Biodôme | Space for life

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Spring break at Espace pour la vie: a bio-diversity of activities

Montréal, February 5, 2024 - 

For spring break, Espace pour la vie is offering a “bio-diversity” of fun and educational activities in each of its five museums. Discoveries about fauna, the environment, insects, flora and space await you!



Bio-Clues: Improving Biodiversity Through Research

Embark on an educational adventure in the Biodôme’s ecosystems. Discover the rich biodiversity of the Americas through an interactive exploration. Along with the Biodôme’s education team, learn how to identify and classify the various flora and fauna. Get ready for a fascinating journey where every step brings you closer to nature and its secrets.

March 2 to 17



Family Saturday and guided activities

On March 2, Family Saturday offers a movement workshop inspired by the photographic exhibition Still. In motion. Let’s move to the rhythm of nature. Come and move in sync with the starlings... or the icebergs!

All week long, take this opportunity to visit all the current exhibitions in the sphere and get ready for some awesome discoveries!

Family Saturday : March 2
Exhibitions and guided activities



A special encounter

In the heart of our Great Vivarium, get to know an insect or another unique arthropod. A friendly guide will accompany you in this intimate moment. Imagine enjoying the company of insects! This is how ties are formed and a new story begins.

Daily | Duration: 20 minutes | For everyone | Schedule


In the mood for the great outdoors?

We remind you that the outdoor gardens are accessible free of charge every day for walking and cross-country skiing (depending on snow conditions).

Daily from 9 am to 5 pm



Total eclipse : Chasers of the Lost Sleep

On April 8, 2024, we will experience an exceptional astronomical event: a total eclipse of the Sun. To prepare for it, take part in an immersive and wacky show at the Planétarium, and follow Kentucky—an insomniac hen and social media star who lives on the Moon—in her adventures to demystify solar eclipses! With help from JOS, her whimsical android sidekick, she embarks on a space-time journey to Earth to find the perfect solar eclipse that will finally help her get some sleep. Join them on their journey to discover the perfect conditions to witness this unique phenomenon, in an immersive and wacky show at the Planétarium.

Ages 7 and up - Running time: 25 min | Show schedule


The Planétarium’s programming also includes daily events and an enhanced schedule of performances for young audiences.


Treat yourself to our museums!

Enjoy special access to our five museums for a whole year! Available in digital format at a very affordable price, our Espace pour la vie Passport comes with numerous perks. It’s sure to please families, adults, students and nature enthusiasts.


Find out all about our programming and museums at


About Espace pour la vie

Espace pour la vie is made up of five major attractions: the Biodôme, the Biosphère, the Insectarium, the Jardin botanique and the Planétarium. These prestigious municipal institutions form Canada’s largest natural science museum complex. Together, they are launching a daring, creative urban movement, encouraging all of us to rethink the connection between humankind and nature and cultivate a new way of living.


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Autochthony at Espace pour la vie

Montréal, June 20, 2023 - 

Throughout the year and through its programming, Espace pour la vie aims to contribute to reconciliation with First Peoples. Whether we're talking about our relationship with nature and the land, history, current realities, artistic creation,and the diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, many of our museums’ activities offer an opportunity for a significant encounter.

Learning, understanding, and engaging dialogue
One of Espace pour la vie museums’ missions is to raise awareness and educate the public. Through their respective programming, citizen participation projects, and artists’ residencies, the museums offer the opportunity to learn, understand, and engage in a dialogue with First Peoples.

Jardin botanique
June 21st, the public is invited to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day at the Jardin botanique.

Special entertainment at the First Nations Garden and tasting of annedda tea, a symbol of First Peoples’ know-how and of mutual aid between nations.
1 - 4 pm | First Nations Pavilion | Free with purchase of ticket to the Jardin botanique

Special screenings of shorts films from Wapikoni Mobile selected by Indigenous curators, followed by a discussion led by the Indigenous ambassador and the guest filmmaker.
2 to 3:30 p.m. | Henry Teuscher Auditorium | Free activity

In addition to its permanent exhibition Knowledge and know-how, the First Nations Gardens offers a daily activity, Introduction to the Indigenous peoples of Quebec.

