6 Best Wiki Software Tools For Small Teams to Consider - Klutch

6 Best Wiki Software Tools For Small Teams to Consider

by | Dec 18, 2023 | All

Ever feel like valuable team knowledge gets lost in endless emails and scattered documents? Wish there was a central hub for all your processes, procedures, and project details? That’s where company wiki software comes in.

Think of wiki software as a shared notebook for your team. It’s an identifiable place where your team can create, edit, and organize information together, fostering a culture of open communication and collective learning. 

But for small teams especially, choosing the right wiki software can feel overwhelming. You need a simple tool to set up and use to keep everyone on the same page, and won’t bust the budget.

So, how do you find the perfect wiki software for your small team? Consider these factors:

  • Ease of use: It should be intuitive and accessible even for non-technical users.
  • Collaboration: Look for real-time editing, discussions, and version control for smooth teamwork.
  • Organization: Content should be structured, searchable, and taggable for easy discovery.
  • Cost: Choose free or affordable options for small teams, ensuring paid plans offer valuable features and scalability.
  • Security: Strong data security and access controls are crucial for protecting sensitive information.

With these key points in mind, let’s dive into the top wiki software tools that can empower small teams to collaborate easily.


The first on the list is a quite obvious choice. Klutch is a cloud-based company wiki and knowledge management software that’s great for advancing the needs of small teams. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust collaboration features, and various functionalities to keep your team informed and efficient.

Klutch - knowledge base

Why Klutch for Small Teams?

  • Simple and Intuitive: Klutch boasts a clean and familiar interface that makes creating, editing, and accessing information a breeze, even for non-technical users.
  • Centralized Knowledge Hub: You can consolidate all your vital team knowledge, from policies and procedures to FAQs and project documentation, in one readily searchable location. No more digging through endless folders or chasing colleagues for answers.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Work together on documents simultaneously. Klutch’s collaborative editing features allow multiple team members to contribute and update information in real-time, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.
  • Boost Team Onboarding: New team members can quickly get up to speed with easily accessible onboarding materials and company information. Klutch helps reduce ramp-up time and empowers newcomers to contribute sooner.
  • Eliminate Information Silos: Break down knowledge barriers and foster a culture of open communication. Klutch encourages knowledge sharing and ensures everyone has access to the latest information, regardless of location or role.
  • Flexible Access Control: Control who sees what. Klutch’s granular permission settings allow you to tailor access to specific pages or folders, ensuring sensitive information remains protected.
  • Seamless Integrations: Connect Klutch with your existing workflow. Integrate with tools like Slack, Gmail, and Zoom to streamline information flow and boost productivity. 

Pricing and Plans

Klutch offers flexible pricing plans to cater to the needs of growing teams. Our free plan provides basic features for small teams, while paid plans unlock additional functionalities like unlimited items, AI responses, text snippets or shortcuts, external sharing, and access to premium support.


ClickUp isn’t just a wiki software, it’s a multi-talented platform that can handle tasks, documents, goals, and communication. This versatility makes it a strong contender for small teams looking for a one-stop shop for all their knowledge needs.

Clickup wiki software


  • Workflow: ClickUp lets you seamlessly weave wiki pages into your workflows, turning static information into actionable steps. 
  • Friendly-User Interface: Forget dry, text-heavy wikis. ClickUp’s visually appealing interface with collaborative docs, and whiteboards, makes navigating and updating information a breeze. 
  • Collaboration: ClickUp fosters real-time collaboration with features like mindmaps, document version control and tags for team members.


  • Pricing: ClickUp’s free plan is generous, but as your team grows, so do the costs. The higher tiers can be pricier than some competitors for small teams, particularly those who just need a simple wiki software solution.
  • Feature: ClickUp’s abundance of features can be overwhelming for beginners. While its versatility is a plus, it can take some time to master all the bells and whistles, especially for smaller teams who just need a quick and easy knowledge base.


Confluence is a collaborative knowledge powerhouse built for teams. Its robust features make information easily accessible, searchable, and actionable. However, its learning curve and cost may be considerations for smaller teams.



