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Film / On Her Majesty's Secret Service

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"We have all the time in the world..."

The One With… James Bond getting married, and fights Kojak.note 

The sixth James Bond film by Eon Productions, directed by Peter R. Hunt and starring George Lazenby in his only appearance.note  It came out on December 18, 1969. It is the last Bond film not to have its Title Theme Tune performed by a singer, using a synthesizer heavy theme composed by John Barry instead.

One morning on the beach, James Bond rescues a beautiful, but emotionally shattered countess from drowning herself. Her father, the boss of one of Europe's largest organized crime syndicates, befriends Bond and suggests that he might woo her in order to help her deal with her issues. This is pretty sleazy even for Bond, but he agrees anyway because the mafioso has access to information beyond the reach of official organizations and can help him get a lead on the head of SPECTRE, Ernst Stavro Blofeld (played now by Telly Savalas). Blofeld, meanwhile, has developed a biological agent to induce sterility in plants and animals and potentially wipe out entire species, which he will put to use if he is not granted amnesty for all past crimes and an official acknowledgement of his bogus claim to nobility.

Easily one of the more low-key Bond films, in large part because it followed the book it adapted more faithfully than the previous instalments. It is one of the few Bond films to boast a prominent love story, with Blofeld's biological warfare scheme providing the backdrop. The Blofeld shown in this film has both a practical goal and a chillingly plausible plan — albeit, a completely over the top execution of said plan ("I have taught you to love chickens!").

The film took big strides in giving Bond himself emotional depth, a trend later picked up by the Timothy Dalton and Daniel Craig Bonds (in fact, No Time to Die even gives this one a few nods, even reusing John Barry's score).

Preceded by You Only Live Twice. There is also a twist Downer Ending and Sequel Hook that is quite unusual for the series.

This film provides examples of:

