(Pictures to come soon!)

(Please use Ctrl+F to find the section you want, search for the section number you want i.e 5.1)

1.0 Introduction/Foreword
1.1 Features
1.2 Signing up
1.3 Setting up

2.0 Game Modders
2.1 ACII
2.2 Crackdown & Crackdown 2*
2.3 Dead Space
2.4 Forza Motorsport 3*
2.5 Halo 3
2.6 Halo: ODST*
2.7 Halo: Reach*
2.8 L4D 2
2.9 Oblivion
2.10 The Sabouteur
2.11 Sonic
2.12 WET
2.13 Test Drive Unlimited*
2.14 Dead Rising 2*
3.0 Profile Mods
3.1 Achievement Unlocker*
3.2 Avatar Color Editor
3.3 Profile Data Editor*
3.4 Castle Crashers
3.5 Halo: Reach Credit Editor*
3.6 Red Faction: Guerilla

4.0 Tools/‘Quick Fix’
4.1 Gamercard Viewer
4.2 Package Manager
4.3 Title ID Finder
4.4 Quick Fix

5.0 Conclusion/Notes/Other
5.1 Helpful Links
5.2 Helpful People
5.3 How to Report bugs
5.4 Diamond
5.5 Closing Notes
5.6 Coming Soon!

6.0 Credits

Note: *'s denote Diamond only features

1.0 Introduction/Foreword
Hello and welcome to my guide on using Horizon and its features. This is simply a guide to explain to new users, and maybe even experienced users how to use (nearly) every aspect of Horizon so you can mod happily! I would like to point out that all this is from my own experience and it is my own guide on how to use things. It is for you to further learn and enjoy. So, without further delay, here’s the ‘Super-Ultra-Epic-Awesome’ Complete Guide to Horizon!

Note: This guide is based on the fact that you don’t extract files from your USB, but instead use the Memory Unit Manager to select your gamesave and open the tool that way. This method is much easier, but it comes down to personal preference.

Note2: Memory Unit Manager instructions may not apply at this point as it is disabled, please extract your profile/gamesave using USBXTAF and then opening manually

1.1 Features

Horizon 360 is a powerful modding tool and allows you to use many tools at once. Such tools include Game Modders and Profile Tools all in one program for ease of use.

Horizon 360 features many game modding tools such as Halo: Reach campaign mods and the popular cR modder. Not only this but Horizon is a host to many other game mods which Developers have spent countless hours working to perfect. Aside from the game modding, Horizon has many tools in which to customize your gamertag over xbox live with the Crown modder, undetectable achievement unlocker and the release of a game adder in the near feature. Horizon also includes the normal things you would expect such as a Profile Editor and a Package Manager, but with this it also includes a Memory Unit Manager for USBs and options to open the game modding programs from the Memory Unit Manager by clicking on your file on the device.

All these features make Horizon one powerful tool, but it can become complicated once you get into the detail of it.

1.2 Signing Up

Before downloading Horizon you’ll need to sign up, which you should already have done if you’re reading this. But, if somehow you haven’t, or you know someone who wants to use Horizon and want to explain it, here’s a quick guide.

  1. Open up your web browser and go to https://www.wemod.com
  2. You should see the portal for XboxMB and at the top you should see the words ‘Register’, click this.
  3. You should be taken to a page with Forum Rules, make sure to read through so you don’t get yourself into trouble!
  4. Once done with this fill in the forms, remembering your password and making sure your email is correct
  5. Once done you should be able to access the forums and login to Horizon! Hooray!

1.3 Setting Up

Setting up Horizon is simple and quick, not much thought needs to go into it, just some common sense.

Once you have logged in you should be at the portal again. Look to the left hand side of the page and scroll down a bit. You should see ‘Download Horizon’, click this and you’ll be taken to a forum post. Click the letters and your download should start. Alternatively you can do this through the forums, just scroll down and you should see ‘Download Horizon’, click to go to the forum post, click the letters saying ‘Download’ and your download should start.

Once your download has finished, open up the program and sign in, it’s not necessary but is needed if you want to talk in the integrated shoutbox. Once everything is ready you can now use Horizon! Not all features are available as a ‘free’ user, but can be unlocked by buying Diamond, later explained in this guide.

Before modding make sure your profile is on your USB. I’m not sure if it has to be or not, but you’ll have to navigate to the gamesave directory which will be in your profile folders.

2.0 Game Modders

Here we come to the main section of this guide, and the main attraction of many people to the site and to the program. Game modders. They are programs which mod gamesaves to help us progress through the game faster, make the game more fun, or simply just cheat. Currently Horizon has 13 game modders and more to come in the future. They all work and have all been developed by the devs here. Incase you’re having some troubles, this section explains how to use each and every game modder in detail so you can make it work properly and effective. Many of these require short explanations and are fairly simple to use anyway, but for the sake of many new people I’ll explain them anyway.

