Alexander Björk | Official Site

Alexander Björk


PGA Championship
16 - 19 May

Scandinavian Mixed
06 - 09 June

Genesis Scottish Open
11 - 14 Jul

Latest News

21/5 - PGA Championship

Björk had quite a nice week in the major tournament at Valhalla Golf Club. He was steady from tee, approached the greens well and was solid with the putter. A troublesome bunker and a little too few birdies kept him from reaching top 20. Björk finished 39th spot with -7. He enjoyed the wellkept course and the fun atmosphere a major brings.
Next up is Sweden, the Scandinavian Mixed, 6-9th of June.

21/4 - Time off the course

Björk is back home in Sweden, working on his swing with coach Crisp and trying to improve his physical fitness as well. Being on the road more or less since January has been intense but Björk is thankful for the great opportunity and challenge and hopes to get back stronger in a couple weeks. Last tournament in Texas he made his second best result this season with a 33rd place (-3) and although facing quite a few difficulties during the last round, (probably some of you saw the ball up the tree) he still held his game and mood together all the way through. Let's hope for good tournaments to come this spring!

24/3 - Florida

After a tough time in both Phoenix and Mexico, being on the wrong side of the cut line, Björk has finally got himself to the weekend in both Palm Beach and Palm Harbour. Although still facing difficulties with the game out there, not playing the way he wants to, every improvement is a way in the right direction. Björk continues to work hard to find his game while also trying to be more relaxed on the course. Hopefully this willl lead to improved results moving forward. Next up is a tournament in Houston, followed by one in San Antonio, both in Texas.

Alexander Björk Golf
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