  • 10-Minute Retirement: Bond effectively retires from MI6 after marrying Tracy, complete with M and Q giving him speeches that basically amount to "it has been a honour to work with you" and a weeping Moneypenny. We dare you, dare you, to guess the circumstances of why he came back.
  • 13 Is Unlucky: Bond's introduction to Draco comes when Bond runs from Draco's goons and finds himself in Draco's office with a knife in his hand. When Draco greets Bond, Bond throws the knife at Draco's calendar, which conveniently hits on September 13th.
    Draco: [looks at the date where the knife landed] But today's the fourteenth, Commander.
    Bond: I'm superstitious.
  • Acceptable Breaks from Reality: The skier that Bond sends over a cliff ends up in freefall for fifteen seconds, meaning the cliff would have to be taller than the Empire State building. However, they had to use a dummy for this scene rather than, say, a skier with a parachute, and dummies weigh less than actual people and would therefore fall slower than them.
  • Actionized Adaptation:
    • In the novel, Bond surrenders to the two goons on the beach, who then bring him to Draco. In the film, he fights and incapacitates them, and it isn't until the following day that he gets kidnapped by other goons, who take him to meet Draco.
    • In the novel, Bond simply gets the information about Blofeld from Draco. In the film, Bond breaks into banker Gumbold's office to obtain documents.
  • Adaptation-Induced Plot Hole: Bond and Blofeld don't seem to recognize each other, even though they met in the previous movie. Even though invoked both being different counts, it happens because the book is set before You Only Live Twice. Originally, it was to be established Bond had plastic surgery done to explain why he doesn't look like Sean Connery anymore. And other movies establish that Blofeld is constantly changing his appearance.
  • Adaptational Badass:
    • Also counting as an inversion of Adaptational Curves, Blofeld is portrayed by Telly Savalas, a fairly buff dude. In the books, Blofeld is described as someone whose "muscle has all turned to fat."
    • The bobsled scene and the raid on Piz Gloria occur simultaneously in the book, so Bond doesn't participate in the former raid. In the film, Bond storms Piz Gloria with the Unione Corse in order to rescue Tracy, then pursues Blofeld down the bobsled track as well.
      • Bond is also knocked out by the grenade Blofeld pulls on him during this chase, and he wakes up to the institute exploding. In the film, he bails just before the grenade can hurt him, rolls down the hill and ends up in front of Blofeld, ultimately putting him in a neckbrace thanks to a passing tree.
  • Adaptational Context Change: In the novel, Bond quits the service because he thinks that Operation Bedlam is a complete waste of his time and wants a different assignment. In the film, he quits because he gets taken off the case and is determined to find Blofeld.
  • Adaptational Diversity: Blofeld's patients were all British and Irish in the novel. In the film, they're of various nationalities, with at least two of them being English. This is possibly to expand the threat of Blofeld's plans, so he's building towards acquiring the means to destroy all life on earth instead of food supplies in the UK/Ireland.
  • Adaptational Location Change:
    • In the book, Piz Gloria was established to be in the Engadine region of Switzerland, around St. Moritz and Pontresina, hence its name. In the film, the mountain appears to be set in the canton of Bern, as its mountainous neighbour is Birg.
    • Bond proposes to Tracy while eating breakfast in a Swiss airport with her in the book. In the film, he pops the question while the two are taking shelter in an alpine barn during a blizzard.
    • In the novel, Tracy is shot and killed in Germany while she and Bond are driving on the Autobahn. This results in their car careering off the road and crashing. In the film, the drive-by shooting occurs while the two are parked at the side of the road in Portugal.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Blofeld's alias. In the novel, it was Balthazar de Bleuville, which the film changes to de Bleuchamp.
  • Almighty Janitor: Josef the clinic receptionist, who is ultimately fought and knocked out before being stuffed in a ski storage room.
  • An Asskicking Christmas: This is the only James Bond film to also take place during Christmas, or at least to overtly reference taking place during Christmas, as there's many visible Christmas decorations through it. For bonus points it has a Downer Ending.
  • Arc Words: "We Have All the Time in the World".
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Blofeld poses as a Fake Aristocrat and renames himself "Comte Balthazar de Bleuchamp" by having his earlobes surgically removed to back-up his phony claim to the title. Once 007 is in Piz Gloria, he learns that Blofeld secretly plans to contaminate and ultimately sterilize the world's food supply using biological warfare, carried by his brainwashed Angels of Death. Blofeld claimed he would not carry out his plan if all his past crimes were pardoned and he is recognized as the current Count de Bleauchamp.
  • Artistic Licence – Geography: "Piz" is a part of the name of many mountains in Swiss areas where Romansh is spoken, as it means "peak" in that language. However, in this movie, Blofeld's letters to Sir Hilary Bray and Gumbold state that this version of the mountain is set in the Bernese Oberland, which does not speak Romansh and therefore, does not name their mountains that way. The novel version of the mountain is established to be around St. Martin, where the term "Piz" is indeed used as a title for mountains.
  • Aside Comment: In the opening scene, after James Bond (George Lazenby) rescues a woman from drowning and fights a group of mooks, the woman drives away. He faces the camera and says "This never happened to the other fella", a reference to the previous James Bond actor, Sean Connery.
  • The Atoner: Draco neglected Tracy when she was young, blames himself for her life going bad and is now trying to make up for it by finding a good husband for her.
  • Bad Boss: During the second ski chase, when Bond and Tracy enter an avalanche-risk area, Blofeld causes an avalanche in order to trap them, but he also sends three of his men after them to prevent his targets getting away should that not work. As a result, the avalanche ends up burying his men under several feet of snow.
  • Barefoot Suicide: Tracy removes her shoes before attempting to drown herself by walking into the sea. After she drives off, Bond is left holding her slippers like Prince Charming (the "other fellow" he's ostensibly referring to).
  • Becoming the Mask: Bond was supposed to seduce Tracy to gain access to her father's connections (and maybe convince her to stop trying to kill herself), but he ended up growing fond of her for real.
  • Bedmate Reveal: A variation, in that Bond is about to bed Ruby, but when "she" turns to face him, it's Fräulein Bunt who gets up, scaring him.
    Bond: (Gasp!) Fancy meeting you here, Fräulein! (A goon knocks him unconscious.)
  • Bedtime Brainwashing: Blofeld is using this to brainwash the women at his clinic, so he can use them as couriers for the deadly virus he's developing.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Bond is trapped in the ice-skating rink while SPECTRE mooks search through the crowd. Bond is in despair, expecting to be captured again when suddenly Tracy (whom he last saw in Portugal) appears in front of him, with an ice-modified fast car to get Bond the hell out of there. An impressive achievement for a Bond girl!
    • In the climax, Bond and Draco, supported by the hitmen and mercenaries of the Unione Corse, show up in helicopters to do the job that Her Majesty's Government refuses to do.
  • Blatant Lies: Tracy doesn't buy for a moment that Bond just happened to turn up for a business deal with her father, even without her friend tipping her off as to daddy's intentions. She's understandably furious and Bond has to coax her into renewing the relationship.
  • Blood-Splattered Wedding Dress: Tracy is gunned down mere hours after her wedding. While the wedding dress in particular isn't seen bloodied, the shot of Tracy with a Pretty Little Headshot on the forehead is clearly meant to evoke a similarly shocking image.
  • Bond One-Liner:
    • Bond gets a particularly brutal one when a mook falls into a large snowblower and gets cut to pieces by it:
      Bond: He had lots of guts!
    • Interestingly, Bond sends a one-liner Blofeld's way ("He's branched off.") after the bobsled scene only to find out later that he wasn't dead (unfortunately it was probably the worst way possible).
    • Bond gets a non-fatal one when he knocks out a Piz Gloria employee and hides him in a ski storage room.
      Bond: Merry Christmas.
    • Draco gets a non-lethal one too during the Storming the Castle scene. When Tracy refuses to leave the base without James, Draco punches his daughter out to carry her into the helicopter, then jokes with one of the soldiers:
      Draco: Spare the rod and spoil the child, eh?
