other members of the universities is fully supported.

YUFE is student-centred and multilingual: students are present in all YUFE committees and are centrally involved in all developments and decisions. On this basis YUFE designs a "Student and Staff Journey", career paths and partnership projects with local non-university stakeholders in four focus areas. Within the alliance language training is promoted at all levels.

YUFE is more than just a university: All YUFE universities are closely linked to the economy, politics and society in their regions. YUFE thus stands for close ties to the regions. All universities work together with companies, civil society organizations, local government and administration in order to bring the European idea to life.