Note: For ease of use you can move your gamesave back to your harddrive once modded, all you need to do for most games is just start up the game and continue your progress, or for Halo games you need to go to the Campaign lobby and choose the ‘Resume campaign’ option.

2.1 Assassin’s Creed II

This one is simple and doesn’t need much explaining.

All you need to do is go into Assassin’s Creed II and save your game. Once you have done this, dashboard and go to System settings. Go to Memory, find your Harddrive and move your ACII save to your USB.

Once you have done that, open up the Memory Unit Manager and open up the directory of your profile. Find your save and highlight it, you should then see the icon above it for Assassin’s Creed II. Simply click this and either choose how much money you want or click ‘Max Money’ then press save.

Your profile should then be rehashed and resigned and saved to your USB, ready to use!
2.2 Crackdown & Crackdown 2

These two game modders and pretty much the same and again do not need much explaining.

Just save your game and go to your dashboard then to System Settings. Once there go into Memory, then your harddrive then finally moving your gamesave to your USB.

After doing that open up Horizon and open up the Memory Unit Manager. Find the directory of your profile and then find your gamesave. Once you find it, highlight it and click on the icon above it which says ‘Crackdown’. This should then open up the modding tool and you should be able to mod the save.

You can change the values for your stats in Crackdown and in Crackdown 2 you can change the values for the number of orbs you have. It is pretty straightforward to do yourself and once done you can simply hit save and your gamesave will be rehashed, resigned and saved onto your device ready for you to use on your Xbox.

2.3 Dead Space

Again, this does not need much explaining and is very straightforward.

Simply startup Dead Space and save your game to the harddrive. Then dashboard, go to system settings and go to memory. Find your save in your harddrive and move it to your USB.

Once done open up the Memory Unit Manager in Horizon and find the directory to your profile. This is where your gamesave is located. Highlight the gamesave file and you should see the Dead Space icon appear, click this and the modder will open. From there you can mod your credits to whatever value you wish or simply click the ‘Max Credits’ option.

When you are finished click save and your file will be rehashed, resigned and saved to your deivce so you can use it on your Xbox.

2.4 Forza Motorsport 3

Startup Forza Motorsport 3 and save your game to the harddrive. Then dashboard, go to system settings and go to memory. Find your save in your harddrive and move it to your USB.

After doing that open up Horizon and open up the Memory Unit Manager. Find the directory of your profile and then find your gamesave. Once you find it, highlight it and click on the icon above it which says ‘Forza Motorsport 3’. This should then open up the modding tool and you should be able to mod the save.

With this modding tool for Forza you can edit the value for the amount of credits you have, the amount of XP and the level you want in-game. I am not sure of the maximum but I’m sure you can get to some ridiculous amount, it’s all about trial and error. But remember to backup your save just incase.

Once you’re done with modding, click the ‘Save’ button and your save will be rehashed, resigned and saved to your USB for use on your Xbox.

2.5 Halo 3

The Halo 3 editor is for gamesave modding and is for Singleplayer only. Firstly, you need to start up a game in campaign and reach the checkpoint in that level, then save and quit the level. Then proceed to the dashboard, System Settings then to Memory. Find your Halo 3 gamesave in your harddrive and move it to your USB device.

Once your gamesave is on your USB, open up Horizon and then open the Memory Unit Manager. Load your device, go to your profile directory and find the gamesave which will be in that directory. Once found highlight the gamesave and you should see the ‘Halo 3’ icon appear above the Memory unit Manager interface. Click this and the game modder should open up.

On the interface you will see the option to mod your ammo, Weapon 1 is your primary, Weapon 2 is your secondary and Weapon 3 is your dual wielded weapon IF you had a dual wielded weapon when you passed the checkpoint. You can choose to mod your ammo to your liking, and by pressing Max Ammo you get unlimited ammo and no reload. Once you’re happy you can choose the ‘Grenades and Shields’ tab, from there on you can choose the values for the four grenades and choose ‘Max Shields’ (which is invulnerability).

When you’re happy with all the values you have modded choose the ‘Save’ option and your gamesave will be rehashed, resigned and ready to use.
2.6 Halo: ODST

The ODST modder is similar to both the Reach and Halo 3 modders, they pretty much have the same options and have the same process. Just remember to get to a checkpoint in single player, wherever you want to stop, and save and quit the campaign. Make sure to transfer your save to your USB from your harddrive if it hasn’t been saved there already by going to the dashboard, system settings, memory and transferring the gamesave to your USB.

Once you have your save on the USB, go ahead and open up Horizon and go into the Memory Unit Manager tool. Find your profile directory and find your gamesave which should be in that directory. Highlight it and the Halo: ODST icon should appear above the interface, this is an indication you have the right file! Click that icon and the modder should appear.