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Despite knowing how resourceful and dangerous Bond is, Blofeld decides to keep him alive as he may "prove useful during the negotiations". Of course Bond soon escapes. This is in stark contrast to Blofeld's attitude in the previous film where he killed a beautiful mook for her failure at eliminating Bond. Admitedly, killing Bond would just make things more tense in Blofeld's quest for a pardon so he can become a Karma Houdini. He also specifically mentions that Bond would be an external witness to his activities to verify his claims that he can actually release a "Virus Omega" and is not merely bluffing.
  • Bookends:
    • Bond and his Aston Martin in Portugal driving down the same road, stopping the car each time for Tracy. The first time, he stops the car to save her from drowning. The second time, they're married, discussing their future when she's shot to death.
    • Musically, the beginning of the film when Bond saves Tracy and the end where Bond pursues Blofeld both use similar musical motifs (on the OST, the first track is called "This Never Happened to the Other Fella", while the latter track is called "Bobsled Chase").
    • On a related note, the movie's choice of using the James Bond Theme as the ending credits theme means that the first and last musical pieces heard in the movie are the James Bond Theme.
  • Bowdlerise: The scene of a mook on skis being shredded by a snowblower while chasing Bond and Tracy is shortened in daytime TV versions, removing the scene where his clothes are being torn up by the blades and the subsequent geyser of blood.
  • Brick Joke: The film opens with Q indicating that miniaturization is the way to go with their agent's equipment, using an (actually very practical) piece of radioactive lint as an example. Later in the film Bond has to crack a safe and in order to do so he needs to use a large and cumbersome piece of equipment the size of a big suitcase (although the safecracker also contains a portable photocopier, which is needed to make copies of documents found within the safe).
  • Cable-Car Action Sequence: A non-action but still nail-biting suspense scene involves Bond's escape from Piz Gloria. Bond is locked up in the cable-car room, and the only way out is by crawling out over a sheer drop along the cable, and then dropping onto the roof of a cable-car just before his fingers are severed.
  • Call-Back:
    • References to Bond's dead wife were made repeatedly in other movies, often cutting off before saying what happened to her; since On Her Majesty's Secret Service is slightly obscure (thanks largely to the change of actor playing Bond, presumably), quite a lot of people do not know that we actually saw what happened.
  • Call-Forward: When Bond first meets with Sir Hillary, the latter tells him that he discovered the Bond family heraldry and motto, "orbis not sufficit" — Latin for "The World Is Not Enough."
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Blofeld keeps Bond alive after the obligatory Just Between You and Me speech, because he wants Bond to convince the governments of the world of the threat Blofeld's Virus Omega represents.
  • Car Fu: Bond and Tracy are being chased by a carload of goons led by Irma Bunt. Bond suggests they seek Safety in Muggles by driving into a stock car race, but the villains are undeterred and follow them onto the track, with everyone getting knocked about until Irma's car flips over and bursts into flame (everyone gets out before they burn to death. Unfortunately.)
  • Cartwright Curse: Delayed till the very end, but still at full force.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Bond demonstrates his Nerves of Steel by chatting casually with the Unione Corse members who are having him "taken for a ride" (or so he thinks). Not that they do much talking back.
    Bond: What a lovely surprise, our meeting again so soon.
    Che Che: (pressing a knife to Bond's side). Mmmm.
  • Celebrity Paradox: Shaun Campbell is seen reading The Daily Express, which at the time had a regular 007 comic strip running in it.
  • Chase Scene: Four in quick succession. And there's also a fifth for good measure at the end.
    • First, Bond escapes imprisonment at Piz Gloria by racing down the mountain on a stolen pair of skis, resulting in Blofeld's men skiing after him. Bond even loses a ski halfway down and has to continue the chase on a singular ski, Bode Miller style.
    • After that, Bond arrives in the village beneath the mountain and has to push through a Mobstacle Course full of drunken tourists at a winter festival as Irma Bunt and her men close in on him.
    • Following that, Tracy finds Bond and the pair flee in her car. However, Bunt's driver notices them as they drive off, resulting in a furious car chase through the next town over and then through a stock car race.
    • After a short pit stop and marriage proposal in a remote barn, Bond and Tracy ski through the alps as Blofeld and some mooks give chase, ending in an avalanche that notably make this the only chase in the movie where The Bad Guy Wins.
    • To top it all off, after Storming the Castle, Bond pursues Blofeld down a bobsled track, involving gunfights, grenades and the two men fighting for control of a singular bobsled.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Savvy viewers will just know that eventually someone is going to get thrown into that spiky wall decoration in Blofeld's lair. We aren't disappointed.
  • Chekhov's Gunman:
    • The mook Bond fought in the hotel? It's the same guy who: held him at knifepoint when going to Draco's place; turned up again at Piz Gloria killing one of Blofeld's mooks with a flamethrower; and finally, was a guest at the wedding.
    • Fraulein Bunt becomes a literal one when she ends up being the one pulling the trigger to shoot Tracy dead in a drive-by shooting (Blofeld was the driver).
  • Christmas Episode: This is the only James Bond movie set at Christmas time.
  • Clark Kenting: Lampshaded.
    Blofeld: It takes more than a few props to turn 007 into a Herald. [breaks Bond's glasses]
    Bond: It'll take more than cutting off your earlobes, Blofeld, to turn you into a Count.
  • Clock Tower: A silhouette of a man hanging from a clock tower's hands appears in the opening credits.
  • Colour Wash: For some reason the Hollywood Darkness in the Action Prologue wasn't considered dark enough and it suddenly was given a dark blue colour wash in the Ultimate edition DVD.
  • Complexity Addiction: The basic plot of holding the world hostage with a sterility virus is sound (and, for its time, quite original), but brainwashing a cadre of international beauties so that they will unleash the viruses by radio-induced hypnotic command, is just a tad over the top, don't you think?
  • Continuity Cavalcade: When Bond takes his leave, he opens a drawer containing objects from his previous adventures, and snippets of the themes from the earlier films are even used as leitmotifs.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • Cool Car:
    • Bond's Aston Martin DBS. Sadly, it's not as cool as Connery!Bond's DB5 from previous films, as it doesn't have bullet proof glass, as Tracy's death by drive-by shooting shows.
    • Tracy drives a red Mercury Cougar XR7 convertible.
  • Creator Cameo: Director Peter Hunt's reflection as he walks past can be seen in the close-up shot of the Universal Exports sign.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: A mook falls into a large snowblower and gets cut to pieces by it ("He had lots of guts!").
  • Cruel Twist Ending: The ending is the heartbreaking scene where Bond and his newly wedded bride Tracy are sitting in his car when Blofeld drives by and has her assassinated, and she dies in his arms.
  • Cut Apart: Played with. Caught in a snowstorm, Bond and Tracy park their car in a stable to wait it out. They end up making love watched by a couple of curious horses. Then the next day Blofeld turns up with his men. Cut to the same horses, then the stable doors are forced open to reveal the car is still there...and Bond and Tracy have left using the skis that were strapped to the car roof. Unfortunately, Blofeld is soon on their trail...
  • Dark Reprise:
    • Of "We Have All The Time in the World" and "Bond Arrives in Piz Gloria".
    • The cheerful "Do You Know How Christmas Trees Are Grown" reappears during Bond's Cable-Car Action Sequence as a more suspenseful tune.
  • Dead Guy on Display: Bond's Swiss contract attempts to climb Piz Gloria in order to check up on him, only to get caught in doing so. He is killed when Bond's cover is blown and unceremoniously hung upside down from a rock with mountaineering equipment right next to a thin window that Blofeld makes sure to lead Bond past while locking him up.
  • Decapitated Army: Bond argues that killing or capturing Blofeld and destroying his communications centre is the simplest way to stop the girls, because they've been brainwashed to respond to his voice alone.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: Blofeld drops by to ensure that Bond's marriage becomes a short one.
