Family:Whitney, James Scolly (1811-1878)

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Gen. James Scolly8 Whitney (Stephen7, Josiah6, Josiah5, Richard4, Richard3, Richard2, John1), son of Stephen7 and Mary A. (Burgess)(Williams) Whitney, was born 19 May 1811, South Deerfield, MA, and died 24 Oct 1878, Brookline, MA, aged 67 years 5 months 5 days, of heart disease.[1]

He "of Deerfield, Mass." married, 23 Nov 1836, Somers, CT, Laurinda Collins "of Somers",[2] daughter of William and Eunice (Parsons) Collins. She was born 6 Jul 1810, Somers, CT, and died 5 Feb 1893 [Pierce] or 20 May 1908, Brookline, MA, aged 97 years 9 months 14 days, of malignant disease of abdominal organs.[3]

Gen. James S. Whitney. [A paper read by S. O. Lamb, Esq., at the annual meeting of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, Feb. 24, 1891.] James S. Whitney was for many years one of the most active, enterprising, energetic and successful business men, and one of the most prominent, influential and highly respected citizens of Franklin county. He was also called from time to time to high positions in his party, and in the state and national governments, which widely extended knowledge of his name and reputation through his own state and the country. It is therefore eminently proper that there should be some memorial of him in the procedings of this association in which he ever felt a warm interest, and of which he was a life member. James S. Whitney was born in that part of Deerfield then called "Bloody Brook," now South Deerfield, 19 May 1811. He was son of Stephen Whitney, Esq., formerly of Nelson, New Hampshire, a prominent merchant at Bloody Brook. Gen. Whitney's mother, Mary Burgess, was a daughter of Dr. Benjamin Burgess. An elder sister of Mrs. Whitney married Mr. Mitchell Dawes, of Cummington, and was the mother of Hon. Henry L. Dawes. The early education of James S. Whitney was such as he was able to obtain at home from the teaching of his parents. At an early age he entered the store of his father, in the capacity of a clerk, and by his industrious habits, his strict attention to his duties and his ready tact in dealing with customers, soon established a good business character. In 1832, when at the age of twenty-one years, he became, by purchase from his father, the proprietor of the business and carried on the same at South Deerfield till about the first of January, 1838, when he removed to Conway. In that period of his life, though actively employed in his private business, he took a deep interest and active part in public affairs, and especially in the movement at the time in which his father also took an efficient part, for the organization, or the reorganization of the militia of the state, which, in the words of a journal of the day, "was in deplorable condition." He entered into this work with that zeal and energy, and with such good judgment and success as gave him a marked prominence in military circles, and in 1835, when only twenty-four years of age, he was honored with an election and commission as brigadier-general of the second brigade and fourth division of Massachusetts militia. By that title of general thus early and honorably earned and worthily conferred, he was known in all the following years of his life. He was an efficient and popular military officer. One who well remembers him says: "He was a superb horseman," and was never seen on a poor horse. One interesting incident in his militry experience is worthy of mention. He commanded the infantry escort that headed the procession at the celebration of Capt. Lothrop's battle at South Deerfield, 30 Sep 1835, and it is said that Hon. Edward Everett, who delivered the oration on that occasion and was a candidate for governor, was so favorably impressed by his soldierly deportment and the efficient performance of his duty, that soon after his inauguration as governor and of his own motion he forwarded to Gen. Whitney a commission as justice of the peace. The fact that the General qualified by taking and subscribing the oath of office on the 10th day of May, 1836, tends to corroborate the statement. Gen. Whitney removed from South Deerfield about the first of January, 1838, and then engaged in business in Conway, in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Anson Shepard, under the firm name of Shepard & Whitney. They soon gained an extensive and profitable country trade. There are those yet living who remember well that good old-fashioned country store, and the old stove around which the good citizens of Conway discussed and settled, in their own minds, the most important questions and measures affecting the destinies of their town, state and country, and around which, as one who well remembers it has recently said, "selectmen, assessors and constables were made and unmade." The firm of Shepard & Whitney was in time followed by Whitney & Wells, Mr. Charles Wells being the junior partner, and that by "Whitney, Wells & County" The enterprising public spirit of Gen. Whitney, his general intelligence, his capacity for business, and his superior tact in the management of men and affairs soon established his position as one of the leading business men and citizens of the town. In 1843 he was chosen town clerk, and was kept in that office till 1852. That was the only town office he held, although he was frequently chosen as agent for the town in important matters, and in all cases he was vigilant for the interests of his constituents. Gen. Whitney represented Conway in the legislature of 1851, and again in 1854. The legislature of 1851 was controlled by that memorable coalition of the Democaratic and Free-soil parties of the state which placed Charles Sumner in that seat in the senate of the United States which he held until his death in 1874, and passed many important measures in the line of reform and progress. Among those measures may be mentioned the act to establish the bank commissioners; an act relating to joint stock companies, known as the general corporation law, which was especially advocated by Gen. Whitney; "an act to change the organization of the board of overseers of the University at Cambridge;" an "act to provide for the better security of the ballot," known as the "secret ballot" law of 1851, a law quite as effectual and more simple than the present law for the same purpose; and "act to amend some of the proceedings, practice