Inaugurated in August 2001, the First Nations Garden provides an opportunity to learn more about the rich cultures of the First Peoples of the Americas. It is worth noting that, when the garden was founded, a committee of First Nations representatives was formed specifically to work in close collaboration with the Jardin botanique on this project. Together, they set the direction and parameters for the design and creation of the site.

On June 21 and September 30, the Biosphère’s geodesic dome is illuminated in the evening to mark National Indigenous Peoples Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
Innu author Maya Cousineau Mollen was invited to come and work in the museum spaces, reflecting on environmental issues. Artist in residence for a year, she meets the public on a regular basis.
The outdoor exhibition Still, in motion presents two artists, including the work of Camille Seaman, of Indigenous and Afro-descendant origin.
As part of Cinéma sous les étoiles, two documentaries featuring indigenous communities will be presented: Coextinction on August 10, and Aquarela, L'Odyssée de l'eau on August 24.

The community science project Nunavik Sentinels is organized in Nunavik communities. It aims to teach younth aged 12 to 17 to inventory, preserve, and identify insects found in their environment, while at the same time giving them an introductory job experience.
This year, the project extends to the Chisasibi Resource and Research Institute to study insect diversity at their research station; to the Pye Center for Northern Boreal Food Systems in Happy Valley Goose Bay Labrador with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to introduce Nunatsiavut youth to insects and discover the entomofauna of this region; and to the Pingualuit National Park Interpretation Centre to train youth in the collection, assembly, and identification of the park’s insects.
Schools in Nunavik were also contacted to offer insect-related activities.

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Montréal, March 15, 2023 - 

Espace pour la vie is pleased to announce the birth of a king penguin at the Montréal Biodôme. Born on February 1st, the small penguin and its mother are doing quite well. Since its birth, the chick is lively and is following the normal stages of its development. Snuggled up warmly between its mother's legs and abdominal fold, the chick is currently in a space sheltered from other penguins in the Biodôme’s Subantarctic Islands ecosystem. Mother and baby are currently developing a very special bond. During this key period, the Biodôme team is keeping interventions to a minimum while ensuring that everything goes well for both. The king penguins’ development is normally quite slow, so visitors can expect to catch an occasional glimpse of it from about 2 months of age, and progressively more as it gains in self-reliance. Gradually, the chick will become more autonomous, and once it has acquired its waterproof plumage, it will be able to swim in the pool with the other penguins. Until the chick can be spotted on a more regular basis, the public will get to check in on it on the Espace pour la vie social networking sites.

Gentle growth

Don’t look for a tiny chick with a black back, white belly and orange beak in the Biodôme habitat. King penguin chicks start out with a short, gray-black down. From the age of two weeks, and little by little, they acquire a thick brown woolly coat that it will keep for several months—which will make it all the easier to spot! From that moment on, the juvenile moult (water-repellent plumage in the colours of the king penguin) begins gradually around 4 months and takes 10 to 12 months. Once it has its waterproof plumage, the chick can dive into the water!


  • The 4 adult king penguins arrived at the Biodôme in July 2020 from the Calgary Zoo.
  • Mating had been observed a few weeks before the egg was laid and only the female incubated the egg.
  • The egg was laid on December 29, 2022.
  • On January 31, 2023, the penguin team checked the egg and saw that it was about to hatch.
  • The egg hatched on February 1, 2023.
  • The actions of the animal care team are kept to a minimum so as not to disturb the mother and chick.


  • King penguins don’t build a nest. They carry their egg on their feet and can even move about this way. The egg is covered and kept warm under a fold of skin in the parent's lower abdomen.
  • After hatching, the parents continue to carry the chicks on their feet for 30 to 40 days until the feathering and body temperature self-regulation system are in place.
  • King penguin development is very gradual and the rearing of the young can take from 40 to 59 weeks.
  • As with any other penguin, the morphology of king penguins makes them incapable of flying.