  • Did I Mention It's Christmas?: The film is set around Christmas. Notably, Blofeld places an ornament on a Christmas tree during the mandated Evil Gloating scene and distributes Christmas gifts containing his Virus Omega dispensers to his brainwashed beauties. Also, the Winter festival scene where Bond and Tracy escape from Blofeld's goons to the tune of "Do You Know Where Christmas Trees Are Born"
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Bond holding Tracy's dead body after Irma Bunt shoots her.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: There is one scene where Bond walks past a cleaner, who starts whistling the Goldfinger theme.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Lampshaded by Bond, who witnesses a revealingly-dressed Tracy betting money she doesn't have at a casino before he helps out.
    Bond: Excuse me. My mind was elsewhere.
  • Doomed by Canon: Although previous Bond films sometimes deviated wildly from the source material (most notably the previous two films - You Only Live Twice and the unofficial Casino Royale (1967)), in this case the filmmakers decided to stick to Fleming's original tragic ending (though at one point there were plans to have OHMSS end with the wedding and the next film, Diamonds Are Forever, was to have opened with Tracy's murder.
  • Double Entendre:
    • Even while posing as Sir Hilary Bray, Bond can't resist making a comment about how he has more byzants (i.e., gold balls) than the average man.
      Bond: I brought a book on the subject. There's a picture of my own coat-of-arms...which includes four of them. (Gasp! from the ladies) If you'd care to see them...
    • Bond accepts Draco's suggestion that he continue to romance his daughter with, "I'll sleep on it." The two men exchange a knowing chuckle.
    • Not just from Bond either.
      Tracy: (whilst fleeing the bad guys in the middle of a stock car race) I hope my big end will stand up to this!
    • One of the women mispronounces "genealogist" as "gynecologist".
  • Double Take: At the end of the movie. Still alive Blofeld drives by and Irma Bunt attempts assassination on Bond by shooting from a car window. When an infuriated James realises who was in the car, he explains "It's Blofeld!" He gets back in the car and repeats himself, assuming his wife didn't hear him and swiftly looks Tracy's way, then back back to the road... before looking immediately at her again, noticing she's dead.
  • Downer Ending: While Blofeld's Evil Plan is an utter failure, he takes the most horrific revenge possible on Bond.
  • Dragon Their Feet: Something of a variation in that Irma Bunt returns with the Big Bad Blofeld in tow to take revenge on Bond, in a tragic Post-Climax Confrontation, although she is still the one to pull the trigger to kill Tracy.
  • Dress Hits Floor: Memorably gender inverted with Bond's kilt, with jabot removal substituting for slipping the dress off the shoulders.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Tracy, naturally.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Marc-Ange Draco, head of the Unione Corse, the biggest European crime syndicate which commits murder, extortion, theft, sexual slavery, and many, many other crimes. But he's a good guy because he doesn't sell drugs. For the record, it was the Unione Corse that set up The French Connection to smuggle heroin into the United States.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: This was the first time the role of 007 had been recast and the film draws attention to it by reassuring the audience that this man is James Bond by referencing the previous films. The other films to introduce new actors didn't bother addressing it and assumed the audience would just accept it and move on.
  • Easily Forgiven: Bond commits a court martial offence in going against orders to attack Blofeld's base at the end and yet no one seems to care. All's well that end's well appears to be the handwave here, even though Bond was playing with the extinction of all life on Earth.
  • Epic Movie: This is one of the most sprawling and operatic of the Bond films.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Marc-Ange Draco, head of the Unione Corse, the biggest European crime syndicate (and Tracy's father), agrees to to assist Bond and the entire British Government against the efforts of SPECTRE to gain Bond's help with his daughter. Later, he personally leads an invasion of Blofeld's fortress to rescue Tracy and stop Blofeld's plan to destroy the world's food supply.
  • Everything Sounds Menacing In German: The guards at Piz Gloria (presumably recruited from the German-speaking part of Switzerland) speak untranslated German.
    Guard: Schnell! Der Englander ist abgehauen!
  • Every Man Has His Price: Bond turns down a million-pound dowry to give up his carefree bachelor's life and marry Tracy, but he is willing to play along in exchange for the whereabouts of Blofeld. To his credit, when Draco tries to slip him a cheque at the wedding Bond hands it back.
  • Evil Plan: Blofeld's plan involves hypnotizing a group of 12 unwitting divas and arming them with a virus that causes infertility in the plant and animal life of his choosing, unless the world meets his demands of immunity from past crimes, enter private life after years of criminal activities and to be recognized as a Count.
  • Fake Aristocrat: Blofeld reappears pretending to be a Count, Balthazar de Bleauchamp, and his demands in exchange for not executing his plan this time around including being given recognition of said title.
    Bond: It'll take more than cutting off your earlobes, Blofeld, to make you a Count.
  • Falling-in-Love Montage: With Louis Armstrong's "We Have All the Time in the World" in the background.
  • Fashion Dissonance: The film was made in 1968-69, at the height of the counter-cultural revolution. Which is why George Lazenby's Bond wears a puffy dress shirt with his tuxedo, the only Bond to do so (in promotional photos for Live and Let Die, Roger Moore's Bond also wore a puffy shirt with his tuxedo, although in the finished film, Bond doesn't wear a tuxedo at all).
  • Feet-First Introduction: Used for Tracy's Big Damn Heroes moment. Bond is trapped in an ice-skating rink while SPECTRE mooks search through the crowd. Bond is in despair, expecting to be captured again; he sits at a table with his collar up and his head down, hoping to blend in with the other tourists. Suddenly one of the ice skaters comes to a halt right in front of him. Bond looks up from the ice skates past well-formed legs to...a smiling Tracy.
  • Fictional Province: Piz Gloria is known as the Schilthorn in real life, and the restaurant used for Blofeld's institute was named after the mountain's fictional name.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: During the attack on Piz Gloria, Che Che is shown using a backpack flamethrower to burn alive an unfortunate mook.
  • First-Name Basis: It is a rule of the clinic that patients are only referred to using their first names. If the book is anything to go by, this is to make it harder to locate Blofeld's Angels of Death once they return home so they can spread their virus undisturbed.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Tracy's Death Seeker tendencies at the beginning of the film make for a heartbreaking contrast when she is killed at the end of the film when she's at her happiest.
      Tracy: People who want to stay alive play it safe.
    • The Ominous Music Box Tune use of "Do You Know How Christmas Trees Are Grown" below.
    • "Teresa was a saint." In real life, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross was sent to Auschwitz and died a martyr in 1942. Tracy died after saving the man she loved.
    • Meta example: The whole resignation from Her Majesty's Secret Service business would mirror Lazenby's decision to quit the series. Also, in the Bond Gun Barrel sequence, George Lazenby got on one knee as he fired the gun. Then, the blood that would normally turn everything red wipes him out of the picture as well.
  • Friendly Enemy: M and Draco, at Bond's wedding.
  • Gangland Drive-By: After Tracy rescues Bond, he has her drive him to the nearest payphone so he can alert London about Blofeld's Evil Plan. Unfortunately, a carload of mooks led by Irma Bunt drives up and opens fire on him before he can make the call. This foreshadows Blofeld and Irma attempting to kill Bond with a drive-by shooting at the end of the movie; this time Bond is in the car with Tracy (whom he'd just married) and the burst kills her instead.
  • Genius Bruiser: Unlike other cinematic versions of Blofeld, Savalas’ portrayal is completely unafraid to jump into the action, most notably when he immediately joins in the ski chase against Bond and later shows himself capable of matching Bond in a fight during the bobsled chase in the end.
  • Girl of the Week: Tracy is an odd example in that she actually gets married, but that still doesn't avert her from being sadly killed off at the end of the film.
  • Grenade Hot Potato: Blofeld brings this on himself after dropping a live grenade into his bobsled during the final chase. As the sled's rapid movement knocks the grenade around in the footwell, Blofeld manages to eventually grab it and throw it into the track just in time, destroying Bond's sled and requiring him to cut off his adversary down the hill and board his sled.
