White Spots on mobile Screen, top reasons you never considered - Tech With Tech

White Spots on mobile Screen, top reasons you never considered

Few things are more frustrating than pulling out your phone, expecting to enjoy a smooth and clear view of your apps and photos, only to be met with an annoying white spots on the mobile screen.

These white spots on your mobile screen can emerge due to various reasons, from pressure points to defects in aftermarket screens. But don’t fret; we’ve got some solutions to help you clear your phone screen of these pesky spots and regain its original brilliance.

Understanding White Spots on Mobile Screen

Embark on a journey into the realm of mysterious white spots on phone screens. Picture this scenario: you’re in a dimly lit room, you activate your phone, and suddenly, you notice them – those small, glaring patches that seem out of place. You’re certainly not alone in this. These white spots can arise for various reasons, and it’s crucial to pinpoint their exact location and the specific part of the phone they’re affecting.

To address these white spots effectively, you first need to understand the underlying issue. Several factors could be at play here. It might be a pixel problem, or perhaps something is lodged in or behind the screen. Luckily, distinguishing between these causes is relatively straightforward.

To diagnose the issue, consider the following two key points, and you’ll be well on your way to identifying the problem. Then, you can proceed to apply the appropriate solution.

white spots on phone screen

Is the White Spot on Your Phone Screen Constant?

The initial step is to determine if the white spot is perpetually present. This involves more than just observing it across different apps.

Power off your phone. With the device switched off, does the white spot persist? If it’s still visible, it could indicate a flaw in your screen protector.

Alternatively, if the spot is gone when the phone is off, then you might be dealing with a display issue of some sort, particularly with the display panel.

damaged pixels

This is where the liquid crystal layer of your screen has sustained damage, possibly from moisture. Stuck or dead pixels are another possibility, where certain pixels on your screen can become damaged and remain white. Pressure damage, often resulting from mishandling, is a common issue too. Minor software glitches can also cause display anomalies, including white spots.

It’s important to recognize that these bright spots on phone screens, while seemingly minor, can significantly degrade your phone’s display quality. They can disrupt your immersive gaming experiences or mar your enjoyment while browsing through photos.

But don’t worry, we’re going to delve into some effective solutions for these issues in the sections that follow. Let’s work towards restoring the pristine clarity your phone screen once had!

white spots on mobile screen
bright spot on phone screen

Recognizing Dead Pixels, Pressure Points, and Defects- White spots on mobile screen

We’re all guilty of not treating our phones with the utmost care all the time, aren’t we? Those times when your phone gets a bit squished in your tight pocket, or when you accidentally knock it against a hard surface – yeah, those could cause what we call pressure spots. These are essentially the yellow or white spots on phone screens you see, formed due to excessive pressure applied to a specific area.

Often they are small spots from pin size to pea size. They are pretty much always there and don’t change based on brightness or app. Additionally, damage to the backlight layer can also result in white spots on the screen, as issues with this layer, such as LED burnout, can lead to uneven illumination or white patches.

I have also seen it when parts come loose in a phone like a small screw or say when a battery that is aging expands and puts pressure on the screen.

Sometimes the culprit is a piece of dirt or debris that gets into the phone and can lodge itself behind the screen. In our shop we often see iPhones with this problem because many of their models have metal plates on the back for the screen leaving traps for dirt and dust.

Then there’s the other villain in our story – defects in aftermarket screens. Let’s be honest, the price tag on those replacement screens can be quite alluring. But without the rigid quality control that original manufacturer screens go through, these aftermarket screens can come with their own set of issues, white spots included.

I would recommend bringing it to a professional that can open it up and clean it out. If it’s a pressure point from the frame being bent then you can sometimes get someone to straighten the frame back out.

Understanding Liquid Damage White spots on mobile screen

When it comes to smartphone display issues, one of the more perplexing problems is the appearance of bright spots on phone screens or streaks caused by liquid damage. These anomalies often manifest in a unique, almost holographic pattern, distinguishing them from other common screen issues.

The Holographic Phenomenon of Liquid Damage

Liquid damage bright spots are characterized by their shimmering, holographic appearance. Unlike the consistent white of stuck pixels or the uniformity of pressure damage, these spots or streaks can display a range of colors and intensities, often changing based on the viewing angle. This distinctive look is a telltale sign of moisture having infiltrated the layers of the screen.

How Liquid Causes These Effects

  1. Layer Disruption: Modern smartphone screens are composed of multiple layers, including the liquid crystal layer crucial for displaying images. When liquid seeps in, it disrupts the uniformity of these layers, leading to irregular light refraction and the creation of bright, holographic patterns.

  2. Chemical Reactions: The liquid can also initiate chemical reactions with the materials in the screen. These reactions can alter the physical properties of the screen, further contributing to the unusual visual effects.

  3. Electrical Interference: Moisture inside the screen can interfere with the electrical pathways. This interference can cause the screen to display incorrect colors or brightness levels, leading to the appearance of these bright spots on phone screens or streaks.

