Exclusive: YOUNG AND RESTLESS's Mark Grossman On Adam & Sally's Reunion - Soap Opera Digest


Exclusive: YOUNG AND RESTLESS's Mark Grossman On Adam & Sally's Reunion

Courtney Hope, Mark Grossman

Howard Wise/jpistudios.com

Fans of Y&R’s Adam and Sally cheered when the duo decided to take another shot at a happily-ever-after — and so did Adam’s portrayer, Mark Grossman. Digest checked in with the actor about Adam and Sally’s new lease on love, what gives them their rooting value and more.

What do you think it means to Adam to have another shot at a happily-ever-after with Sally? “Oh, man, I think it means a lot because [it’s been] quite a journey with them. Adam hasn’t had a lot of happy relationships in his life and it’s been a while since he’s had something stable and solid and like a teammate. I’m interested to see where they’re going to take this! Maybe this leads to a wedding of some sort, or [who knows] how long it stays good [between them]. I think it might even be over two years, or maybe we’re coming up on two-and-a-half years since Adam and Sally met and started this whole journey, so it’s been a slow process and there’s been a lot of things that have happened, obviously, with the baby; that story was a lot of fun. I’m curious to see where they’re going to go with the relationship, but it’s a really good relationship. I really enjoy the relationship. But it’s nice because it’s been such a journey, them initially getting together and then all the drama [with her] being with Nick and then them coming back together. It’s been really fun! Fans really seem to like Adam and Sally together, so it’s always nice when people appreciate the kind of work that you do.”

There are still a lot of fans in Adam and Sally’s corner. What do you think gives them rooting value? “I just think [Courtney Hope, Sally and I] hit it off with a lot of chemistry. We just seem to work well together. It’s hard to articulate, but it’s just like an energy thing. And I think when you work with somebody and you’re both on the same page and you really are listening to each other, and you’re really responding [and] you have a good storyline, it just kind of comes through the screen. Courtney is wonderful. She shows up 110 percent every day and she just makes my job a lot easier. And it just seems like we’ve really got something special there that a lot of fans really like. I was walking my dog and some lady stopped me and she was like, ‘I just love you and Sally!’ and it’s really nice to hear that. [Adam and Sally] have been through a lot of stuff and it’s really nice that people respond well to that relationship and it’s always great when you work with an actor and you feel like things are clicking and things are working.”

Would you like to see the characters get married? “Yeah, I think I’d like that. You know, it would be fun to do that whole thing and everything that goes along with that — you know, the proposal and then have a wedding. It would be really nice. So, yeah, I’m curious to see if they’re going to go that route. That would be a lot of fun.”