  • Grievous Bottley Harm: After Blofeld orders Grunther and a mook to take care of Tracy during the helicopter attack on Piz Gloria, she takes a wine bottle and smashes it on the mook's head. Afterwards, she briefly tries to defend herself from Grunther with the broken bottle, until he disarms her.
  • Gunship Rescue: During the Final Battle, Bond and Marc-Ange Draco attack Piz Gloria with helicopters and machine guns to rescue Tracy and ruin Blofeld's Evil Plan.
  • Hair-Trigger Avalanche: Bond and Traci are skiing away from SPECTRE mooks when Blofeld detonates a flare above some hanging rocks and ice, triggering an avalanche.
  • Happily Ever Before: The original ending on the film was Bond and Tracy happily driving off, and the Downer Ending scene was to be the opening scene of the next film.
  • Heroic BSoD: Bond at the end of the film.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: A clue to Blofeld's identity; Blofeld loosely translates to Bleuchamp in French.
  • Historical Character's Fictional Relative: Sir Hilary Bray investigates Bond's family tree and informs the latter he is in fact a descendent of Sir Thomas Bond, 1st Baronet.
  • Hollywood Acid: Bond guns down a lab-coated man who chucks a flask at him, then winces at the smoking hole that's being eaten in the glass door.
  • Hypocritical Humour: Bond says "Guns makes me nervous" after shooting a mook and taking his pistol off him.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Blofeld to Tracy, who responds coldly at first, then appears to reconsider. It's only a distraction because she realises her father is coming to save her.
  • The "I Love You" Stigma: Broken for the only time to date in the series as Bond utters those three words to Tracy.
  • Impairment Shot: When Bond's cover is blown, he's knocked unconscious, and still dizzy when he wakes up in Blofeld's office.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Tracy defeats Grunther by pushing him into a spike ornament on the elevator wall.
  • Impostor Forgot One Detail: Bond impersonates Sir Hilary Bray in order to infiltrate Piz Gloria under the guise of a professional, planned visit to verify Blofeld's claims to the title of a count. SPECTRE eventually catches on and stages a trap for him, since the real Sir Hilary Bray would definitely not desecrate the job he's being paid good money to do by waltzing into the guest's bedrooms at night for some Double-0-rated action. Also, the Bleuchamp family crypt was located in St. Anna's Kirche, not in the Habsburg cathedral — which, as Blofeld notes, Sir Hilary should have known. Bond also gets too eager to get Blofeld away from Switzerland (which would allow him to be arrested), suggesting they visit an archive that, as Blofeld points out during this discussion, would be closed over Christmas.
  • In Love with the Gangster's Girl: Subverted - Tracy is the daughter of a gangster, but the gangster in question is Bond's ally.
  • Instrumental Theme Tune: Occurs because John Barry didn't think the title could fit in a lyric—at least, not without coming off like Gilbert and Sullivan. Later films simply Take a Third Option by not requiring the movie's title to be in its theme song if it's something extremely awkward to fit in song lyrics.
  • Interrupted Suicide: Tracy was about to drown herself, but Bond found her in time.
  • Intimate Psychotherapy: Invoked by Draco, who thinks his daughter just needs a strong man to dominate her and make love to her. Bond points out she needs a doctor instead — although, In-Universe, Draco's suggested approach actually works (albeit a much more toned-down version of it. Bond marries Tracy out of genuine love, and it's being able to start a new life with the man she loves in return that breaks her out of her suicidal tendencies rather than sex).
  • Ironic Echo:
    • Played for laughs when Bond uses the same seduction lines (about how they're inspiring and he doesn't usually like girls "but you're not usual") on two different girls.
    • Played for drama when Bond calls back to the theme from the Falling-in-Love Montage after Tracy is killed by Bunt and Blofeld at the end.
      "There's no hurry, you see. We have all the time in the world..."
  • Jump Scare: Bond's Bedmate Reveal above. Later, Bond and a man in a bear suit.
  • Just Between You and Me: Justified. Just for once Blofeld actually has a sensible reason for keeping the captured Bond alive and explaining the plot to him: Bond's credibility will lend weight to Blofeld's threat to the United Nations. Blofeld is also careful to withhold how he intends to deliver the Omega virus, and Bond only discovers this part when he overhears it after his escape.
  • Just Plane Wrong: During Bond and Draco's trip to Piz Gloria via helicopter, Draco covers the microphone of his headset to prevent the air traffic controller from hearing him when he talks to Bond. This action is not only unnecessary but also counterproductive. Air traffic controllers cannot hear those in a helicopter unless the radio transmission button is held down. In a noisy helicopter environment, blocking the microphone would only prevent the addressee from hearing what Draco is saying.
  • Karma Houdini: Irma Bunt is the person who actually kills Tracy and she is never seen again in this or any other Bond film, which means that the murderer of Bond's wife got away with it completely. A case of Real Life Writes the Plot, the actress Ilse Steppat died mere days after the film's release. The comics ultimately rectified this, by having her show up again and be killed off.
  • Kidnapped by an Ally: After Bond saves Tracy's life, he's kidnapped by several men and taken to see crime lord Draco. It turns out that Draco is Tracy's father and wants Bond to marry her.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Bond asks Blofeld "how many hundred millions" he wants this time, only for Blofeld to reveal that his demands aren't quite what they used to be.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: "This never happened to the other fellow." In-universe, he could be referring to Prince Charming, what with both shoes instead of just one.
  • Lost in Translation: Some foreign subtitles translate Bond's One-Liner of "He had lots of guts!" during the second ski chase as "He was very brave". The context to this is that the mook he's referring to had just been shredded to pieces by a patrolling snowblower, resulting in his actual guts being sprayed all over the place.
  • Love Epiphany: After Tracy saves Bond's life from the SPECTRE agents who were pursuing him, he realizes that he really does love her and proposes.
  • Love Theme: "We Have All the Time in the World" by Louis Armstrong.
  • Low Clearance: Blofeld encounters a low branch while fighting Bond on a bobsled.
  • Mafia Princess: Tracy's father, Marc-Ange Draco, is the leader of Unione Corse, an organized crime syndicate, though Tracy herself is not evil by any means.
  • Magic Countdown: The climax features a detonator set to blow up Piz Gloria in 5 minutes. After the fuse is set, the camera cuts to Draco and his men talking for around 10 seconds. When we cut back to the detonator, only 10 seconds have passed, as it should have. Cut to Bond chasing Blofeld out of the complex, then Draco forcing Tracy into a helicopter for around 20 seconds. OK, now 2 minutes have passed on the detonator. Now only 10 seconds remain before the explosion. Five seconds later, Draco counts down from five to mark the explosion. Bond and Blofeld jump out of Piz Gloria several seconds after it is scheduled to blow up. Only a good 10 seconds after the countdown is supposed to be over does the explosion actually happen.
  • Magic Plastic Surgery:
    • While it's not explicitly stated, it's a plausible explanation for Blofeld going from a horribly-scarred Donald Pleasence to a normal-looking Telly Savalas. The sequel openly invokes it to explain why he looks different again there.
    • This was going to be used to explain how Bond had changed from Sean Connery to George Lazenby; fortunately for the long-term survival of the Bond franchise, the producers dropped the idea.
  • Male Gaze:
    • When Bond meets Tracy again in the casino, she's shown shoulders-down revealing her cleavage, then bends down to show her face and give Bond an even better view of her cleavage.
    • When Tracy first appears in Switzerland, the camera pans up her legs.
  • Manchurian Agent: Blofeld's latest scheme involves turning young women into unwitting bioterrorists.
  • Man in a Kilt: Bond wears a kilt to dinner at Piz Gloria. Ironic, given that this is Lazenby rather than Connery. One of the women he seduces later is delighted to find the stories of Scotsmen Going Commando are true.
  • Manly Tears: Bond after Tracy's death. There were two takes of the scene: the one without actual tears was chosen.
  • MacGyvering: Bond does this at least twice at Piz Gloria.
    • He uses a document clip, an eraser folded in half and the brass edge from a ruler to open his electric room door.
      • Later, one of Blofeld's patients used an emery board (non-metallic nail file) to sneak into his room.
    • After his cover was blown and he was locked up in a machine room, he pulls out his pant pockets, tearing them off to improvise a pair of gloves that would allow him to grip the cable car lines, aiding in his escape.
