Fallout 4 Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for PC - GameFAQs
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  1. Console Commands

    The console is no longer enabled with the ~ (tilde) button. It is now enabled with the ' button to the left of the return key. Some users may find that the ~ (tilde) key is still the correct key with which to access the console.
    Add Bottlecapsplayer.additem 000000F XXX (XXX being the amount)
    Add Fusion Coresplayer.additem 00075fe4 amount
    Add lockpicksplayer.additem 000000A XXX (XXX being the amount)
    Changes the players field of view. Default is 70, no higher than 110 is recommended.fov X
    Debug room containing all itemscoc qasmoke
    God Modetgm
    Increases your companions affinity for you by X. Companions will not register the affinity increase until their next normal affinity change.modav CA_affinity X (after targeting a companion)
    Kills the targeted actor.kill
    Locks a given door, container, or terminal, a number after 'lock' will set the difficulty.Lock
    Max chance to pickpocket is 100setgs fPickPocketMaxChance 100
    Min chance to pickpocket is 100setgs fPickPocketMinChance 100
    Permanently modifies players max weightplayer.modav carryweight #
    Resets health to full, leaves radiation.player.resethealth
    Resurrects the targeted dead actor.resurrect
    Returns the player to sanctuarycoc sanctuaryext
    Reveal all map markerstmm 1
    Sets actor values to a given amount (S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, resistances, AP, health, etc). Using setav will affect perks and unlock new perks.player.setav <variable> <amount>
    Sets player movement speed. For example, a value of 120 would be a 20% faster speed.player.setav speedmult xx
    Sets the ownership of an item to yourself, so you can take it without consequences.setownership
    Sets the value of the rate at which the player character's power armor degrades due to damagesetgs fPowerArmorPCArmorDamageMultiplier
    sets your characters level to what ever number you replace xx with (note: can only be used to raise you level can't bring it down)player.setlevel xx
    Shows the value of the rate at which the player character's power armor degrades due to damagegetgs fPowerArmorPCArmorDamageMultiplier
    Tells you the affinity your companion has for you, most companions max out once they are over 1000.getav CA_affinity (after targeting a companion)
    toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)tfc
    Toggles Immortal Modetim
    Toggles no clip mode (walk through walls, fly etc. will still be seen and reacted to normally by enemies)tcl
    Toggles the AI on or off on a targeted actor. When off will cause them to simply stand in place and not react to anything.tai
    toggles the combat AI. Actors in combat will not act, but can be killed.tcai
    Toggles User Interface (useful for screenshots)tm
    Unlocks a given door, container, or terminal.Unlock
    Value chosen multiplies ballistic and melee damage. (1 is default value, 2 would double the damage, 3 will triple etc.)player.setav 357 <amount>
    Works the same as setav however is treated as a temporary increase like those provided by gear, and so will not unlock new perks on the perk tree.player.modav <variable> <amount>
    40    217


  1. Acquiring the Cryolator Early XONE

    Near the Oveseer's skeletal remains in Vault 111, you can see a locked case that requires the Master lockpicking skill to open it and grab yourself the Cryolator (a powerful weapon that freezes enemies and possibly kills them as well). You can bypass the Master lockpick by having Dogmeat as your companion and returning to Vault 111 (by pushing a button near Vault 111 itself in a little building). When Dogmeat is near the case have him search for items and he will immediately head to it and grab the Cryolator through the glass case and return to you and drop it. There you go! Instant Cryolator! Check Dogmeat's inventory for 200 rounds for the gun also.
    Contributed By: thegrambauer
    26    18

  2. Duplicating most weapons, unique items, etc. XONE

    With Dogmeat as your companion you can get him to duplicate most things in your inventory. These include: the SPECIAL book itself so you can max out your SPECIAL skills, most weapons (Alien Blaster, Fatman, Miniguns, etc.) and most other items you have. Majority of your ammo won't/can't be duplicated though as I have tried doing this with the AB ammo for the Alien Blaster and at best it gave me ONE more bullet for it. What you do is drop the desired item on the ground in front of you and have Dogmeat go a fair distance away from you then while in his command menu, have him pick up the item and at the same time you pick it up as well. You have to time this perfectly and when you do, you will have the item in your inventory and Dogmeat will have another in his. He will then drop it on the ground in front of you. Repeat as desired. I ended up with 32 SPECIAL skill books (more than I really needed) and maxed out my SPECIAL skills. Caution: If you are wearing any armour that has a SPECIAL stat on it, remove it first or else the game will glitch it out. For example, I was wearing a chest piece with +1 Strength and +1 Endurance and I maxed out my SPECIAL skills to 10. Except in the skills menu it shows that I'm only at level 9 of those skill points.
    Contributed By: thegrambauer
    26    11