King penguins are a species with a status of “Least Concern” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Currently, 286 individuals in 17 institutions accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums have been identified. Populations in the wild have recovered but remain at risk in light of the threats global warming presents.

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Montréal, January 16, 2023 - 

This spring break, Espace pour la vie is inviting you to quintuple your pleasure! Five days to get better acquainted with wildlife, insects, flora, space and the environment in fun and original ways: that's what Espace pour la vie has in store for you with its entertaining and educational activities. Between the interstellar voyage Quest for New Skies at the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan, the Garden of Oddness at the Jardin botanique, the immersive ecosystems of the Biodôme, the theatrical conference Survie du vivant at the Biosphère and the teeming Grand Vivarium at the new Insectarium, there’s plenty to spark everyone’s interest!

At the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan

Quest for New Skies

October 28, 3034: With humankind at its zenith, you are part of a crew that’s left Earth to explore various planets with different characteristics. Your mission: to choose a new one to call home!
In this immersive, participatory show, you’ll learn about worlds presented by your cosmic guide. Then you’ll be asked to choose—by voting with your hands or feet!—which ones you want to visit. But are they habitable? Threatening? Or maybe utopias? Your choices will determine how your journey ends. So keep your eyes open and your wits about you, because space is full of surprises!

  • Starting February 24
  • For children 9 to 12
  • Length: 40 min.

At the Jardin botanique

Garden of Oddness

Are you familiar with our Garden of Oddness? That’s the nickname given to a mysterious greenhouse located in the Jardin botanique. Rumour has it that it houses a top-secret laboratory where scientists are studying some very strange plants. What could they be up to? What botanical secrets have they uncovered? Visit and find out!
Also on the program are two workshops on carnivorous plants. Capture your Prey invites children ages 8 and up to make their own insect traps and then put their inventions to the test (30 minutes). Carnivores in Action challenges children 4 to 8 with Olympics-style games. (Length: 20 minutes).

  • February 22 to April 30

At the Biodôme

Expédition Biodôme: A multi-ecosystem treasure hunt through our ecosystems!

Take part in a thrilling treasure hunt by finding and identifying various species in the Biodôme’s ecosystems. Using your expedition log, find and inventory the immense biodiversity of our continent’s fauna and flora. Are you up for the challenge?

  • February 25 to March 19

At the Biosphère

Survie du vivant

Did you know that there’s a plant-based internet in the forest and that a mushroom is behind it? This theatrical presentation explores and celebrates the interdependence of living things in a novel way. Guaranteed to amaze you! Produced by Théâtre Le Clou.

  • Biologist and speaker: Julie Drouin
  • March 2 to 5
  • Length: 60 to 75 minutes
  • For teens

At the Insectarium

A Special Encounter

Our Grand Vivarium is the ideal place to get to know an insect or other unique arthropod. Want to become more comfortable around these little critters? A nature interpreter will be there to help. Come make a new insect friend, and gain a whole new perspective!

  • Every day
  • Length: 20 minutes
  • For everyone

Treat yourself to our museums!

Enjoy special access to our five museums—the Biodôme, Biosphère, Insectarium, Jardin botanique and Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan—for a whole year! Available in digital format at a very affordable price, our Espace pour la vie Passport comes with numerous perks. It’s sure to please families, adults, students and nature enthusiasts.

Find out all about our programming and museums at

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The Holidays at Espace pour la vie

Montréal, November 7, 2022 - 

The level of excitement is building in our Espace pour la vie teams: the holidays are just around the corner, and with them comes an amazing lineup of activities! Having five museums means we can deliver a whole host of discoveries and experiences for everyone in the family. Here’s a glance at some of the activities our teams have put together for you—each one an opportunity to combine the pleasures of art and science with a healthy dose of holiday magic!

At the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan
Worlds of Ice, a film by Philippe Baylaucq, produced by the National Film Board of Canada in cooperation with the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan, serves up a spectacular 360° immersion into the world of ice and the role it plays in our lives and in the universe. Learn all about this astonishing substance, whose properties have had such a big impact on biology, astronomy, anthropology, culture and the arts. Set to the sweet voice of Beatrice Deer, a popular figure in Inuit culture, this film is an experience that is simultaneously dazzling, surprising, moving and awareness-raising.
Starting December 14 | Length: 30 minutes | 7 years and older

At the Biosphère
Plastisapiens is a virtual reality experience that transports spectators to an ecofuturistic fable where organic beings and plastic merge. That alternative reality leads us to question the reciprocal relationship between humans and the environment that is transforming who we are, right down to our DNA.
Starting December 17 | Length: 15 minutes | 13 years and older

At the Biodôme
Giant animals on the move are back, to the delight of young and old alike! Oversized puppets, inspired by our native animal species, will wander through the spaces surrounding the ecosystems. Don't miss this magical spectacle, a waking dream for the whole family. Click here for the schedule.

While you’re here, make the most of your visit by taking part in our playful search and find activity in the company of an educator and the animals of the Laurentian Maple Forest and Tropical Rainforest. A bird’s eye view of the ecosystems will give you a better understanding of the importance of animal well-being.
Starting December 26 | Length: 3 to 10 minutes | General public, especially 3-to-8 year olds.

At the Jardin botanique
The Jardin botanique’s greenhouses are the perfect spot for a nature getaway, with 36,000 plants and 12,000 species, varieties and cultivars, all waiting to be discovered. Escape into a setting of luxurious greenery that will make you forget the harsh winter weather outdoors.

Did you know that every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., you can visit the Marie-Victorin Herbarium? With over 630,000 specimens, the Herbarium is the fourth-largest in Canada and is world-renowned. Guided tours run through December 21. Details here.

At the Insectarium
Reopened last April, the Insectarium offers a one-of-a-kind experience with an intimate, multi-sensory circuit that literally lets visitors become an insect for a while! Not to mention the Grand Vivarium, which houses a hundred species of free-ranging insects, including butterflies, and the Dome, which boasts a collection of 3,000 naturalized specimens, arranged in a magnificent chromatic arrangement on one row and by their evolutionary characteristics on the other. It all makes for a fascinating visit!

Gift ideas for the whole family
Did you know that the gift shops at the Biodôme, Jardin botanique and Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan stock a huge selection of products in line with Espace pour la vie’s mission and values?

Discover our very beautiful collection of Indigenous art at the Biodôme, including sculptures, engravings and hand-beaded jewellery. At the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan, indulge in an item from our vintage collection, which includes posters from old Dow Planetarium exhibitions straight out of the 1960s and 1970s! Not to be forgotten, the Jardin botanique gift shop is full of enticing flavours and handy tools for the budding gardener. Come explore our gift shops and find the perfect gift!

Why not give an Espace pour la vie Passport?
The Espace pour la vie Passport provides one year’s unlimited access to our five museums: the Biodôme, Biosphère, Insectarium, Jardin botanique and Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan.

Available in digital format, our affordably priced Passport offers holders several benefits and will delight families, adults, students and all nature buffs.

And now, between November 20 and 30, you can enjoy a 10% discount on any purchase of an Espace pour la vie Passport!

Espace pour la vie holiday schedule
December 26 to January 3*

  • Biodôme: Every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Biosphère: Every day from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Jardin botanique: The outdoor gardens are open every day, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. (free admission)
  • Jardin botanique greenhouses: Every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Thursdays to Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

* Our museums will be open on Monday, December 26, and Monday, January 2, 2023, as well as on January 1, 2023 starting at 1 p.m. All museums and gift shops will be closed on December 24 and 25.


Find out all about our programming and museums here:

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