and rules of evidence of the courts of the commonwealth;" an "act relating to the calling a convention of delegatges for the purpose of revising the constitution;" an act to exempt from levy on execution the homestead to the value of $500, of a householder having a family, known as the homestead law; an act to secure to mechanics and laborers their payment for labor by a lien on real estate, known as the mechanics' lien law; and an act providing for the election of presidential electors by a plurality instead of a majority vote and extending the same provision to the election of representatives in congress, after a failure to elect on the first trial. In the discussions concerning these measures, and all the proceedings of the house, Gen. Whitney took an active and influential part, and displayed an acquaintance with public affairs, an understanding and appreciation of the true principles of legislation and government, and a readiness and power in debate that placed him among the first in ability and influence in a body which comprised among its members distinguished men who were well known through the state and who participated in the debates and proceedings of the house. The election of Charles Sumner to the senate of the United States, with which the name of Gen. Whitney was at the time so often mentioned, was an event of too much importance and interest to be passed without special notice. Probably no election of a senator in Massachusetts was ever attended with more intense feeling and excitement. Mr. Sumner was exceedingly popular with the Free-soil party, and in the arrangements of the coalition it was understood that he was to be elected United States senator for the term which began on the 4th of March, 1851. The Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, who was eminently worthy of the confidence and support of his party was the Whig candidate. The election of senator was then made by the concurrent vote of the two branches of legislature, without vote in joint convention. In the senate the coalition had the majority and Mr. Sumner was elected on the first ballot. In the house the contest was protracted and attended with much excitement. Several Democrats refused to vote for Mr. Sumner; Gen. Whitney was one of them. He was a Democrat of the Jackson school and ever had the courage to stand by his principles. He was no friend of the system of American slavery, but he was an earnest supporter of the constitution of the United States, and regarded the agitation of the slavery question in congress as detrimental to the peace and interests of the country. He regarded Mr. Sumner as an anti-slavery agitator and cast his vote for a Democrat, in some twenty or more ballotings. In the meantime efforts were made to convince him that he was mistaken in his views of Mr. Sumner's character and purposes. Mr. Sumner and Gen. Whitney, apparently by accident, met in the state library for the purpose of an interview, and without any express promise or pledge Mr. Sumner assured Gen. Whitney in substance that he was not disposed to act the part of an agitator in the senate. The result of the interview was reasonably satisfactory to Gen. Whitney, but knowing that the Democrats of Conway were generally opposed to the election of Mr. Sumner, and had approved his own course thus far, he decided to refer the matter to them for advice. He accordingly came to Conway; a meeting of the Democrats was called, at which he stated fully and candidly the situation in the house. After a free conference, the voice of the meeting was that he should vote for Mr. Sumner. With this expression of the sentiments of his constituents, he returned to Boston. The 26th ballot was taken by the secret ballot system, the ballot of each member being put into an envelope, the envelopes being uniform in size and appearance, which was then sealed and deposited. The result was, whole number of ballots, 384; necessary for a choice, 193, Charles Sumner had 193, and was formally declared duly elected. It was said that he was elected by the vote of Gen. Whitney. In due time he took his seat in the senate, and an examination of the records will show that for some time his course was in perfect accordance with the assurance given to Gen. Whitney. In May, 1851, Gen. Whitney was appointed sheriff of Franklin county. He held the office about two years, and it is no disparagement of the other able and popular gentlemen, who have so well served the county in that position, to say that the duties of the office were never discharged by any one in a more courteous, dignified, efficient and acceptable manner. In 1853 the town of Conway honored itself and Gen. Whitney by electing him as a delegate to the convention of delegates of the people for the purpose of revising the constitution of the commonwealth. Examination of the published proceedings of the convention shows that Gen. Whitney took and maintained a conspicuous and honorable position as one of its most able, industrious, practical and useful members. In 1854 Gen. Whitney was interested and efficient in procuring the charter, and in the organization of the Conway bank, in which he was a director while he remained in Conway. In the same year he took an active part in procuring the charter and in the organization of the Conway Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which he was one of the corporators and the first president. He also procured the passage of the act providing for the combination of stock and mutual departments, and, subsequently, for the passage of an act authorizing the separation of the two departments, and the removal of the business of the stock department to Boston. He identified himself with all the public affairs of the town, and was ever prompt to aid with word and influence, with heart and hand, every enterprise that tended to promote the prosperity and best interests of Conway. But while Gen. Whitney was thus devoting his time and abilities to the management of his extensive private business and the affairs of his immediate vicinity, events were, without thought on his part, preparing for him a different, and in some respects more public field of labor. By an act of congress early in 1854, the president of the United States was required to appoint a civilian as superintendent of the national armory at Springfield, Massachusetts. The situation was peculiar, and