  • Men of Sherwood: The Unione Corse.
  • Men Don't Cry: Bond is perfectly — indeed, creepily — calm in the final frame. Lazenby's first take had him look up at the camera as normal, but with his eyes glistening and tears marking his face but the director insisted that Bond, a trained killer, is basically dead inside and can't shed a tear even if he wishes. Justified as Bond being in shock, though if you listen carefully, when he turns away and holds Tracy's body close, you can hear him softly weeping just before the "The End" appears on the screen - which is admittedly more effective than actually seeing him crying. This is also in keeping with how Fleming wrote the final scene of the novel, which plays out nearly verbatim in the movie.
  • Minor Crime Reveals Major Plot: Blofeld claims title of 'Comte Balthazar de Bleuchamp' → plan by SPECTRE to abduct women from around the world and use them as pawns to spread a dangerous virus that is capable of destroying crops and livestock unless he gets a pardon for his past crimes.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Bond, when impersonating Sir Hilary Bray, emphasizes that he's not very good around "young ladies", saying he's never had much to do with them. This results in the women in question thinking that he is gay.
    English girl: Well, of course, I know what he's allergic to...
    Ruby: You are funny, pretending not to like girls!
    Later still...
    Nancy: But I think you do not like girls, Hilly.
  • Mobstacle Course: After the ski chase, Bond arrives in a village during a winter festival. He has to intermingle with several drunken pedestrians and tourists while Bunt and her men close in... which is when Tracy re-enters the plot to save his bacon.
  • Modesty Bedsheet: Ruby makes use of one as Bond arrives in her room to deliver a book on genealogy. When it escalates and they end up sleeping together, she still keeps herself covered with it at all times.
  • The Mole: A deleted scene would have revealed that Phidian, Sir Hilary's assistant at The College of Arms, is actually a spy for Blofeld. This would have led to Bond chasing down and killing him, then staging a train crash to throw Blofeld off the scent.
  • Mood Whiplash: The last ten minutes. Made more jarring by the soundtrack, which changes abruptly from a sad reprise of "We Have All the Time in the World" to a loud, brassy version of "The James Bond Theme" as the image freezes on the bullet hole on the windshield and the credits roll. Made all the more perplexing when you consider that there are a couple of slow tracks on the soundtrack album (for example, "We Have All The Time In The World" has a slower, more melancholy-sounding strings arrangement that would have worked nicely with the credits).
  • Mook Horror Show: After Bond sends a mook on skis careening over a cliff, the camera stays on the mook as he takes his long, long, fall to his death.
  • Mountaintop Healthcare: The majority of the action takes place in an allergy clinic at Piz Gloria in the Swiss Alps; as it turns out, the patients are actually being brainwashed into serving as carriers in bacteriological warfare.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Poor Bond! Getting to visit a picturesque mountaintop with 12 beautiful women from all over the world.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • When Tracy drives off without thanking Bond for saving her, he says "This never happened to the other fellow," referencing the success Bond usually had with women in the films with Sean Connery in the role.
    • A janitor whistles the theme from Goldfinger, and M discusses with Draco "that bullion job in 1964".
    • The manhunt for Blofeld is called Operation Bedlam, a possible reference to Blofeld going insane in the novels.
  • Naughty Under the Table: Ruby secretly writes her room number on Bond's leg while everyone is eating dinner. When he is asked if he is all right, he replies, "Just a slight stiffness coming on...in the shoulder."
  • No-One Could Have Survived That:
    • After burying Bond in an avalanche, Blofeld gloats: "A grave, I think, deep enough to prevent even 007 from walking." He then sees Tracey's unconscious body and sends his mooks to fetch her, so he should have realised that Bond might not have been buried so deep as well.
    • Blofeld gets caught in a branch by the neck at 45 mph while trying to escape Bond via bobsled, complete with a shot of his lifeless legs dangling in mid-air (bringing an execution to mind). He later reappears in a neck brace. Oops.
  • No OSHA Compliance: A wall decoration near the elevator at Piz Gloria has ridiculously sharp spikes by the stairwell. Sure enough, Tracy manages to kill Grunther by throwing him into it.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Draco and M are shown treating each other as Worthy Opponents due to that "bullion job in 1964". M mentions that Draco's men "got away with quite a chunk of the haul", so he can't be referring to the events of Goldfinger where none of the gold was stolen, but it's likely a Mythology Gag to the original novel as well as the movie which came out in 1964.
    • At the start of the film, it is stated by M that Bond evidently has not been searching for Blofeld very effectively, ultimately leading to M pulling him off the assignment. Given his general hyper-competence in previous films, it raises the question of what noodle incidents between films occurred to make him somewhat fall from grace like that. An out-of-universe reason is that Bond started having adventures once every two years instead of back-to-back.
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Telly Savalas plays the usually European master criminal Blofeld in his native American accent, much to screenwriter Richard Maibaum's annoyancenote :
    He should have had an accent or something, but I couldn't convince Peter Hunt to get him to use one.
  • Not So Stoic: In past films, Blofeld shows no emotion whatsoever in losing his bases. Here, he looks distraught as he glances back at Piz Gloria and sees it go up in smoke.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Blofeld momentarily has a look of pure despair on his face when he escapes his condemned base, looks back and watches it, along with his overall plan, blow up in his face. He quickly subdues this and continues running for his life.
    • During the final bobsled chase, Blofeld drops an active grenade intended for Bond and desperately struggles to get it out. He barely manages to grab it and toss it out in time.
    • Bond, when Irma Bunt catches on to him and his escapades and stages a trap.
  • Ominous Music Box Tune:
    • The first few notes of "Do You Know Where Christmas Trees are Grown" (a cheerful song that played over a speaker in the train station earlier and also plays later on during a village's festival) can be heard in a tense scene after 007 is locked in a cable car machine room.
    • A rendition of the Bond theme's melody is played by an eerie synthesized music box during the gun barrel sequence.
  • Only One Name: Fräulein Bunt refuses to let the patients reveal their full names, claiming clinic rules. She hurriedly lets Bond know even when he simply asks for the girl's names, presumably giving him the sense that something is wrong. Ruby Bartlett tells "Hilly" her last name anyway when they're alone.
  • Only the Leads Get a Happy Ending: Inverted. Everyone gets a happy ending but the leads.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: It is not particularly bad, but Bond occasionally slips into Australian in his vowel sounds.
  • Organization with Unlimited Funding: Draco brags that the Unione Corse is the biggest crime syndicate in Europe. Bond replies that SPECTRE is larger, given that it operates worldwide.
  • Other Stock Phrases: Blofeld instructs his ski-mooks that, "We'll head them off at the precipice."
  • Out-of-Character Moment:
    • Bond initially refuses to sleep with Tracy at the casino. Justified as he was under the impression that she'd hired a hitman on him and was now denying it, and he then goes through with it anyway when he considers the possibility that she was telling the truth.
    • Later, after escaping Piz Gloria and trying to stay one step ahead of Blofeld's men, he's startled by the sight of a man dressed up as a polar bear. Also justified, as his nerves were probably shot at the time and he calms down immediately after registering what he's seeing.
    • Subverted after proposing to Tracy while hiding in a barn. He at first refuses to sleep together with her and orders her to sleep on the hayloft above him citing his "new year's resolution", only to topple said hayloft so that she lands on him, pointing out that it isn't the new year yet.
    • Finally, he refuses Draco's dowry. Justified as he married Tracy for love and doesn't need the money.
  • Overt Operative: Zigzagged
    • The concierge at the casino greets "Commander Bond" as a known and valued customer. This is supposed to be while he's hunting Blofeld in Operation Bedlam.
    • Draco knows who Bond is (and vice versa) but the Unione Corse has well-known connections with the CIA and the French intelligence service, both of whom Bond has worked with.