The Impact on Your Phone’s Display

Liquid damage bright spots can range from mildly distracting to severely impairing the screen’s visibility and functionality. In some cases, these spots might be localized, affecting only a small portion of the screen. In more severe instances, they can spread, creating larger areas of distortion.

Addressing Liquid Damage: It’s crucial to act swiftly if you suspect liquid damage. Here are some steps you can take:
  1. Power Off: Immediately turn off your phone to prevent further electrical damage.

  2. Dry Out: If possible, remove the battery and use desiccants or leave the phone in a dry, warm place to evaporate the moisture.

  3. Professional Assessment: Consult a professional technician. They can assess the extent of the damage and advise on the best course of action, which might include screen replacement.

Prevention Tips: To avoid liquid damage, consider these precautions:
  • Use a waterproof case or cover.

  • Keep your phone away from moisture-prone areas.

  • Be cautious with liquids around your phone.

In summary, liquid damage bright spots on phone screens are a unique and often serious issue for smartphone screens, characterized by their holographic appearance. Quick action and professional advice are key to addressing and preventing further damage to your device.

Man replacing the broken tempered glass screen protector.

Addressing Screen Defects

iPhone screen defects, including white spots, can often require professional assessment and potentially a screen replacement. Stuck with a defective aftermarket screen? Don’t fret; there’s a solution for that. The most foolproof way to rid your screen of those unsightly white spots on mobile screens, is a screen replacement.

However, make sure you opt for a quality replacement screen from a reliable source this time around. Yes, it might be a tad bit costlier than that bargain deal you spotted online, but the difference in quality is well worth the extra bucks.

If the idea of replacing your phone screen makes you break out in a cold sweat, don’t worry, there’s always professional help. Phone repair specialists are your go-to guys for this. Armed with the right tools and knowledge, these wizards can effectively swap out your faulty screen with a new, defect-free one, especially for iPhone screens. Trust them to get your phone back to its spotless glory.

And remember, replacing a defective screen is not just about the visual appeal, it’s about ensuring that your phone performs at its best. So, don’t hesitate to take that step if you need to. Your eyes and your phone will thank you!

Repairman examines phone screen

How to Fix White Spots on iPhone Screens

First and foremost it’s always a good idea to start off by taking your phone out of its case and wiping it down with a clean dry cloth. If you suspect the tempered glass is the issue then of course remove that and replace it.

If the problem is internal and you want to try to resolve the pressure spots without bringing it into a store then there are a few strategies you can employ. The method most frequently used involves a bit of gentle screen massage.

Don’t worry; your phone will thank you for it. Grab a microfiber cloth – the kind often used for cleaning glasses – and prepare to start your mini spa treatment for your phone.

Start by identifying where the white spot is. Now, gently apply pressure on this spot using your microfiber cloth, massaging in a circular motion. The idea behind this is to redistribute the liquid trapped inside the screen, potentially dissolving the troublesome spot.

But remember, we said ‘gentle.’ Too much pressure might cause further harm, so practice restraint. Think of it as a soothing massage rather than a deep tissue rub!

If the white spot could be a ‘dead pixel’ or ‘dead pixels’, you might consider using a ‘pixel fixing app’ to resolve the issue. Should you be unable to fix the issue on your own, especially if it concerns an iPhone, it’s advisable to contact Apple support for guidance. Knowing your ‘phone model’ is crucial when seeking solutions for white spots, as troubleshooting steps may vary.

This method might not work immediately or for every pressure spot, but it’s worth a try before considering more drastic solutions like screen replacement.

If you still are having trouble with a bright spot on phone screen then I suggest bringing it to a phone repair shop where they can open it up and further diagnose the issue. They will be able to hopefully identify the source of the bright spot on the phone screen, whether it be a pressure point or water damage.

Piece of Dust or Hair Under Phone Screen Protector: Bad?

Preventing Future White Spots on Mobile Screen

Alright, now that we’ve uncovered ways to fix those annoying white spots on mobile screens, how about we focus on keeping them from making an unwelcome return? 

Remember, the key to a spotless screen is prevention, my friend. Treating your phone with a bit of TLC can go a long way. 

Invest in a solid phone case, we love double layered Otterboxes.  Think of it as armor for your phone, defending it from sudden impacts and shielding it from those ruthless pressure points. Now, while you’re at it, why not grab a screen protector too? It’s like an invisible guardian, warding off scratches and reducing pressure on the screen.

Maintain a safe, dry and clean environment for your device, preferably away from hard surfaces, edges, water or extreme temperatures. And remember, when it comes to screen replacements, always opt for quality over a quick buck. If your screen is already showing signs of defeat, getting it professionally replaced can save you from a future filled with white spots.


  • Theresa McDonough

    Tech entrepreneur and founder of Tech Medic, who has become a prominent advocate for the Right to Repair movement. She has testified before the US Federal Trade Commission and been featured on CBS Sunday Morning, helping influence change within the tech industry.

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