Once the ODST interface is open you will firstly be presented with the options to mod your weapon values, set them to whatever you like or just press the Max Ammo option to enable unlimited ammo and no reload. When you’re happy with everything there choose the next tab, ‘Grenades and Shields’, again you can either set the values yourself or just hit the ‘Max Amount’ option for ease. Hitting the max value will benefit you more as you won’t get in trouble for gamesave modding. Last but not least is the ‘Max Health’ tab. Well, it’s not really a tab, more of a button. Just push that and once it’s highlighted your character will be invulnerable.

When you’re happy with all the values you’ve set simply push the ‘Save’ option and the gamesave will be rehashed, resigned and ready to use.

2.7 Halo: Reach

This is similar to the Halo: ODST and Halo: 3 game modders, it’s simple and straightforward to use and they follow the same process. The Halo: Reach modder is probably the modder that bought 90% of the users to XboxMB and is probably the modder that people ask the most about. It is a very simple tool to use and is self-explanitory, along with pretty much all the other tools, but for you new members who are reading this and have no clue how to use it, here’s a quick and easy to follow guide.

Before modding your gamesave, start up a game of campaign. In can be on any level EXCEPT Lone Wolf and on any difficulty, but it would be preferable to mod levels in Legendary to get those elusive achievements done. So, start up the level and play through a little bit until you reach a checkpoint, do this so you can be sure it saved the game properly and you can mod it properly. Once you’ve hit the checkpoint, save and quit then dashboard, navigate to system settings, memory and then to your harddrive. Find your Halo Reach save and move it to your USB device.

Once you have completed the above steps open up Horizon and go into the Memory Unit Manager tool. Find your profile which you have used to save the game with and navigate to where your Reach save is, the folder should be marked ‘Halo: Reach’ and your gamesave will have a long filename which I believe is unique to each profile. Highlight the profile and the Halo: Reach icon should appear above the Memory Unit Manageer interface, once you see that click it and the game modder should appear.

On first opening the game modder you will be presented with the Weapons tab. This gives you the option to mod the values of your ammo, or just set it to max, giving you unlimited ammo and making it so you don’t need to reload. But, make sure you have full ammo when you have saved at the checkpoint otherwise your gun won’t stop reloading and you won’t be able to use it. Moving on from that is the next tab, ‘Nades and Health’, the options are pretty self explanitory. Simply input the values for your Frag/Plasma grenade amounts or set them to max. There are also the options of ‘Max Health’ and ‘Max Vehicle health’.

Max health will make you invulnerable and your shields will never go down. Make sure you have full health when you pass through the checkpoint though. Max Vehicle Health will only be available when you hit the checkpoint IN A VEHICLE. This is handy for levels such as Long Night of Solace and New Alexandria, but remember you need to be in the vehicle for the button to be available to click. You’ll know these are activated when the buttons are highlighted.

Once you’re happy with all the values and your options, click save and your gamesave will be rehashed, resigned and saved onto your device. To use this in-game go into the Campaign lobby and choose the ‘Resume’ option, the game should then start at the last saved checkpoint and your character should be modded!

2.8 Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 isn’t exactly the easiest game to mod and if you’ve played Steam games on PC you’ll pretty much know how it works. I admit I do not know all the commands off the top of my head, so credits to the original finder/poster of them. I’ll try to explain how to do this in the simplest way possible.

So, to start off start up a game of Left 4 Dead 2 a choose your USB as the device to save to. Once you’ve done this the UserSettings file should be save to your USB device and you should be ready to start modding.* Once you’ve saved the file to your USB open up Horizon and go into the Memory Unit Manager tool. Find your profile directory and navigate to the folder which says ‘Left 4 Dead 2’, in that should be the file ‘UserSettings’. Highlight this file and the L4D2 icon should appear, click this and the game modder should appear ready for you to edit.

Once it’s open the first thing you’ll see is a whole bunch of settings, you don’t need to worry about these just yet, so where you see the words ‘left4dead2_cfg_pri.cfg’ click that drop down menu and select ‘left4dead2_cfg_ss.cfg’, this is where you get to mod. When you see the .cfg contents you’ll see binds for each button on the controller, the modding you will do will pretty much make these into commands you want. For example, if you wanted to spawn a Boomer by pressing the A button you would change the A bind to “A_BUTTON” “z_spawn boomer”.

Here are the spawn commands:

Open Me

z_spawn witch
z_spawn tank
z_spawn hunter
z_spawn smoker
z_spawn boomer
z_spawn spitter
z_spawn jockey
z_spawn charger
z_spawn mob

Now say you wanted to bind the B button to give you an ak47 you would change the B bind to “B_BUTTON” “give rifle_ak47”

Here are the give commands:’

Open Me

give defibrillator
give adrenaline
give first_aid_kit
give molotov
give pain_pills
give pipe_bomb
give upgradepack_explosive
give upgradepack_incendiary
give vomitjar
give smg
give smg_mp5
give smg_silenced
give rifle
give rifle_ak47
give rifle_desert
give rifle_sg552
give sniper_awp
give sniper_military
give sniper_scout
give hunting_rifle
give pistol
give pistol_magnum
give shotgun_chrome
give shotgun_spas
give autoshotgun
give pump_shotgun
give grenade_launcher
give baseball_bat
give chainsaw
give cricket_bat
give crowbar
give fireaxe
give katana
give electric_guitar
give gascan
give oxygentank
give propanetank
give gnome
give frying_pan
give machete
give cola_bottles
give fireworkcrate

