Dublin to Galway from $16 (€14) - Omio

How to travel from Dublin to Galway

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Travel Information to Galway from Dublin

distanceDistance115 miles (186 km)
modeAvailable travel modesBus
priceTicket price range- $16
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $16 (€14) • 2 h 24 min
fastestFastest modeBus • $16 (€14) • 2 h 24 min
carriersPopular travel companiesAirCoach

Travel 115 miles (186 km) by bus between Dublin and Galway. The most popular travel companies which serve this journey are AirCoach among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, ferry, flight or train from Dublin to Galway.

Travel options
from Dublin to Galway

How to get from Dublin to Galway by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Dublin to Galway is by taking a bus because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Irish Citylink
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Irish Citylink
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Irish Citylink
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Irish Citylink
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Irish Citylink
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Irish Citylink
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How to Travel from Dublin to Galway?

Ireland's capital, Dublin, is connected to Galway by more than 20 daily coaches that run during both the day and night. Galway is a favorite tourist destination and a gateway to some of the most stunning landscapes Ireland has to offer. A journey from Dublin to Galway lasts on average two and a half hours.

What is the Cheapest Way To Get from Dublin to Galway?

Traveling by bus is the cheapest way to get from Dublin to Galway. All connections are direct. Citylink coaches tend to be slightly less expensive than those of Gobus, and both companies service this route daily at the same frequency. Booking your ticket well in advance, at least three days prior, is recommended, and avoiding main holiday times and weekends can result in savings. The Citylink coaches depart in Dublin from Crampton Quay, while the Gobus coaches depart from Burgh Quay. Both terminals are located in the city center near the river Liffey. All coaches arrive in Galway at the New Coach Station, just 100 meters away from the railway station.

What is the Fastest Way to Travel from Dublin to Galway?

The fastest way to travel from Dublin to Galway is by bus, as it takes only two and a half hours to make this journey. Both Gobus and Citilink offer a direct travel connection between Dublin in the east and Galway in the west of Ireland. Their coaches depart around 20 times per day, with additional services on the weekends. The departure stations in Dublin are Burgh Quay for Gobus coaches and Crampton Quay for Citilink coaches, and both arrive into the New Coach Station in Galway.

Find and Book with Omio the Best Tickets from Dublin to Galway

The Omio app and website enable travelers to conveniently search and book transportation between Dublin and Galway, and enables users to filter by trip duration, departure time, and price.

Travel from Dublin to Galway by Bus

If you choose to travel from Dublin to Galway with Citilink coaches, you will need to head to Crampton Quay at the shore of the river Liffey. The terminal is very close to the Ha'penny Bridge, one of Dublin's most iconic landmarks. If you will be traveling with Gobus, then you will be leaving from Burgh Quay, which is nearby but closer to the Tara train station. Both departure points can be easily accessed by Dublin's excellent tram and bus system. After a journey of approximately two and a half hours, all coaches arrive in Galway at the New Coach Station, where you find also city bus stops that will bring you to your final destination in the city. You can also walk into the city center from the New Coach Station if you prefer. 

How to get from Dublin to Galway

The Best Way According to our Users

If you want to travel from Dublin to Galway there are several options available to you. For this route, however, 100,00% of our customers choose the bus as their preferred method of transportation. Nowadays, traveling by bus is a relaxing and entertaining experience. Most bus companies offer different on-board services; ranging from "welcome drinks" to free wi-fi or personal entertainment. For this reason, the bus is often chosen as the best way to get from Dublin to Galway. Bus companies normally offer comfortable journeys for reasonable prices, and if you choose to travel on a night bus you can even save the money of one night in a hotel. For that reason, the bus is most likely the cheapest way to get to your destination.

Search on Omio to find cheap tickets from Dublin to Galway. It’s easy to find the most attractive prices and choose your preferred route for your journey. Book on web or app, and travel with your mobile ticket —without the stress of printing your ticket.

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FAQs: Travel from Dublin to Galway

FAQs: Travel to Galway easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Dublin to Galway.

You can get between Dublin and Galway 1 different ways: bus.

The cheapest way to get from Dublin to Galway is by taking a bus with average ticket prices of $16 (€14) compared to other travel options to Galway:

Taking a bus costs () less than taking a ferry, which average ticket prices of ().

Taking a bus costs () less than taking a flight, which average ticket prices of ().

A bus is () less than a train with an average ticket price of () from Dublin to Galway.

The quickest way to travel between Dublin and Galway is by bus, which takes on average 2 h 24 min   compared to other travel options that take longer:

You should expect to travel around 115 miles (186 km) between Dublin and Galway.

The average frequency per day from Dublin to Galway is:

    However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your trip to Galway from Dublin as scheduled services by bus can vary by season or day of the week.

    These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Dublin to Galway:

    • Buses mostly leave from Dublin, Airport (T2 Arrivals Road - Zone 20) and tend to arrive in Galway, Coach Station.
    • Trains from Dublin to Galway most often leave from Dublin Connolly and arrive in Galway Railway Station.

    The following travel companies offer services from Dublin to Galway:

    • Travel with AirCoach, Irish Citylink, Infobus, Expressway or European Sleeper for buses to Galway. If you’re looking for a good deal on tickets, check for AirCoach Dublin to Galway tickets on Omio for $16 (€14).

    Yes, there are direct services available from Dublin to Galway with the following travel companies:

    • Direct services by bus with Irish Citylink.
    • Direct ferry with.
    • Direct flight with.
    • Direct services by train with.

    Direct services tend to save you time and add more convenience in getting you to Galway as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking your tickets from Dublin to Galway.

    Your trip from Dublin to Galway doesn't have to end in Galway. Many of our customers like to extend their vacation to explore other popular destinations like Cork, Dublin Airport, Belfast or Limerick. If you’d like to add Cork, Dublin Airport, Belfast or Limerick to your Dublin to Galway tour, check Omio for the best and cheapest ways to travel to any of these top destinations from Galway today!

    Travelling from Dublin to Galway: related information

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