
Gray Zone Warfare: Out of the Blue Task Guide | All Factions

It’s time to get a hold of some intel!

In Gray Zone Warfare, you’ll be doing a whole series of quests and tasks – regardless of the faction you are a part of. Some tasks are mostly the same but others can end up varying – because of the different LZs available for each faction. This can make the same task different for two players of different factions.

One such Task is the Out of the Blue Task, which is also set in a difficult area. In this guide, we will show you exactly how you can complete it. Additionally, we will also show you what path you should take so that you can actually get to the task area, depending on your faction. Let’s dive in!

Out of the Blue Task Guide

There is no shortage of tasks that you’ll have to complete in Gray Zone Warfare. Many of these can be quite challenging and it’s always handy to have a guide out for them. Consider checking out our guide for the Fresh Meat Task, so you can have some help with that.

Now, we’ll turn our attention to the task at hand for this guide. Here are the series of steps that you’ll need to follow to complete the Out of the Blue Task for all factions in Gray Zone Warfare:

  1. Go to the Blue Lagoon area in the South East corner of the map
  2. Navigate to the Makeshift Hideout
  3. Pick up the Organisation Notes as intel to complete the task main objective.

SIDE NOTE: While you are here, consider taking a look at our guide on most of the other tasks in Gray Zone Warfare!

Out of the Blue Task Location

The first thing on the agenda is actually going to the location for the Out of the Blue Task. This will be the same regardless of the faction you are in.

We’ll be heading to the Blue Lagoon area that can be found in the South West corner of the Gray Zone Warfare world. You should be able to find it in the map, as shown below:

Blue Lagoon on map in Gray Zone Warfare.

Zoom in on the Blue Lagoon label, and you’ll see that there are some other locations there. For this one, you’ll be heading to the Makeshift Hideout. Be careful though, as the area is teeming with AI enemies.

The exact coordinates of the Makeshift Hideout are the following: (116, 203).

Makeshift Hideout on map in Gray Zone Warfare.

Navigate to Task Location (All Factions)

The path that you’ll need to choose for the Out of the Blue Task will vary for you depending on your faction. After all, you’ll have a different available LZ when you’re heading to the Blue Lagoon area in Gray Zone Warfare.

Starting off, we’ll be looking at the path that you should take if you are part of the Mithras faction. The Mithras Security Systems Base Camp is the closest of all the others to the Blue Lagoon Area.

So, you’ll start by spawning at any of the LZs available to you in the Nam Thaven area right next to the Base Camp. Once you land, you can simply walk all the way to the Makeshift Hideout for the Out of the Blue Task.

Speaking of Mithras, you might also want to see how you can complete the Lip Out Task for this faction.

Recommended path for Mithras faction in Gray Zone Warfare.

Things get much more complicated if you are part of the Lamang Recovery Initiative or Crimson Shield International factions. This is because each of these Base Camps are in the top half of the map.

So if you’re a soldier for this faction, we recommend that you spawn at the India 2 LZ right next to Ban Pa. From here, it will be tempting to go through the Tiger Bay area.

However, the Tiger Bay area is incredibly dangerous and full of enemies – especially if you’re going solo. So, instead, you should take a curve and completely avoid the Tiger Bay area

After that, you can simply follow the path shown below and you’ll reach Blue Lagoon comfortably for the Out of the Blue Task.

Recommended path for Lamang and Crimson factions in Gray Zone Warfare.

Enter the Makeshift Hideout

Now that you’re at the Blue Lagoon, you’ll need to be very careful here. With so many enemies here, we recommend getting a scope and killing them from a distance.

Killing them will make the rest of the steps much more convenient. Be wary though, as there are many enemies that can catch you by surprise at the various cover locations and corners.

Blue Lagoon gate in Gray Zone Warfare.

Once you’re killed the enemies, make your way to the Makeshift Hideout. It is the building that is shown in the image below on the Gray Zone Warfare map. Walk through the front door.

Makeshift Hideout in Gray Zone Warfare.

Pick Up Organisation Notes

Enter inside the Makeshift Hideout and look towards the far left corner. You should be able to see a table next to some tech and equipment.

Table in Makeshift Hideout in Gray Zone Warfare.

Approach the table and you should notice a Red Document on the corner. This is the Organisation Notes. You’ll see the option to Take the document.

So, pick up the Organisation Notes and you’ll have obtained the intel you need for the Out of the Blue main objective. Now you need to simply turn the task in and you’re done!

Out of the Blue Organisation Notes in Gray Zone Warfare.

That’s everything you need to know about completing the Out of the Blue Task for all factions in Gray Zone Warfare. If you want some more action in Blue Lagoon, we’ve got you covered! Check out our Night Ocean Task guide – where you’ll assassinate a boss in the area.


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