Here are other frequently used commands which can also be binded:

Open Me

god (use 0 for off 1 for on)
sv_infinite_ammo (use 0 for off 1 for on)
upgrade_add LASER_SIGHT
ent_remove (deletes what your looking at)
ent_setname picked;ent_fire picked setparent !activator (picks up what your looking at must be host)
ent_fire picked clearparent (drops what your looking at must be host)
buddha (kind of like god you lose health but do not die)
ent_setname tp (used to choose what to teleport)
ent_teleport tp;ent_setname tpdone (used to teleport)
name (put the name you want after this)
z_ghost_delay_min 0; z_ghost_delay_max 0 (makes you respawn in 3 seconds default is 10 and 20)
r_drawothermodels (set to 1 to turn off and 2 to turn on)
host_timescale (change game speed)
sv_gravity (change gravity)
prop_dynamic_create (for making props)
phys_shoot (shoots potted plants?)
upgrade_add explosive_ammo
upgrade_add incendiary_ammo
z_removeitems (removes all survivors items…pistols never go away)
survivor_no_pounce_or_hang 1 (charger,jockey,hunter, and smokers special attack has no effect)
sb_add (add a missing bot good for if you deleted someone)
sb_takecontrol bot name here (use Rochelle,Nick,Ellis,or Coach)

These are the levels which work with the ‘changelevel’ command:

Open Me


Now we’ll move on to the bindToggle command. You can use the bindToggle command to use one button to turn on and off certain mods such as god mode and infinite ammo. So if you wanted to bindToggle with the X button it would look like:

bindToggle “X_BUTTON” “infinite_ammo”

That should be it for modding Left 4 Dead 2, just remember to replace “x” with your command, e.g bind “BACK” “x”. You can change all the button commands with the ones shown. Once you have finished modding your UserSettings file press the save button and your file will be rehashed, resigned and saved back onto your USB for use.
2.9 Oblivion

The Oblivion game modder has many options to it, including Stats, Skills and Inventory items. It is not complicated to use even though it has many options and features to it. To start off with load up your game of Oblivion. If you haven’t already, save your game to your harddrive (or USB), dashboard, then navigate to System Settings, Memory and transfer the gamesave to your USB. Once you’ve done that open Horizon and access the Memory Unit Manager tool. Navigate to your profile directory and find your Oblivion gamesave which should be there. Highlight the file and the ‘Oblivion’ icon should appear above the interface, meaning you have the right file. Click the icon and the game modder should appear.

On first load up of the modder you will see your player and all the stats. Here you can change the values for everything including your level, gold and location. The maximum value for Strength, etc. is 255 and the maximum level is 100, so keep these in mind while modding your values. You can make your gold as much as you want and mod your hair color to any color, including colors which aren’t in the game. There is also an option to change your location, this is helpful to getting to the Oblivion test hall which includes many goodies.

To get to the test hall mod it to:
Location - 3DB92
Y - 1932.375000000
X - 1823.990000000
Z - 7162.773000000

Once you’re happy with your Player, move to the Skills tab. You can mod your stats up to 255, but sometimes the game will mod them down to 250, just redo this if you wish. When you’re finished modding your Skills you can go ahead and move to the Stats tab. You can go through and mod all your stats to any number you wish, there is no limit. When done click on the Inventory tab and go through to see what you want, there are options to add items, delete items and change an items health.

After you’re done with modding everything and are happy with your values you’ve set, click save and the gamesave will be rehashed, resigned and put back on to your USB. To use it simply start up Oblivion and your character should be modded.

2.10 The Sabouteur

The Saboteur is straightforward and easy to mod. To start off with, start up The Saboteur and make sure to save your game to either your harddrive or to your USB. Then dashboard and navigate to System Settings, Memory, Harddrive then your gamesave and move the gamesave to your USB device. Once done open up Horizon and access the Memory Unit Manager tool. Find your profile directory and expand it, you will then see a folder named ‘The Saboteur’ which should include your gamesave. Highlight the file and the icon for The Saboteur should appear meaning you have the right file. Click this icon and your game modder will open so you can start editing.

Once it’s opened you can mod your contraband value and your ammunition. I’m not too sure of the names of the guns, but for ease you can just mod them all to 99999 if you wish and just get the maximum amount of ammunition. Once you’re happy with the the values you’ve set, hit the save button and Horizon will rehash, resign and put the file back onto your USB for you to use with your Xbox.