  • Real-time editing and discussions: Confluence fosters live collaboration with simultaneous editing and threaded comments on pages. 
  • Content structuring and organization: Keep your knowledge base organized with flexible page hierarchies, labels, and macros. Finding the information you need is a breeze, even for the newest team member.
  • Integrated workflows: Confluence seamlessly connects with Atlassian’s project management tool, Jira, allowing you to link tasks, tickets, and documents for a holistic view of your work.
  • Rich editing tools: Craft beautiful and informative pages with powerful formatting options, media embedding, and templates. 
  • Version control and history: Always keep track of changes with detailed version history and the ability to revert to any previous iteration.
  • Access control and permissions: Granular permissions ensure sensitive information stays secure while fostering open collaboration for appropriate team members.
  • Confluence shines brightest within the Atlassian ecosystem. If you already use Jira or Bitbucket, you’ll enjoy seamless integrations and a centralized information hub for your team.



While Confluence offers a powerful feature set, it has a slightly steeper learning curve compared to some simpler wiki options. Additionally, the pricing can be a bit higher for smaller teams compared to some competitors.


Notion is the chameleon of wiki software, effortlessly morphing into whatever your team needs: a knowledge base, project hub, document organizer, and more. Its beauty lies in its flexibility. 

Drag-and-drop building blocks like databases, calendars, and wikis give you complete control over how you curate and consume information. 


But with great power comes the responsibility of taming it. Building intricate wikis in Notion can feel like constructing a sprawling city – exhilarating, but potentially overwhelming. While its all-in-one nature shines for smaller teams, larger knowledge bases might benefit from dedicated wiki platforms with more robust search and navigation tools. Sharing intricate information across teams can also require some workarounds to maintain a single source of truth.


Document360 shines like a beacon for teams seeking wiki software with both simplicity and sophistication. Its interface is as clean and intuitive as a freshly opened notebook, letting anyone jump in and start crafting knowledge. 


  • User-Friendly Interface: Document360 boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for anyone to navigate and contribute, regardless of technical expertise. The drag-and-drop functionality simplifies content creation, while the familiar editor lets you see exactly how your document will appear.
  • Rich Editing Tools: Format your content with ease, embed multimedia like images and videos, and leverage pre-built templates to save time and ensure consistency. You can even create interactive elements like polls and quizzes to engage your audience.
  • Document Version Control: Never lose track of changes with Document360’s robust version control system. Track edits, revert to previous versions, and compare changes side-by-side to ensure accuracy and collaboration transparency.

For teams prioritizing ease of use, document richness, and version control, Document360 is a worthy contender. Just remember, if collaborative firepower is your top priority, you might need to explore further.



Nuclino takes a unique approach to wiki software, focusing on visual information organization and real-time collaboration. 


  • Visual Boards: Nuclino organizes knowledge using flexible boards that resemble Kanban boards. This visual layout allows you to map connections, categorize information, and see the big picture with ease.
  • Powerful Knowledge Organization: Beyond boards, Nuclino offers robust features for structuring and accessing information. You can link cards, create hierarchies, and use tags to make knowledge easily discoverable and interconnected. This fosters a comprehensive understanding of concepts and relationships within your team’s knowledge base.
  • Seamless Collaborative Editing: Work together in real-time. Nuclino allows multiple users to edit documents and boards simultaneously, fostering open communication and ensuring everyone stays on the same page. Features like version history and live updates further enhance collaborative workflows.


Pricing and Considerations

Nuclino offers a free plan with limited features, while paid plans provide increased storage, collaborators, and integrations. However, compared to some competitors, granular access control options might be less extensive.


Wrapping Up

Choosing the right wiki software for your small team can significantly impact your team’s performance. The ideal wiki software will depend on your team’s specific needs and priorities. Remember to consider factors like team size, technical expertise, budget, and desired functionalities. Evaluate each platform based on the key points mentioned above and try out demos if possible to gain firsthand experience.

That being said, we welcome you to try out Klutch for free for your company wiki needs.


Suggestion for you

Save time by using professionally designed documents and spreadsheet templates created by Klutch.