    • Averted by Bond adopting the secret identity of "Sir Hilary Bray" rather well, complete with hobbies, personal foibles, insecurities and professional experience.
  • Please Wake Up: Even through he's an adult and not the usual young character who does this, Bond does a variant of this, in the sense that he says it to a policeman who appears immediately after Tracy is gunned down.
    Bond: It's all right. It's quite all right, really. She's having a rest. We'll be going on soon. There's no hurry, you see. We have all the time in the world."
  • Porn Stash: One of several important documents in a Swiss banker's office is Playboy. Bond, the cold-hearted bastard, steals it and reads it out of the office. If you look closely, you'll see that Bond didn't steal the entire magazine - only the centrefold. Which makes him even more of a cold-hearted bastard.
  • Post-Climax Confrontation: Tragically used; after the wedding, Blofeld and Bunt kill the new Mrs. Bond in a drive by shooting.
  • Pretty in Mink: Several, including a red fox coat Tracy wears.
  • Pretty Little Headshots: Tracy is shot dead at the end of the film, and only has a small bullet wound on her head rather than parts of it being all over the car.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Bond is falling in love with Tracy throughout the film, but this does not stop him from sleeping with multiple women, one after the other, when he knows they are being experimented upon and brainwashed. Admitedly, he doesn't actually have his Love Epiphany for Tracy until after that, and he doesn't really know they are being brainwashed, though obviously he's suspicious of the (voluntary) hypnotism, which he only finds out about after he starts sleeping with them (and even then, the hypnotism might not have affected that part of their personality). And being Bond, it was obviously too late by then. One other explanation is that Bond sleeping with Ruby is just him trying to get into a patient's room at a time where no officials can hear them so that he could ask questions such as how she got there, what the clinic is doing, etc, and him spending the rest of the night with Nancy was to distract her from the book she wanted to see, which he'd left in Ruby's room. Him scheduling more meetings with them afterwards is to keep up the act he'd established and nothing else. With Tracy, he's clearly in love.
  • Punch! Punch! Punch! Uh Oh...: Bond is attacked by surprise by a henchman in Tracy's hotel room. He responds by hitting him with a chair and throwing five haymakers in a row, none even fazing the man, before taking some heavy hits himself.
  • Raised Hand of Survival: Blofeld sets off an avalanche which buries Bond and Tracy under a heap of snow. Tracy manages to raise her hand from under the snow, upon which Blofeld's mooks come to her aid.
  • Reckless Gun Usage: Tracy has to hit the floor when her father's men open fire with submachine guns into the observation lounge. Then again, they're not a trained hostage rescue team, and probably made the mistake of assuming Tracy was locked up below somewhere.
  • Red Right Hand: Blofeld has lopped off his earlobes to impersonate a Count.
  • Redundant Rescue: She still needs help to get out of the complex, but when the Big Damn Heroes arrive at the end, Tracy has killed the man Blofeld set on her and just needs a ride home at that point.
  • Rescue Romance: Subverted at first; after Bond stops her committing suicide, then bails her out at the casino for the tune of 20,000 francs, she gives him Rescue Sex but it's presented like another form of her self-destructive behavior. However she does eventually fall for him, but it's not certain if Bond returns her feelings until after Tracy pulls her own rescue in Switzerland. Then Bond puts his career on the line to rescue her again, just to seal matters.
  • Right in Front of Me: Bond, upon seducing who he thinks is Ruby for the second time, tries to ask her if "that old cow" (Irma Bunt) has told her when she's leaving Piz Gloria, only for the old cow in question to spring out of the bed instantly, scaring Bond.
  • Roll in the Hay: Bond and Tracy share some warmth in a barn in a brief hiatus during their escape from Blofeld's goons, and this is where Bond proposes to her.
  • Sacred Hospitality: Tracy is upset that her father is negotiating to marry her off to James Bond in exchange for supplying James with information regarding the whereabouts of Blofeld. Tracy confronts her father, insisting that he uphold his duties as James' host.
    "You always taught me a good host supplies his guest's needs. And without obligation."
  • Safecracking: Bond uses a device that directly manipulates the dial automatically to open it, and has a photocopier function so Bond can put back the documents he wants so as to eliminate evidence of his break in.
  • Saint-Bernard Rescue: After the climatic bobsled chase, James Bond slides down the hill and into a mountain village, where he is found by a St Bernard. Bond jokingly berates it for pawing him, telling the dog to go get the brandy instead, and make it five-star.
  • Scare Chord:
    • There are a few well-placed notes played during Bond and Draco's initial meeting, which heighten up the suspense.
    • Used when Fräulein Bunt pops out from under the sheets after Bond thought he was sneaking up on Ruby Bartlett instead. Cue a Tap on the Head and the screen becoming blurry.
    • The James Bond Theme of all things is used as one at the end. After the tragic ending scene, the serene melody used as background music ends, everything goes quiet for a moment... and then a loud brass arrangement of the James Bond Theme kicks in.
  • Scenery Porn:
    • They could not have chosen a better place in Switzerland to shoot the alpine scenes if they TRIED. Just WOW. From the helicopter ride to Piz Gloria to the iconic Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau mountain range in the background, the appearance of the country in this film will make you feel disappointed when it stops getting screen time.
    • The Piz Gloria building itself. The views from the full-length windows in the alpine room are nothing short of stunning in full daylight and sunset. The inside is also amazingly furnished, especially the luxury suites for the patients. It's actually a shame when it gets blown up at the end of the film.
  • Secret Identity Vocal Shift: In the scenes where Bond is impersonating Sir Hillary Bray, George Lazenby is dubbed by George Baker, who played Sir Hilary.
  • Sedgwick Speech: Tracy. "Anyway, you have given me a wedding present. The best I could have. A future." No, she doesn't...
  • Sequel Hook: With what Blofeld did to Tracy, James is obviously not going to take that lying down!
  • Series Continuity Error: The movies were filmed out of order with the books. This is the first time Bond and Blofeld meet in the books. That's why they don't know each other as well as they do in You Only Live Twice.
  • Sex Equals Love: Invoked. Draco encourages Bond to seduce his daughter because he feels that she needs love and a husband. Even Bond is rather taken aback by this mindset.
  • Sexophone: There's such a recurring riff for the girls of Piz Gloria.
  • Sexy Shirt Switch: Bond puts on Tracy's robe after he wakes up and she is gone.
  • Shout-Out: The poem Tracy's uses to beguile Blofeld is loosely adapted from a stanza in James Ellroy Flecker's play Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and How he Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.
  • Show Some Leg: When Tracy recognises her father's voice on the radio from the approaching "Red Cross" helicopters, she immediately starts being nice to Blofeld, who gets annoyed when one of his men tries to draw his attention to them. "For thee the poet of beguilement sings" indeed.
  • Sleeps in the Nude: Ruby does not wear pajamas to bed when Bond goes to deliver a book to her. Despite this, Irma Bunt wears pajamas when imitating Ruby in bed to catch out Bond... probably for the sake of our eyes.
  • So Happy Together: Tracy and Bond's wedding and honeymoon drive, before her murder.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance:
    • The cheery festival music playing from the ice rink in a nearby village as a mook falls screaming to his death off the cliff.
    • The usual brassy James Bond Theme sounds as the audience is still reeling from the shock of the surprise ending.
  • Source Music:
    • "Do You Know How Christmas Trees are Grown" plays in a PA speaker in the background as Bond arrives in Switzerland, and later as Bond evades Blofeld and his men by hiding in the evening crowd.
    • An unnamed, unreleased festival track is heard at several points in the film. Namely when Shaun Cambell watches Piz Gloria from Birg, when Bond knocks an enemy skier off a cliff and when Bond arrives in the village the music in the last scenario was coming from.
  • Spy Cam: A classic version when Bond uses a Minox subminiature camera to take snap shots of The Big Board in Blofeld's office.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Bond, Tracy, and Draco are having lunch outdoors. When Tracy leaves, Bond and Draco talk for a bit, but when Draco takes his eyes off him, Bond abruptly disappears to follow Tracy