2.11 Sonic The Hedgehog

Again, this is a simple game modder to use which is the same as many of the other modders. They’re all straightforward and probably don’t need an explanation, but for those new people who don’t know, I’ll break it down as simply as possible. So, to start off load up Sonic and make sure you’ve saved to either your USB or harddrive. Then dashboard and navigate to System Settings, Memory, Harddrive and find your save for Sonic. Move this save to your USB if it already isn’t on there and open up Horizon.

Access the Memory Unit Manager tool and find the directory for your profile, your gamesave should be there under the folder name ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’. Highlight the file and you should see the Sonic game modder pop up. The current tab should be ‘Lives/Money’ and you’ll see 4 parts to it: Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Final Stage. In this you have the option to modify the lives/money values to your liking, or simply set them to maximum values for ease. That’s about all you can do, simple but effective.

When you’re happy with it click the save button and your gamesave will be rehashed, resigned and put back onto your device modded and ready for use on your Xbox.

2.12 WET

This is currently the last game modder which Horizon has to offer at the moment, but there’ll be more to come in the near future which I will explain later. But back to WET, again this is a simple modder and shouldn’t need too much explaining, but here it goes anyway. Firstly, startup a game of WET and make sure it’s saved to either your harddrive or USB. Once it’s saved dashboard and navigate to System Settings, Memory, then harddrive. Find your WET gamesave and transfer it onto your USB device. Once done open up Horizon and access the Memory Unit Manager tool and navigate to your profile directory. Inside you’ll find your WET gamesave oddly enough named ‘WET’.

Once you open the folder highlight the file named ‘WETSAVE’, the WET icon should then appear above the Manager’s interface. Click this icon and your game modder should appear. When it appears you’ll see the main tab ‘Skill/Ammo’, which pretty much sums up what you can mod - Skills and your Ammunition. You have the option to change your skill point values, which I’m sure can be some ridiculous number (99999999), and the option to change the amount of ammo in the Shotgun, Machine Gun and Blow Dart. So, once you’re happy with all your modified values you can go ahead and press the save button.

This will rehash, resign and put your gamesave back onto your USB for you to use on your Xbox!
2.13 Test Drive: Unlimited
Under Construction

2.14 Dead Rising 2
Under Construction

Good luck and happy game modding everyone!

3.0 Profile Mods

Ever wanted to just cheat your way through all those thousands of achievements? Or want one of those fancy Simpson avatars? Well this is the part of Horizon in which you’ll like. Profile Mods are all about modifying your Xbox Live and making it stand ot from everyone else, currently Horizon has 6 tools for modifying your profile and they’re all there to make your profile look better. They’re all working perfectly and have been made and tested by our devs so they work optimumly. Many of these tools are simple to use and have more than one feature, but I will explain them anyway incase you’re having troubles.
3.1 Achievement Unlocker

The achievement unlocker, seen in many modding AIOs and made in different versions, is now in Horizon. The tool itself is fairly simple but as you’ll notice there are many things going on and many options. So, to start off what you want to do is transfer your profile from your harddrive to your USB on the xbox. To do this dashboard and navigate to System Settings, Memory, Harddrive and then to your profile. Click your profile and select ‘Move’, then select your profile to be moved to our USB device. Once you have your profile on your USB device, open up Horizon and go into the Memory Unit Manager tool on the right hand side.

With the Memory Unit Manager tool open, navigate through your profile directory which should have your gamertag, and the last file should be a file named ‘E********’, etc. with numbers specific to your account. Highlight this file and many icons should have appeared above the Memory Unit Manager interface, one of them being the Achievement Unlocker. Click this icon and the interface for the Achievement Unlocker should appear. Now you’ll see all your games you have played on the left hand side, in the main column you’ll see all the achievements for your selected game. At the top there is 3 tabs which you can click on, Your Gamertag, The game you have selected from the left hand side and the achievement you have selected to unlock. Finaly, at the bottom left hand side you will see ‘Find game’, this is for easily finding a game you have played and want to unlock achievements for. Similarly, there is a search bar next to it to find the achievement you want to unlock for that selected game. There is also the option to filter your search by ‘Locked’ ‘Unlocked offline’ and ‘Unlocked online’.

So, starting at the top is your information including your profile details such as Gamerzone, Profile ID, Locationn and most importantly your Gamerscore/Achievements Unlocked. Now, onto the modding. Modding your achievements is simpler than it seems and probably simpler than my explanation, but here it goes. When you have your profile loaded select the game you wish to unlock achievements for, for example I want to unlock achievements for Modern Warfare 2. I then find that game in the left hand column and select it. A list of achievements should then appear for it, you now have the choice of either unlocking your achievements one by one or selecting the ‘Unlock All Displayed’ which will choose to unlock them all offline. For Modern Warfare 2 this is fine because there are no online achievements, but for a game such as Halo: Reach it would be best to go through and choose which ones you want to unlock. To unlock achievements one by one click the achievement, then click the name of it in the tabs at the top. You then have the option to unlock it offline or online. But beware, you CANNOT relock achievements, so choose carefully. Once done click save and your profile will be rehashed, resigned and put back onto your USB.