a source of anxiety to President Pierce, who found it difficult to make an entirely satisfactory selection from the several candidates. Gen. Caleb Cushing was then a member of the cabinet as attorney-general of the United States. He was well acquainted with Gen. Whitney, with whom he served in the legislature of 1851; Gen. Whitney, whose name had not been mentioned in connection with the superintendency of the armory, was one day surprised by a letter from Gen. Cushing, stating that the president wished to see him in Washington at an early day, in regard to a matter of business, the nature of which was not suggested. Gen. Whitney, of course, went to Washington and was again surprised when the president, after some conversation relative to the state affairs at the armory, tendered to him the position of superintendent. In response to the offer and request of the president, Gen. Whitney said he would consider the matter and give an early answer, and after deliberation and consultation with friends, he decided to accept the appointment. He was appointed on the 13th and took charge of the armory on 19 Oct 1854. The first public mention of his name in connection with the appointment was, so far as I am aware, in the Springfield Republican of 16 Oct which said: "We have information to the effect that Gen. James S. Whitney, of Conway, is to receive the appointment of superintendent of the United States armory here. He has been in Washington, made application (this was a mistake, he made no application), and been successful. * *Gen. Whitney is a politician of considerable ability and a gentleman of popular manners. He is probably indebted to Caleb Cushing'S influence united to his own early advocacy and defense of the repeal of the Missouri compromise for his service in this matter." The manner in which the appointment was received in Springfield is shown by the announcement in the Republican of 18 Oct that, "A salute is to be fired to-day in rejoicing over the selection of Gen. Whitney as superintendent of the armory. The expectants of the fat places are expected to pay for the powder. It must be quite gratifying to the general to know how popular his appointment is. Though not ten persons in the city probably had dreamed of him in connection with the place until his selection was announced in the Republican of Monday, we believe it is now conceded to be just the appointment that all the dissatisfied wanted." Gen. Whitney continued in charge of the armory till 1 Mar 1860, when he resigned the superintendency, having been called to a higher position. To say that his administration of the affairs of the armory was successful, in the broadest and best sense of the term, is no more than just praise. It was eminently successful. Upon this point the public expressions, made at the time, of those whose acquaintance and knowledge well qualified them to judge, are both conclusive and interesting. On 3 Mar 1860, in pursuance of previous arrangements, the officers and armorers of the armory met Gen. Whitney, to present to him a testimonial of their respect and esteem. There was a full meeting. The testimonial was a very elegant set of silver ware, described as follows: A pitcher and fine goblet, all lined with gold, of original and unique pattern, elaborately ornamented, and altogether the most superb set of the kind ever seen in Springfield. Upon the pitcher was this inscription: "Presented to Gen. James S. Whitney by the officers and armorers of the United States armory, Springfield, Massachusetts, on his retirement from the superintendency, 22 Feb 1860." Each goblet bore the following: "Gen. James S. Whitney, from the officers and armorers, 22 Feb 1860." The Springfield Republican of Mar. 5 gave a full report of the proceedings on this occasion. It said that "they were creditable to all parties," and that, "Few testimonials of esteem, few exchanges of compliments between parties having such relations to each other, have the heart in them that these contained. It was easy for the spectator to see and feel that on both sides it was no hollow farce, but that each meant all they said. Gen. Whitney's course as superintendent was singularly successful, both outwardly and inwardly. It has introduced great improvements in the buildings and the grounds, in the machinery and in the guns, and has brought peace, order, harmony, and universal good feeling to the armory and the community, where before for years had raged bitter controversies full of all manner of personal collisions and unkindness. It is enough, however, to say of his administration that though he was the first representative of the restored civil system, after a long and hard contest with the military government, the friends and representatives of the latter joined as warmly in his praise as anybody; and although he was the political appointment of a Democratic administration and has ever kept his political armor buckled on and bright, no political distinctions have been made in the employment of workmen, and Republicans are as ready to do him honor as the Democrats." The Republican on the 9th of February, 1860, announced the appointment of Gen. Whitney as collector of the Port of Boston, and said: "Though not seeking the office, we presume he will accept it, as both in political honors and personal profit it is a much higher and more desirable position than he has at the armory. The appointment is but just recognition of Gen. Whitney's leadership in the party, and places him substantially at the head of the Democratic organization in New England, and his sagacity and influence will undoubtedly enable him to retain it not only through the remainder of Mr. Buchanan's administration, but a further and full term if the Democratic party again succeed in maintaining its supremacy in the government. The armory and our citizens generally will regret to lose Gen. Whitney from his present position. He has been popular and efficient in his superintendence of that establishment, and the announcement of his successor will be awaited with intense anxiety, lest the perils of political appointments shall be illustrated in his career, as they have not been in that of Gen. Whitney's." The following from the New York Journal of Commerce, not a partison paper, shows how it was regarded in commercial circles: "It is eminently fit that we should give the president due praise for the selection