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Get To Know Star Trek

The human race is a remarkable creature, one with great potential, and I hope that Star Trek has helped to show us what we can be if we believe in ourselves and our abilities

Gene Roddenberry

Creator, Star Trek

What is Star Trek, really?

In the vast universe of Star Trek, humanity is free to pursue the spirit of curiosity, equality, and the advancement of all life. The tales woven transcend the ordinary and beckon us to embark on a profound journey of exploration and enlightenment, presenting a future without racism, sexism, intolerance, poverty, or war.

Visions of hope, bravery, resilience, and optimism mark the journey so far – and we’ve only just begun. Engage!

meet your stalwart crew

May they live long and prosper!

How do they get around?
On badass ships. 

Beam us aboard, Scotty!

[  U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701   ]
[  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656  ]
[  U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D  ]
[  Enterprise NX-01  ]
U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031 ]
[  U.S.S. Cerritos NCC-75567]
[ Defiant NX-74205 ]
[  U.S.S. Protostar NX-76884  ]

Enterprise NCC-1701

Robert April, Christopher Pike, James T. Kirk
Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek: The Search for Spock, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Short Treks, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
The exploratory vessel’s mission is to seek out new life and new civilizations and expand humanity’s knowledge of the universe.

Voyager NCC-74656

Kathryn Janeway
Star Trek: Voyager
To explore the uncharted Delta Quadrant

Enterprise NCC-1701-D

Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: Picard
To seek out new life and new civilizations, uphold peace and diplomacy, and provide aid and assistance to those in need

Enterprise NX-01

Jonathan Archer
Star Trek: Enterprise
As United Earth Starfleet’s first starship capable of interstellar travel, the ship’s maiden voyage was to return the Klingon Klaang to his homeworld of Qo’nos. Before the conclusion of its voyage, Captain Archer and his crew would initiate the first interstellar cooperation between Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites  — the first four founding species of the United Federation of Planets.

Discovery NCC-1031

Gabriel Lorca, Saru, Michael Burnham
Star Trek: Discovery
This science vessel, powered by mycelium spores, conduct scientific research and exploration on behalf of the United Federation of Planets

Cerritos NCC-75567

Carol Freeman
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Not equipped for dangerous exploratory missions, the Cerritos’ mission is to conduct second contact — diplomatic, scientific, and cultural missions with newly contacted civilizations — and ensure proper paperwork and classification of discovered species.

Defiant NX-74205

As a support vessel, the U.S.S. Defiant did not have a dedicated crew complement. Its commanding officers included Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax, and Worf
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek VIII: First Contact
Commander Benjamin Sisko pulled the Defiant prototype out of storage to serve as a front line warship to protect Deep Space 9 and counter the Dominion threat in the Alpha Quadrant

Protostar NX-76884

Chakotay, Dal R’El
Star Trek: Prodigy
Founded on the Tars Lamora mining colony, Dal R’El and fellow prisoner youths commandeered the ship as a means of escape The Diviner, but under the advisement of Hologram Janeway, attempted to seek out Starfleet. Unbeknownst to the crew, the Vau N’Akat planted the living construct within the ship capable of hijacking Federation starship systems with the intent of having Starfleet turn on themselves and tear themselves apart.

Plan an epic Getaway

Boldly traverse the galaxy! Join Starfleet and support tourism within the Federation by exploring new worlds and seeking new life.