So in short: Open profile, select game you want to unlock achievements for, choose unlock all or select an achievement, go to tab corresponding to the name of this achievement, select either unlock offline or unlock online, click set, click save! You’re then done!

3.2 Avatar Color Editor

The avatar color editor is simple to use and takes little skill to use. You just need to know what all the parts are that you’re coloring (I’m sure everyone knows what hair is). To start, transfer your profile to your USB. Do this by dashboarding and navigating your way to System Settings, Memory, harddrive and then find your profile. Select it then choose to move it to your USB. Once done open up Horizon and go to the Memory Unit Manager on the right hand side. Locate your profile which should be a folder named with your gamertag, go through this until you find your profile file which should be named ‘E********’. Highlight this file and you should see icons appear above the interface, one which should be the Avatar Color Editor.

If not, right click on the file and extract it. Then open up the Avatar Color Editor and open your profile. Once the interface is open you’ll see numerous colors to edit. The main option you’ll want to edit is the skin color option. With the colors you can mod them to ANY color you want, there are no restrictions. It’s not hard and all you need to do is experiment with the colors! Anyway, once you’re done press Save and your profile will be rehashed, resigned and saved to your USB.

3.3 Profile Data Editor

The profile data editor lets you do the same thing as you would in ‘Edit Profile’ on the xbox or on xbox.com, and also has the feature to mod your ‘crown’ which is the years you have played xbox for. The good thing about the profile editor is the option to change your Gamerzone to ‘None’, this can be used to impress your friends and whenever they send you a message a message will appear giving an error, yet the message has gone through. Anyway, here is an explanation of how to use this.

To start off with you’ll need to transfer your profile to you USB device if you haven’t already. Do this by dashboarding and navigating your way to System Settings, Memory, harddrive and then find your profile. Select it then choose to move it to your USB. Proceed to open up Horizon and go to the Memory Unit Manager on the right hand side. Locate your profile which should be a folder named with your gamertag, go through this until you find your profile file which should be named ‘E********’. Highlight this file and you should see icons appear above the interface, one which should be the Profile Data Editor. If not, right click on the file and extract it. Then open up the Profile Data Editor and open your profile. Once the interface is open you’ll something similar to the xbox.com profile editing page. You can edit your zone, your bio, etc. and your rep but keep in mind it will NOT sync with the XBL servers. You can also mod your gamerzone to none and your rep will be set to zero, also keep that in mind.

Moving on, the second tab is about your ‘crown’, known better as your years played. Once you go into the crown tab you can choose how many years you have played, 0 being minimum, 10 being the max. You can also add milestones which are the circles in the background of the gold bar (as seen on the display), and is always good to add ‘3’. You also have the quick option to add the max amount or set it back to none.

Once you’re happy with your profile and your crown you can press the save button and your profile will be rehashed, resigned and saved to your USB.
3.4 Castle Crashers
This tool essentially is a game modder, but because you need to load your profile into it I guess it’s classed as a profile modding tool.

To start off with you’ll need to transfer your profile to you USB device if you haven’t already. Do this by dashboarding and navigating your way to System Settings, Memory, harddrive and then find your profile. Select it then choose to move it to your USB. Proceed to open up Horizon and go to the Memory Unit Manager on the right hand side. Locate your profile which should be a folder named with your gamertag, go through this until you find your profile file which should be named ‘E********’. Highlight this file and you should see icons appear above the interface, one which should be the Castle Crashers. If not, right click on the file and extract it. Then open up the Castle Crashers modder and open your profile.

Once open you’ll see the main options for modding Castle Crashers, they are the stats for your character (Strength, Magic, Defense and Agility) and your gold. These are the values you can mod and you can choose what it is. When modding your gold you’re mod for ALL of your characters, but when modding stats you are modding the values for the selected character. To switch between characters click the drop down menu which should start off by saying ‘Character 1’, you can then go through each character individually choosing the value you wish to mod to. Simple, right?

Once you’re happy with your choices you can press the save button and your profile will be rehashed, resigned and saved to your USB.
3.5 Halo: Reach Credit Editor

The Halo: Reach cR (Credit) Editor was a tool that was highly anticipated by many members of XboxMB and other people who found out about this. It is VERY easy to use and takes no skill at all. Currently you can only add 1000 cR a day because of Bungie’s limit, but our Devs are working on raising the limit and should be able to come up with something in the near future. The good thing though is that you can add as many credits as possible offline and they won’t get reset meaning you can look at all the other ranks that haven’t yet been unlocked!

On to the tutorial, it’s very simple and needs little explanation. You’ll need your profile on a USB device to start the process, you can transfer it by dashboarding and navigating your way to System Settings, Memory, harddrive and then finding your profile. Select it then choose to move it to your USB. When it’s there open up Horizon and access the Memory Unit Manager, navigate to your profile directory and through the folders to your profile file, named ‘E********’. Highlight this file and you should see icons appear above the interface, one being the Reach Credit Editor. If not, right click on the file and extract it. Then open up the Credit editor and open your profile. Once the cR editor is open and loaded up you’ll see a warning, Read it - it’s important. You’ll also see the value you’ll be able to edit. Mod it to your likeing keeping in mind you can only take 1000 online. Type in the value and press ‘Add Credits’ then proceed to press the save button.

Your profile will then be rehashed, resigned and saved onto your USB device.

3.6 Red Faction: Guerilla

This mod tool is simple and really easy to use, all it contains is a XP modder and that takes no skill to use. But anyway, on to the explanation.

You’ll need your profile on a USB device to start the process, you can transfer it by dashboarding and navigating your way to System Settings, Memory, harddrive and then finding your profile. Select it then choose to move it to your USB. When it’s there open up Horizon and access the Memory Unit Manager, navigate to your profile directory and through the folders to your profile file, named ‘E********’. Highlight this file and you should see icons appear above the interface, one being the Red Faction tool. If not, right click on the file and extract it, open the tool then open you profile. Once the tool is open you’ll be able to mod your XP, you can either choose max value which is 999,999 or mod it to a specific value. Once you’ve chose and you’re happy just hit the save button and your profile will be rehashed, resigned and put onto your USB.

4.0 Tools/‘Quick Fix’

The last section on modding and tools show the various tools that have been created, but are not neccesarily modding tools. These are the Gamercard viewer, Package Manager and the Title ID finder, there is also the Quick Fix option right at the very end which I will explain. I’ll give a quick explanation of the tools and then go ahead and give a tutorial on how to use them. These tools are pretty much for the more expert people who know what to do with them and will find them useful such as the Package Manager. It is used for injecting GPDs and has become more popular with Halo: Reach. Anyway, on to the tools.

4.1 Gamercard Viewer

The Gamercard Viewer is what it sounds like, a gamercard viewer. It pretty much lets you look up whatever account you want easily and quickly. Simply type in the gamertaf and hit the search button and four things will appear. Starting from the top left is the gamecard for that account, next to it is the gamer picture that friends will say and the gamer picture that everyone sees, to the right of that is the accounts avatar and at the bottom left is extra information. This information is: Gamerscore, Zone, Country, Location, Bio, Last game played, Online status, recent games and their gamerscore for those games. This can be seen on both Xbox.com and your Xbox, but why not just use this? It is much easier and gives you much more detail without having to go to their profile on the Xbox.

There is also the blue tab at the very top left and links you directly to that persons Xbox.com page. The Gamercard Viewer is a very handy tool and there’s a few easter eggs to be found…

4.2 Package Manager

The Package Manager does two things - Rehash and Resign files and view the contents (GPDs and such) of your profile. Both are useful if you know what you’re doing, and hopefully with my explanation you’ll be able to use this properly.

Go ahead and open up the package manager tool and open a file, it can be a gamesave, a profile or anything else you want to rehash/resign but for the purpose of showing the package managers features I’ll be using a profile as an example. Once you have your file open you’ll see things such as Profile ID, Device ID and such, these are helpful for transferring things to your console. When transferring say, a gamesave, you will need to open a file - probably your profile, and get your IDs off there. You can then put them onto that file and transfer it to your console making it work for your profile. Speaking of IDs there is also the option to Null the IDs, mostly for people who want to give out that file such as files that are modded.

So pretty much, when you want to rehash and resign something just make sure the ‘Rehash’ and ‘Resign’ boxes are ticked and press save. There is also a shortcut where you can drag the file onto the Horizon.exe icon and it will be rehashed and resigned without even having to open Horizon! The last thing I want to touch on is the Contents part, this is where the files for your avatar, gamerpicture and played games are saved. From this tab you can extract these files or overwrite them with others, e.g If you wanted a max rank Halo: Reach account you would download a modded 4D53085B.gpd then right click on the original and overwrite it, the game would then be modded that way. As always, when you’re done simply click save and our file will be saved, rehashed and resigned.

4.3 Title ID Finder

This is a very basic program and simply allows you to find the ID of a game, or find the game which is connected to an ID. Simply type in the name or the ID you have, press Search and results will be shown. As you highlight the game a picture of the game cover will appear on the right hand side. This is helpful for finding the IDs of a game so you can find a modded GPD or to delete GPDs you dont want off your account.
4.4 ‘Quick Fix’

This is a simple but helpful little tool which quickly rehash and resigns files and fixes corrupted profiles. All you need to do for this is click the Quick Fix tab and you’ll be prompted to choose a file, open up whatever is corrupted or is wanted to resign and once it’s done a box will pop up saying ‘Rehashed and Resigned 1 file!’, letting you know you’ve done it right.