of a new incumbent, so popular, so correct in his business habits, and so sound on the national questions of the day as the gentleman who has been nominated for the collectorship. There can be no doubt, we presume, of his confirmation." Gen. Whitney's administration of the business affairs of the Boston Custom House was efficient and satisfactory to the government as well as to all who had direct dealings with the collector or his subordinates, but it was cut short by the success of the Republican party in the election of 1860. He entered upon the duties of the office about the first of March 1860, and was removed very soon, I think, within 30 days after the inauguration of President Lincoln, on the 4th of March, 1861. After his removal from the collectorship, Gen. Whitney engaged in business in Boston, and soon became identified with enterprises of large extent and importance. He was for some years, and at the time of his death, president of the Boston Water Power Company and of the Metropolitan Steamship Company, whose steamers formed the "outside line" from Boston to New York. By his sagacity, energy and sound judgment, he soon gained, and maintained a high reputation as a business man among business men of the highest character. The facts that Gen. Whitney represented Conway in the legislature of 1851 and 1854 and that he was a delegate in the constitutional convention in 1853, have been mentioned. It is to be said further that in 1849 he was a Democratic candidate in Franklin County for state senator; that in 1852 he was one of the Democratic candidates for presidential electors at large, Colorado. Charles G. Green, for many years the well-known editor of the Boston Post, being the other; that in 1856 he was a delegate to the Democratic national convention that nominated James Buchanan for president; that in 1860 he was a delegate at large to the Democratic national convention that met in Charlestown, adjourned to Baltimore and divided on candidates; that in that year he acted with those Democrats who supported John. C. Breckenridge for president; that in 1872 he represented the first Norfolk district in the state senate; that in 1876 he was president of the Democratic state convention that nominated the Hon. Charles Francis Adams for governor of Massachusetts; and that in 1878 he presided over the Democratic state convention in Faneuil Hall, Boston, which nominated Hon. Josiah G. Abbott for governor, in opposition to Hon. B. F. Butler, who had received a nomination from Democrats in Worcester. On the last named occasion he made an able and powerful speech which attracted much attention. That was the last public effort of his life, but there was nothing in it nor in his personal appearance - hearty and vigorous - that indicated that he was very near the end of his earthly career. He was active in his attention to his extensive business interests in Boston, till and on the 24th day of October, 1878. On that day he had, in the forenoon, been in consultation with other gentlemen concerning the affairs of the Boston Water Power Company to which labor he applied himself very closely. He was in his customary health at noon, made a call at the headquarters of the Democratic State committee and manifested his usual interest in the progress of the pending political campaign. Later in the afternoon he heard of the suddden death of Mr. James L. Thorndyke, a friend and business associate. Still later, he met a friend on the street, to whom he said that he had intended to go to the Democratic meeting in Fanueil Hall that evening, but had just heard of the death of Mr. Thorndyke and concluded to go home and keep quiet instead of subjecting himself to the excitement of a political assemblage. He said, "I am getting to be an old man and perhaps better take care of myself." The two separated shortly before 6 o'clock. Gen. Whitney took a car on his way to his home in Brookline where he had resided since hos removal from Springfield in 1860. When near the end of the car route he became faint and was assisted from the car to a store near at hand. While crossing the street he asked that aid be sent for. Doctors were at once called, but before they arrived life was extinct. Heart disease was the cause of his death. On Monday, 28 Oct private funeral services were held at his house, followed by public services in the Harvard church, every seat in which was occupied by his friends and associates, among whom were many of the most prominent business men of Boston and Brookline. The services were conducted by Rev. Reuben Thomas, who pronounced an impressive and appropriate eulogy. While fortunate and successful beyond most men in his business and public life, Gen. Whitney was also eminently happy in his family and private relation. He married early in life and "his home was a charming and happy place for him." At his death he left a widow, two sons, and four daughters, who still survive. The sons, Hon. William C. Whitney, an eminent member of the legal profession in New York City, and secretary of the Navy during the adminisof President Cleveland, and Henry M. Whitney, Esq., of Brookline, the able president of the West End Railroad Company, are well known in all circles of busness men. In concluding this imperfect sketch of the life of Gen. Whitney, I feel that it can be truly and should in justice, be said that in all the active and busy walks of life, as well as in the quiet home circle his conduct was most exemplary. No question was ever raised, no doubt was ever suggested as to his integrity and honor in his dealings with his fellow men either in public or private capacity. He was temperate in all his habits, and the open, avowed friend of temperance and good order of industry and economy of all the virtues that tend most to promote the prosperity and true welfare of a community. As to his worth as a neighbor and friend, the general voice of those among whom he dwelt for the greater part of his life was explicit and satisfactory. In relation to this we have the testimony of one who was for many years his fellow townsman and associate to some extent in business affairs, who knew him well, who himself stood high in the estimation of his fellow citizens, and who, after a life of usefulness, has gone to his own reward. He died 24 Oct 1878; resided Conway, Massachusetts, and Brookline, Massachusetts, cor. Beacon and Pleasant Sts.

