Official homepage for the City of Vancouver

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What's new

How to scoot safely in Vancouver

E-scooters are allowed on:

  • Streets marked 50km/hr or less
  • Bike lanes and greenways
  • Seawall or park paths where bikes are allowed

You can't ride on sidewalks or exceed 25km/hr.

Alcohol in beaches and parks

You can bring and enjoy alcoholic beverages at:

  • 7 beaches from June 1 to September 30
  • 31 parks throughout the year
  • 16 additional parks from July 1 to August 31

Kids golf for free from July 2 to 31

Book a free tee time for a junior golfer with Take A Kid To The Course at Fraserview, McCleery, and Langara golf courses. Booking is now open.

Public notices available online

Review notifications on public hearings and tax, by-law, election, and other items regularly. 

Find out what's happening and how and when you can share your views on items that go to Council. 

Share accessibility barriers

We want to hear from anyone in Vancouver who:

  • Experiences a barrier
  • Witnesses someone experiencing a barrier

Your feedback will help us understand the barriers people face to remove them.