5.0 Conclusion/Notes/Other

This is the last section of the complete guide to Horizon. It pretty much gives you more information of Horizon, how to get better features, who to ask for help and the conclusion. I hope you’ve all learned something and if you follow my directions as much as possible you’ll be able to effectively mod. Alot of the directions I have written is from trial and error and are all from my own experience, this is how people learn and is what you should try too. Man has learned how to do anything that is anything these days by trial and error and is a good thing to learn.

But anyways, enough rambling on, continue on to the last few sections then get back to modding!
5.1 Helpful Links

Here are some helpful links to further your knowledge of Horizon and to help you:

Horizon FAQ
Horizon Support
Horizon Beta Bug Reporting
Win32 Error Fix
The XboxMB Rules
The Horizon Forums (XboxMB)
XboxMB Staff List

5.2 Helpful People

People you can talk to to help you along with Horizon if you ever have torubles is any one of the staff, especially the developers (Cheater912, gabe_k and unknown v2) they’ll be able to help you as they know what has been made. You can also talk in the shoutbox and ask the many people that are regularly there.

The Staff
Unknown v2

5.3 How to report bugs

Not every program is perfect and there is bound to be small bugs around the place. To report these either contact a staff member, a developer, post in the shoutbox or report your bugs here:

Horizon Beta Bug Reporting

Just remember to set your thread out correctly and so that we can understand what you mean to accurately solve the problem.

5.4 Diamond

The first thing people say when they get onto the site is ‘IS DIAMOND WORTH IT??’, and the real answer? OFCOURSE. Not only are you getting Halo: Reach mods, a cR editor, an achievement unlocker and many other tools, but you’re contributing to the site so Horizon can continue to run and XboxMB can continue to stay up.

You can purchase diamond through Paypal, with a debit card or with a credit card. There are also three payment plans, $5/month, $25 for 6 months and $40 for a year. They are all fair prices for this amazing modding program and it is truly worth it not only for the mods but for the fact that you’re helping to keep the site alive.

For all the details, features and to buy diamond go here:

5.5 Closing Notes

This is the end of the line. The final section. The last stand. The end of this guide. I’d like to thank you all for reading and taking the time to look at this guide. I’ve spent countless hours writing this all out and putting real effort into it. I don’t want your rep or your thanks or whatever, in return I wish that you learn something from this a learn to mod properly and hopefully pass this information off to your friends/fellow members of XboxMB so they can enjoy Horizon too. Again, thank you for reading and I hope you’ve taken something from this. Make sure to buy diamond and contribute to the site so that XboxMB and Horizon can continue on for years to come, giving the chance for people to mod and enjoy games even more.

5.6 Coming Soon
Under construction

6.0 Credits
This is the part where I thank those special people :3

Cheater912, gabe_k and unknown v2 - Our wonderful devs at XboxMB, thanks for making such a great program and working so hard
KonoR - Providing me with various saves
Modified - Being awesome
hippie and TTG SEAN - Being the founders/owners of such a great site
The staff at XboxMB - For doing such a great job at managing the forums and shoutbox
Diamond members - For contributing to the site, however small it may be
Anyone who I’ve forgotten to mention - You know who you are

Good luck and happy modding!

[size=9]**For use at XboxMB and official Horizon forums, available for free use by staff and for use on the site. May be paraphrased and/or used with proper credits with explicit permission from the creator. Created and written by Haze.

13/10 Title Added

Coming Soon in the guide:

  • DR2 and TDU tutorials
  • ‘Coming Soon’, a sneak peak of whats to come
  • Updating some parts
  • Screenshots!
  • ‘Advertising’ Sigs
  • More awesome things!
1 Like

This is epic, nice job!!

Moved to Horizon Modding and stickied.

Very, VERY useful. Great job!

Nice man, nice!
This’ll help a crab load of people.

I would like to know how to mod ODST or Halo 3 with HDD. this dosent help with that at all. Otherwise, nice tut

You should put the information in spoilers, might make things easier and make the thread not so long. :smile:

You just use Xport 360 to extract your gamesave and follow the explanation. It’s exactly the same as using a USB.

Also, thanks for all the great comments guys.

I know, i just dont know how i regonize the right save.

Very, Very good Post! Thanks

WOW that is a huge descriptive guide. good work

didnt they patch L4D2

one word to describe all these words ! WOW , Did you collate all this info yourself of did you use other sources whatever it were great welll structured post you deserve a medal :wink:

Not sure about that but since there’s a modder for it I did it anyway, it could be patched though…

All of this is my material, all my writing and is from experience using Horizon and research into modding.

this is one of the most informative tutorials I’ve seen

good job. but was all of this really needed ? you must be one hell of a incompetent ****ing retard to not know how to use horizon.

Achievement Unlocker and the years editor are useless to be Diamond only since there are other Non-V.I.P. programs that I can use to mod my achievements and my years.

Very nice Haze, You wasn’t kidding when you said you have wrote ALOT :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy Mother of Nature bajeebus cross cris. I Dont even know what to say to this. This is just a post of epic proportions right hurrr

Holy ****! Very good post :smiley:

Wow this is amazing how long did this take you?