Embrace Serenity on the Forge of Wisdom
Travel tips
Live Long and Prosper on the tranquil planet of Vulcan. Discover the awe-inspiring landscapes of this ancient world, where the beauty of the arid deserts and sprawling mountain ranges will captivate your senses. Unearth the profound teachings of logic and emotional control from the wise Vulcan masters. Engage in the ritualistic Kolinahr meditation and feel your spirit reach a new level of enlightenment.
culture notes
Vulcans are a deeply intellectual and disciplined species. Renowned for their mastery of logic, they embrace emotional suppression as a way of life. Yet beneath their stoic exteriors lies a profound sense of wisdom and inner serenity.
Qo’noS [Kro-nos]
Roar into the Heart of Klingon Culture
Travel tips
Experience the fierce energy of Qo’noS, the proud Klingon home world. From the moment you arrive at the Great Hall of the High Council, you’ll be immersed in a culture steeped in honor, valor, and battle prowess. Test your mettle in age-old Klingon rituals and partake in the trilling Bat’leth tournaments. Savor the unique delicacies of Gagh and Bloodwine while dancing the night away in the raucous taverns of the First City.
culture notes
Klingons, the populace of Qo'nos, are a fierce and formidable warrior race. Driven by a code of honor, they relish in the thrill of battle and value physical strength. Their intense passions and rich cultural rituals make them a proud and complex civilization.
Revel in the Intrigue of the Romulan Empire
Travel tips
Step into the enigmatic world of Romulus, where secrecy and cunning are the order of the day. Explore the hidden ruins of ch'Rihan and uncover the mysteries of this cloaked planet. Engage in intricate political debates at the Senate and witness the prowess of the Tal Shiar in action. Delight your taste buds with Romulan Ale and experience the enigmatic Romulan opera, an art form that will transport you to another realm.
culture notes
Romulans are known for their cunning and calculating nature. As master strategists and manipulators, they excel in the realms of politics and espionage. Veiled in secrecy, their society values loyalty and determination above all else.
Cardassia Prime
Discover the Refined Splendor of Cardassia Prime
Travel tips
Elegance meets power on the breathtaking world of Cardassia Prime. Marvel at the grand architecture of the Central Command and immerse yourself in the rich history of the Cardassian Union. Stroll along the Promenade of Kelvas V and indulge in the finest Kanar wines. Witness the artistry of the Obsidian Order in their stealthy maneuvers and experience the thrill of a holosuite adventure.
culture notes
Cardassians are a highly sophisticated and ambitious society. They are skilled planners, meticulously crafting their ascent in power and politics. Their pursuit of order and control has shaped a complex social structure.
Unearth the Secrets of the Ferengi Commerce
Travel tips
Get ready for a profit-driven escapade to Ferenginar, the capital of Ferengi culture and trade! Dive into the Rules of Acquisition and learn how to master the art of deal-making. Join thrilling Latinum hunts and indulge in the vibrant nightlife of the Tower of Commerce. Savor the finest delicacies while enjoying the comedic Ferengi theater.
culture notes
Ferengi, the inhabitants of Ferenginar, epitomize the spirit of commerce and opportunism. Known for their love of profit and pursuit of wealth, they engage in astute business dealings. While their obsession with material gain is evident, they find delight in the thrill of a good deal.
Unlock Past Lives and Embrace Dual Existence
Travel tips
Embark on a spiritual odyssey to Trill, a planet that boasts the unique symbiosis between humanoid and symbiont. Witness the joining ceremony, where hosts connect with their symbiotic partners, carrying centuries of memories. Explore the serene pools and lush forests of the Caves of Mak'ala. Engage with Trill's welcoming population, eager to share their wisdom and experiences with you. Delve into the mysteries of the Trill and connect with the essence of multiple lifetimes.
culture notes
Trills have a unique existence, combining humanoid hosts with symbionts. This harmonious blending grants them the wisdom of past lives and a sense of unity. They value interconnectedness and seek to understand the experiences of each previous host.
Paradise Awaits on the Pleasure Planet
Travel tips
Escape to the tropical paradise of Risa, where pleasure is the only pursuit. Relax on golden beaches, bask in the warm sun, and soak in the rejuvenating waters of the Risan Baths. Experience the thrill of the Risian Lohlunat Festival, a carnival of merriment and delightful festivities. Engage in water sports, dance the night away at beachfront parties, and indulge in the most delectable cuisine.
culture notes
Risians are a fun-loving and hedonistic society that embraces pleasure in all its forms. They celebrate joy, leisure, and sensuality, making their planet a renowned destination for relaxation and indulgence.
Embrace the Frozen Majesty of Andoria
Travel tips
Journey to the frigid yet awe-inspiring world of Andoria, where the blue ice formations create a mesmerizing landscape. Engage in the ancient Andorian ice races, where speed and skill will put you to the test. Witness the bond of the Aenar and their telepathic abilities, unique to this corner of the galaxy. Sip on the rare and invigorating Andorian Ale, and enjoy the camaraderie of a vibrant society.
culture notes
Andorians are a proud and resilient species, adaptive to their icy home world. Their strong sense of honor and loyalty binds them together as a warrior society. Known for their blue skin and distinctive antennae, they embrace a warrior spirit deeply rooted in their culture.
Ceti Alpha V
Brave the Wild Frontiers of Ceti Alpha V
Travel tips
Experience an untamed adventure on the wild frontier of Ceti Alpha V! Trek through rugged terrains and discover the beauty of untamed flora and fauna. Unearth the secrets of the ancient civilization that once thrived here. But beware, as you might encounter surprises left by its former resident. Ceti Alpha V promises an adrenaline-pumping journey into the unknown.
culture notes
The inhabitants of Ceti Alpha V are survivors of extreme environmental conditions. Their resilience and adaptability have allowed them to thrive in challenging and harsh conditions. Resourcefulness and tenacity define their way of life.
The Jewel of the United Federation of Planets
Travel tips
Discover the heart of the Federation on the extraordinary planet of Earth. Immerse yourself in the diverse cultures of humanity and enjoy the technological wonders of the 24th Century. Visit the iconic landmarks, from the Eiffel Tower to the Golden Gate Bridge. Savor cuisines from all corners of the galaxy in the bustling streets of New Orleans and San Francisco. Experience the majesty of Starfleet Academy and witness the United Federation of Planets in action.
culture notes
Earth is a melting pot of diverse cultures and species, unified under the banner of the United Federation of Planets. Humans and various alien species coexist harmoniously, celebrating their differences and working together for the betterment of all. Earth represents a beacon of hope and unity in the vastness of space.

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Star Trek: The Animated Series
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Star Trek: The Original Series
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Star Trek: Lower Decks
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds