How to update your router firmware - a step-by-step guide - PC Guide
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How to update your router firmware – a step-by-step guide

Here's how to update your router's firmware in a simple step-by-step guide
Last Updated on July 24, 2023
How to update your router firmware - a step-by-step guide. Image shows the text "How to update your router firmware - a step-by-step guide", next to a colorful graphic of a router and a mouse with large white question mark, on a purple green gradient background.
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Your router’s firmware examines data packets, identifies security threats, and keeps them away. Not updating your router’s firmware could mean you have potentially set yourself up for a malware attack. But don’t panic, as making sure to regularly update your router firmware ensures that it has the most recent security updates and performance enhancements. This article contains all the steps you need to follow to update your router firmware, to keep you safe in a world that is increasingly online.

Steps to Update Your Router Firmware

The process of updating your router’s firmware varies depending on the manufacturer and model of the router. Here, we’ve provided some generic steps to help you update your router firmware. Let’s get started.



Check for updates

Check for a new firmware version by visiting the router manufacturer’s website. Look up the model number and download the latest firmware file.



Connect to the router

To ensure a continuous connection while updating the firmware on the router, connect your PC to it using either a cable Ethernet connection or a wireless connection.



Use the web interface of the router

Enter the router’s IP address into the empty field of a web browser of your choice. Check the manual or manufacturer’s website to be sure, as IP addresses tend to change with router models.



Log in to the interface

Enter your credentials to use the router’s interface. In case you’ve forgotten your credentials, perform a factory reset.



Find the section for firmware updates

After logging in, select “Firmware Update” or “System Update” in the router’s web interface. You can upload the new firmware file here.



Upload the new firmware

Select the firmware file you downloaded by clicking the “Browse” or “Choose File” button.



Start the upgrade

Start the upgrade by following the on-screen prompts. Do not stop or turn off the router, as this will interfere with the upgrading process.



Verify the firmware version

To confirm the new firmware version, check the router’s web interface. Following your upgrade, it should now show the most recent firmware version.


Your network is now more secure and can operate more efficiently. To continue enjoying a safe browsing experience, don’t forget to update your router’s firmware occasionally as it can help avoid malware attacks. You can read more about some of the best ways to keep your network secure here if you’re interested in having a safe and protected home network setup.


Is There Any Way to Restore the Current Router Setting?

You can save the current router setting by selecting the “Backup setting” or “Save Configuration” option in the web interface. This feature will create a backup file that you can use while restoring later.

Do Routers Perform Firmware Updates Automatically?

Though most routers update their firmware automatically, checking manually from time to time is recommended to be sure.

Marla writes across a wide range of topics across PC Guide, including AI, PC hardware, and news on the latest tech releases. She's a passionate writer that's interested in the future of technology.