Robert Pattinson on Ex Kristen Stewart Cheating: "S--- Happens" | Us Weekly

Robert Pattinson on Ex-Girlfriend Kristen Stewart’s Cheating Scandal: “S— Happens, You Know?”

Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson opened up to Esquire UK. about his ex-girlfriend Kristen Stewart's 2012 cheating scandal, commenting: "S--- happens, you know?"

Moving up and on! Two years after his ex-girlfriend Kristen Stewart cheated on him, Robert Pattinson showed that he was long over the scandal by laughing it off in an interview for the September 2014 issue of Esquire UK.

Related: PHOTOS: Kristen cheats on Rob -- see the crazy pics!

"S— happens, you know?" Pattinson, 28, told the magazine with a laugh. "It's just young people… it’s normal! And honestly, who gives a s—?"

The British actor's latest comments come two years after Us Weekly exclusively revealed Stewart's fling with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders in shocking pics published in July 2012.

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"The hardest part was talking about it afterwards," Pattinson said of the affair. "Because when you talk about other people, it affects them in ways you can't predict." (When the cheating news broke, Stewart released a public apology to Pattinson, stating: "This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry." After spending nearly a year of attempting to repair their relationship, the Twilight costars ultimately split last May.)

Related: PHOTOS: Kristen's long road to infidelity

"It's like that scene in Doubt [2008, in which Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a priest suspected of inappropriate behavior], where he's talking about how to take back gossip?" Pattinson mused of the chatter surrounding his former relationship. "They throw all those feathers from a pillow into the sky and you've got to go and collect all the feathers."

Though the Hollywood heartthrob's Twilight franchise is finished, Pattinson said he's still subject to constant attention. "I don't understand why," he told Esquire. "I think it goes through periods where you're assigned 'this is the guy to follow.' But whenever I see a bunch of paparazzi hanging out, I always think, 'Oh God, what have they found out!' Oh, that love child! I totally forgot!"

Related: PHOTOS: Rob and Kristen's crazy year after scandal

Pattinson's superstar status has its perks, of course. The first time he processed his fame was one night out in L.A. "I remember when it happened," he told the mag. "I was going to clubs in L.A. and you had to call the promoters ahead of time to get on the guest list. But one time I forgot to call, and I was on the list anyway. That's when I knew. I showed up with mustard down my T-shirt and they're like giving me the wink, 'Yeah, man, you're on the list.'"

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