  3. Duplication Glitch

    Using the workshop at any settlement you can actually duplicate any singular material exponentially (at least to a point) to do this drop the item you want on the ground, access the workshop (where you can choose what to build) then hover over the item and press scrap and then immediately roll over the button for storing, if done correctly both prompts will overlay and you will not only scrap the item but also store it as well, effectively doubling that item, this is done most easily with a controller as all you have to do is roll your finger from the X button to the B button on an Xbox Controller (Square to Circle for a Playstation 4 controller) as a note when you see the menu's overlap you must hold B (or Circle) while you confirm the first box, then confirm in the second box and that will complete the duplication.
    Contributed By: Neotemplarking
    15    12

  4. Infinite Fusion Cores (Pre-Patch) PS4

    Progress up until the point you are allied with the Prydwen. You can pickpocket a fusion core from one the Knights inside the ship (make sure you do not get caught). Once you pickpocket the fusion core from the Knight, he/she will come out of the Powersuit, replenish their fusion core and re-enter the powersuit. Once they are inside their powersuit again, pickpocket the fusion core and repeat. (be sure to quicksave after each successful attempt)

    Step1: Find a knight in a secluded area.
    Step2: Pickpocket the fusion core
    Step3: If successfull, quicksave (just incase)
    Step4: Wait for him to leave his powersuit and go back in it
    Step5: Repeat Step1-4

    Contributed By: zorax_power
    21    10

  5. Infinite XP and caps with charisma XONE

    You can do this anywhere, but Diamond City is the best. This won't work if you don't have high charisma so wear the charisma clothes (suit, glasses, hat) and pop some Chen's to get it as high as possible. Talk to Myrna and buy ALL her shipments of steel. Go over to the chem station in front of the hospital and craft CALTROPS. Go back to Myrna and sell as much as she can buy. You can sell the remainder to other merchants. Rest 48 hours and repeat. Once you get enough levels invest in Chemist (INT 7) and switch to POISONED CALTROPS. They sell for nearly twice as much. Repeat. Buy steel shipments, make POISONED CALTROPS, sell POISONED CALTROPS, rest 48 hours. Once you have enough caps buy the Home Plate so you can sleep for the extra XP. If you have Idiot Savant you can get even more XP and if you have Cap Collector you can get even more caps. The only limit is your patience. I had all 7 SPECIAL stats up to 10 even before I went to Concord. With 10 CHA and +4 from clothing I was making over 1,000 caps about every 2 minutes.
    Contributed By: Ashtitan
    6    3

  6. Infinite XP and companion affinity for some companions XONE

    So far, every safe I've encountered that is both pickable and has a terminal nearby to hack qualifies for this exploit. Pick the safe then hack the terminal and relock the safe. Pick the safe again. Open the hacked terminal and relock the safe. Repeat until bored. You'll only get the hacking XP once but you'll get lock XP every time. As an added benefit, Piper, Cait, and Deacon will all gain affinity as long as the safe is unowned.
    Contributed By: Sasquatch1313
    14    3

  7. Unlimited settlement size PS4

    While at a settlement, drop all your extra weapons on the ground. Enter workshop mode, and click to store those weapons in workbench. This will trick the game into thinking it has more space and you will see your size actually drop. Just go back to your workbench and add them back to your personal inventory and repeat the steps again until you have enough space to build more.
    Contributed By: Closethecasket
    18    11


  1. Getting your companion to carry more items than they should be able to XONE

    If you enter into trade dialogue with your companion, you can only transfer items to them up to a certain carry weight. A message pop-up will then appear " ?companion? cannot carry any more items".

    If you drop items, you can then command your companion to pick it up, the weight is then completely disregarded. Handy when you cannot fast travel while over encumbered. Items dropped which are more than 5 units, usually show up as one item indicating 5+ units. Drop 1000's of units of Purified water, move away, get "command" option when looking at companion, execute it, then look at water and get command to show "get purified water", then execute it. Your companion will pick it up and then you can fast travel to merchants, take some water from companion with trade dialogue, then barter to pay with water at merchant and Fast travel to next merchant.
    Contributed By: Anonymous
    7    3

  2. Raw Resource Duplication - Works as of Feb 2018 (Xbox One) PS4

    1. Drop the desired item on the floor near any work bench you have access too (must be a base resource e.g. adhesive, cork or steel etc.).
    2. Go into workshop build mode and highlight item that you dropped.
    3. Press X then quickly hold B
    4. While holding B, Double tap X then press A.
    5. The item will of doubled and both parts added to the workbench.

    This works with stacked items too - If you drop 100 glass - Follow steps 2 to 4, you will have 200 glass in the workbench.
    Contributed By: ChiefRyback88
    11    11

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