For more information see Archives - Biographies

Children of James Scolly8 and Laurinda (Collins) Whitney:

i. Mary Ann9 Whitney, b. 16 Sep 1837, Conway, MA;[4] d. aft. 1900; unmarried; resided Brookline.
ii. Henry Melville Whitney, b. 22 Oct 1839, Conway, MA;[5] m. Margaret F. Green.
iii. William Collins Whitney, b. 5 Jul 1841, Conway, MA;[6] m. Flora Payne.
iv. Susan C. Whitney, b. 27 Mar 1845; m. 5 Sep 1867, Brookline, MA, Henry Farnum Dimock, b. ca. 1842, South Coventry, CT, son of Timothy and Laura V. (-----) Dimock;[7] resided 66 W. 37th St., New York City. He was b. 28 Mar 1842. Henry Farnum Dimock was born at South Coventry, Connecticut; was graduated at Yale college in the class of 1863. Studied law at the Harvard law school and was admitted to the bar in the city of New York in 1865. Practiced law in partnership with William C. Whitney, under the firm name of Dimock & Whitney, until 1870. At that time he took charge of the Metropolitan Steamship County, in the city of New York, and has continued in the management of that company ever since. In 1875 he was appointed a commissioner of docks in that city, and held that office for more than six years. He was appointed by Governor Tilden in 1875 a member of the commission to devise a plan for the government of the cities of the state of New York, and served on that commission during its life. He is at the present time a director of the Metropolitan Steamship County, and treasurer of that company; a director of the Boston & Maine R. R. County; of the Knickerbocker Trust County, of the city of New York; of the Bank of North America, of the city of New York, and of the New York Loan and Improvement County, and of the Dominion Coal Company, Limited, of Boston. Children:
a. Susan Maria Dimock, b. 16 Nov 1869.
v. Henrietta P. Whitney, b. 6 Apr 1847 (twin), Conway, MA;[8] unmarried; resided Highland and Fountain Sts., West Newton, MA.
vi. (son) Whitney, b. 6 Apr 1847 (twin); d. 9 Apr 1847.
vii. Laurinda C. Whitney, "Lucinda Jane" b. 4 Jul 1852, Conway, MA;[9] m. 20 Oct 1875, Brookline, MA, Charles Tracy Barney, b. 27 Jan 1851, Cleveland, OH, son of Asahel H. and Susan (Tracy) Barney;[10] resided 101 East 38th St., New York City. Mr. Barney's home has been in New York City since he was a small boy. His summer residence is at Southhampton, Long Island. Children:
a. Ashbel H. Barney, b. 29 Jul 1876.
b. James Whitney Barney, b. 8 May 1878.
c. Gardiner Tracy Barney, b. 25 Jun 1880; d. 24 Jan 1887.
d. Helen Tracy Barney, b. 1 Feb 1882.
e. Katharine Lansing Barney, b. 6 Feb 1885.