  • Stealth Insult: Sir Hillary, er, Bond tells Irma Bunt her name is a naval term for the baggy or swollen part of a sail. "Nothing personal, of course."
  • Sterility Plague: Virus Omega is designed to render crops and livestock all over the world completely infertile.
  • Stock Scream: A mook lets out this scream as he is blasted by a flamethrower during the raid of Piz Gloria.
  • Sudden Downer Ending: The only Bond film to end on a complete downer note until No Time to Die. Even Casino Royale is more upbeat. Bond's defeated Blofeld's evil scheme and got the girl - in fact, for the first time in the 007 series, he's married her. It doesn't last. In the final scene, Bond is driving away from the wedding with Tracy when Blofeld drives by and shoots her dead, and Blofeld and Irma Bunt get off scot-free, with the exception of Blofeld's neck injury. For the first and only time in the whole series, the last thing we see in the whole movie is James Bond looking completely and utterly heartbroken.
  • Suddenly Shouting: When Shaun Campbell attempts to catch a cable car to Piz Gloria, Grunther tries to convince him to leave peacefully, but he keeps insisting. Grunther's calm attitude doesn't last.
    Grunther: From here upwards now is FORBIDDEN! PRIVATE! CLOSED!
    Shaun: ...Alright.
  • Suddenly Voiced: In the Spanish dub, the policeman who checks on Bond after Tracy is shot dead asks if he's all right once the camera is off of him. In the original, he has no dialogue.
  • Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Originally planned for Tracy, but changed at the last minute to keep the plot condensed.
  • Suicide by Sea: Contessa Teresa "Tracy" di Vicenzo tries to commit suicide by walking into the ocean but is saved by James Bond. It was only one of her self-destructive behaviours, which included gambling with money she didn't have.
  • The Syndicate: The Unione Corse, Europe's largest criminal organization and where Bond can turn when his own government will not give him the support he needs.
  • Synthetic Plague: Blofeld has one he calls Virus Omega, which he threatens to unleash upon the world to destroy its food supply unless his demands are met.
  • Take This Job and Shove It: When M takes Bond off Operation Bedlam, Bond dictates a letter of resignation to Moneypenny and is genuinely hurt when M accepts it without question. It turns out that Moneypenny altered it to a request for two weeks' leave. With (as is revealed after Bond leaves the room) M's connivance.
  • Taken Off the Case: M relieves Bond from Operation Bedlam due to not having made any progress finding Blofeld in two years. Bond promptly tenders his resignation, which Moneypenny alters to a request for two weeks' leave. Bond uses his free time to pursue the case.
  • Talent Double:
    • A double was used for Diana Rigg at the ice rink for scenes where she skates as the actress did not know how to skate.
    • For the scenes where Tracy is skiing with Bond and not against a bluescreen, she was doubled by a man wearing a wig.
  • The Cavalry: Bond and Draco put together a commando force to raid Piz Gloria and stop Blofeld.
  • There Are No Therapists: Subverted. Draco asks Bond to seduce and marry his daughter in order to help her deal with her suicidal tendencies and crushing emotional trauma, but Bond points out that that is a ridiculous idea and she needs treatment and a psychiatrist, not sex. Then Bond Double Subverts it by doing it anyway because Draco is offering information on Blofeld.
  • Title Drop: "Her majesty's secret service" is said twice, but never the full title. The World Is Not Enough is dropped thirty years early.
  • Title Montage: Various clips from the five previous Bond movies can be seen during the intro sequence.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Perhaps in light of Telly Savalas' previous experience in action and war films, Blofeld as played by him is shown less as the seated, cat-stroking Smug Snake as in previous (and later) films. Here he's a brute, plain and simple. He is shown on skis chasing Bond himself with a few mooks once he escapes Piz Gloria, setting off an avalanche when Bond tries to escape even further and being pretty much an expert bobsledder.
    • Arguably, Bond is more willing to put up a fight than before (perhaps because George Lazenby was considerably younger than other Bond actors at the time of taking the role for the first time, or because he had some legitimate knowledge of martial arts). Some of his hand-to-hand combat in this film is positively vicious, such as when he throws two mooks off a cliff after crashing while skiing away from Piz Gloria.
  • Trademark Favourite Drink: Draco drinks Campari or Corsican brandy, Bond his vodka martini.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: Each of Blofeld's "patients" could only eat one and only one kind of food as part of their treatment: chicken for Ruby; flatbread for the Indian girl, bananas for the Jamaican girl; and so on.
  • Trouble Entendre: After M rejects his idea of a strike on Piz Gloria, Bond places a phone call to Draco Construction.
    Bond: I'd like to interest you in a demolition deal. It requires certain aerial activity to install equipment.
  • Truth in Television: George Lazenby was actually a martial arts expert and used to teach unarmed combat to the Australian Special Air Service.
  • Trying Not to Cry: Bond tries to put on a brave face after Blofeld guns down Tracy right in front of him, but barely manages to make it to the "The End" credits before he starts to weep.
  • Turbine Blender: A mook falls into the path of a roadway snow blower. Bond One-Liner: "He had a lot of guts."
  • Turn in Your Badge: Subverted. After M takes Bond off the hunt for Blofeld, Bond tells Moneypenny to write a memo tendering his resignation (presumably with the intent of pursuing Blofeld as a rogue agent). Moneypenny instead writes a memo requesting two weeks' leave.
  • Unconventional Vehicle Chase: When his defending forces are overcome, Blofeld escapes Piz Gloria in a bobsleigh. Bond grabs another and goes after him.
  • Unprocessed Resignation: After being taken off the hunt for Ernst Blofeld, Bond asks Miss Moneypenny to submit his letter of resignation from the British Secret Service to M, his boss. M later hands Bond's letter back to him and, without question, says his wish is granted. Bond is surprised since he thought M would have more of a reaction to him spontaneously leaving. He then checks the paperwork and finds out that Moneypenny knew he was just acting on emotion and instead submitted a request for two weeks' leave instead, which was why M was so unconcerned.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Blofeld and Irma Bunt drive away after assassinating Bond's new wife. Bond is too shocked and grief-stricken to give chase.
  • Villainous Valour: This Blofeld does lead his men in battle from the front and is not afraid to get in the fighting himself. Of course he is played by Telly Savalas.
  • Voice Changeling: Bond impersonates a genealogist while undercover in Switzerland, mimicking his voice perfectly as part of the act. This was achieved by dubbing the genealogist's voice over Bond's actor, George Lazenby.
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: The In-Universe location of Piz Gloria is quite unclear, other than that it's in Switzerland. As mentioned earlier, the word "Piz" is only used around eastern Switzerland, yet Piz Gloria is surrounded by several names of places in the Bernese Oberland. Tracy, upon finding Bond, tells him that the nearest post office is in Feldkirch, Austria (which would be around 200 kilometers away) and the place they wind up at is a phone box surrounded with Swiss flags. Overall, there are so many contradicting pieces of information on either side about it that it's rather puzzling to think about.
  • Wicked Cultured: One of Blofeld's demands is to be given the title of Comte de Bleuchamps, for no reason other than the prestige.
  • Widowed at the Wedding: Bond is briefly married and immediately widowed when Blofeld sends Irma Bunt to try killing him in retribution for him foiling his plans earlier but she kills his wife Tracy instead. Bond is still reeling from the trauma as late as For Your Eyes Only, and a mention of getting married in 1989's Licence to Kill provokes an emotional look from Bond, and a quick change of subject by Felix Leiter.
  • Worst Wedding Ever: It doesn't get much worse than the villain you failed to kill gunning down your bride before you could even make it to the honeymoon.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Bond losing his new bride Tracy.
  • Yodel Land: Most of the action takes place in Switzerland, much of it at ski resorts.
  • You Called Me "X"; It Must Be Serious: This marks the only time that Q addresses Bond by his first name. Fittingly enough, it's at his wedding.

James Bond will return in...Diamonds Are Forever.


Video Example(s):


Bond meets Blofeld

James Bond infiltrates the Piz Gloria by posing as Sir Hilary Bray.

How well does it match the trope?

5 (2 votes)

Example of:

Main / VoiceChangeling

Media sources:
