Frontline Experience

My name is Kevin Leahy and I help podcasters shave years off their learning curve.

I’ve spent the past 6 years leading multiple Top-1% podcasts, testing what works and what doesn’t. But you probably don’t have that luxury.

In fact, I bet podcasting isn’t your “one thing.” So why would you have all the answers? And yet so many of the podcasters I meet spend years stuck in trial-and-error. They try to figure it all out alone – only to burn out and quit once their show has drained their time, energy, and money.

Don’t do that.

Instead: learn the tools and strategies that high-performing podcast teams use to develop, grow, and monetize shows – so you can reach more listeners without sacrificing your mental health or family life.

Book a free, no obligation call to introduce yourself and see if we can get you moving in the right direction.

Kevin Leahy at BiggerPockets Conference