188 189 James S. Whitney 39 M - Manufacture $3700 Mass. Lucinda " 39 F - Conn. Mary A. " 12 F - Mass. Attended school Henry " 10 M - " Attended school William " 8 M - " Attended school Susan C. " 5 F - " Attended school Henrietta P. " 3 F - " Ellen Carey 21 F - Ireland

1905 2272 James S. Whitney 44 M - Supt. U.S. Army Mass. Laurinda C. " 45 F - New York Mary A. " 17 F - Mass. Henry M. Whitney 15 M - Student Mass. William C. " 14 M - " Susan C. " 10 F - " Henrietta P. " 8 F - " Lurinda E. " 3 F - " Martha Dooley 17 F - Ireland Catharine Welsh 29 F - " Mary B. Whitney 70 F - Mass.

395 443 James S. Whitney 49 M - Coll. of Port of Boston unknown Mass. Laurinda C. " 49 F - " Mary A. " 22 F - " Henry M. " 20 M - Clerk " William C. " 18 M - Student " Susan C. " 15 F - " Henrietta P. " 13 F - " Laurinda C. " 8 F - " Margaret Murry 22 F - Servt. Eng. Mary Drumm 24 F - " Ireland

208 308 James S. Whitney 55 M - Deerfield M Insurance Pres - - 1 1 - Laurinda 52 F - New York M - - - - - Mary A. 27 " - Deerfield - - - - - - Susan C. 20 " - Conway - - - - - - Henrietta P. 18 " - " - - - - - - Lillie C. 13 " - " - - - - - - Patnenz Cunningham 29 M - Ireland - Laborer - - 1 - - Ellen Coughlin 28 F - " - - - - - - Winnifred Coughlin 26 F - " - - - - - -

763 1004 Whitney, James S. 59 M W Prest. St. Ship Co. $20000 $50000 Mass. " Laurinda C. 59 F W Keeps house New York " Mary A. 32 F W At home Mass. " Henry M. 30 M W Agt. St. Ship Co. Mass. " Etta P. 23 F W At home Mass. " Laurinda C. 17 F W At home Mass. Foley, Ellen 25 F W Dom. Servt. New Foundland Harborn, Sarah 28 F W Dom. Servt. Nova Scotia Kierman, John 27 M W Servt. $500 Ireland

Laurinda C. WHITNEY 69 Self F W W NY Keeping House CT CT Mary A. WHITNEY 42 Dau F S W MA At Home MA NY Henrietta M. WHITNEY 33 Dau F S W MA Invalid MA NY Sarah JONES 48 Oth F S W ME Domestic ME ME Lizzie IRWIN 27 Oth F S W IRE IRE IRE

22 22 Whitney, Lorinda Head W F Jul 1810 89 wid 7ch 6liv New York Connecticut Connecticut Owns free house -----, Mary A. Dau W F Sep 1837 62 sgl Massachusetts Massachusetts New York Capitalist, Owns free house Webster, Barbara Srvt W F Sep 1851 48 sgl Scotland Scotland Scotland Nurse, Immig. 1896 Carmichael, Bessie Srvt W F Feb 1875 25 sgl Canada Eng. Canada Eng. Canada Eng. Table maid, Immig. 1896


  • Census records.

1.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 302, page 213.

2.^  "James T. [Whitney], of Deerfield, Mass., m. Lucinda COLLINS, of Somers, 23 [Nov 1836], by R. G. DENNIS, Somers 3:208," according to the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records. This should be James S. and Laurinda.

3.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 1908/23 (death), page 300.

4.^  "Mary Ann, ch. James S. and Laurinda C., Sept. 16, 1837," according to Vital Records of Conway, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1943).

5.^  "Henry Mellville, ch. James S. and Laurinda C., Oct. 23, 1839," according to Conway Vital Records.

6.^  "William Collins, ch. James S. and Laurinda C., July 5, 1841," according to Conway Vital Records.

7.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 200, page 293.

8.^  "Henrietta [Henrietta in later handwriting], d. Ja[me]s, merchant, and Lurinda of C., Apr. 6, 1847, in C.," according to Conway Vital Records.

9.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 63, page 256.

10.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 272, page 216.

Copyright © 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2018, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.