Engineering the Future: A must-watch for any self-described tech lover

Engineering the Future: A must-watch for any self-described tech lover

If you love everything about engineering and solving the “big problems” modern society faces, then you’ll absolutely need to watch this series.

Engineering the Future: A must-watch for any self-described tech lover


Curiosity Stream 

‘Engineering the Future’ is a documentary series on Curiosity Stream that explores the engineering behind some of the most important technologies that will be critical now and in the future. Series 1 explores energy generation from renewables, aviation and maritime engineering. The second series details the first and talks about other technologies, such as electric cars and the metaverse. 

What is Engineering the Future about?

Engineering the Future is a documentary series available on Curiosity Stream. It currently runs for two seasons, each six episodes long. 

Each episode features interviews with experts in the field and showcases cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Narrated by Patrick Stewart (yes, Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation) and David Oyelowo (of “Star Wars: Rebels” fame), their dulcet tones are bound to keep you gripped whether you watch a single episode or binge-watch the lot in one sitting.

What do the episodes in Engineering the Future talk about?

In this series, each episode focuses on a different aspect of engineering and technology, exploring how scientists and engineers are working to create innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. The episodes cover various topics, including wind energy, fusion, aviation, tidal energy, maritime technology, and solar power.

Here’s a brief overview of each episode in Engineering the Future: Season 1:

  • Wind Energy: This episode shows how engineers use cutting-edge technology to harness wind power and make sustainable energy solutions.
  • Fusion: This episode looks at the science of fusion and how scientists are working to develop a new source of clean, safe, and limitless energy.
  • Aviation: This episode shows the latest innovations in aviation technology, such as electric planes, supersonic flight, and new materials for building airplanes.
  • Tidal: This episode examines how tidal energy could be a reliable and long-lasting power source.
  • Maritime: This episode looks at how engineers design and build advanced ships and ocean technologies to meet the challenges of a changing world.
  • Solar: This episode looks at the latest innovations in solar technology, from photovoltaics to concentrated solar power.
From nuclear energy to wooden skyscrapers, the two series cover many important future technologies.

Engineering the Future: Season 2 includes the following episodes: 

  • Electric Vehicles: As the title suggests, this episode discusses the latest developments in electric vehicles and the infrastructure needed to support them.
  • The Metaverse: This episode delves into the Metaverse, the companies exploring it, and what it might mean for the future.
  • Hyperloop: This episode talks about how hyperloop technology is progressing, what problems it faces, and how it might affect the future of public transportation. 
  • The Space Race: As the private space sector gets into its stride, this episode discusses what developments are in the works and the potential for this. 
  • Perpetual Power: Don’t let the title confuse you; this episode is not about perpetual motion machines or anything. It dives into the world of energy storage and how it will be critical for the future. 
  • Timber Skyscraper: This episode discusses the measures being taken to reduce the material and energy costs involved in the construction industry.

Overall, both seasons provide a fascinating look at how engineers and scientists work to create innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems.

Episodes discuss different groundbreaking future technology, like the Hyperloop.

It is mentally and visually inspiring

The “Engineering the Future” documentary series includes state-of-the-art animation and in-depth interviews with experts that will leave you visually and mentally satisfied. For anyone interested in engineering, this is a must-watch.


You can watch it with a monthly or annual subscription. You can opt for a monthly subscription worth $5.99 or an annual subscription for $39.99.

So, if you just can’t stop thinking about different technologies work and make our lives easier, this docuseries is a must-watch!


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Christopher McFadden Christopher graduated from Cardiff University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Geology. Since then, he has worked exclusively within the Built Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Consultancy industries. He is a qualified and accredited Energy Consultant, Green Deal Assessor and Practitioner member of IEMA. Chris’s main interests range from Science and Engineering, Military and Ancient History to Politics and Philosophy.