Return of the Brute by Liam O'Flaherty | Goodreads
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Return of the Brute

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A shocking and compelling novel about trench warfare in World War I... The bombing squad of No. 2 Platoon are the dregs of the army, the toughest of the tough. But even they cannot endure forever the nightmare of war. Corporal Williams's authority is being strained past its limits by his men's wretchedness, terror, and exhaustion. Fragile Lamont, too sensitive for the inhumanity of the front, is plotting a way to escape. And the Brute that the war has unleashed is tearing Gunn apart from within... This classic about nine very different men trying to survive exposes the horrors of war and the darkness that lurks within the human spirit.


First published January 1, 1929

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About the author

Liam O'Flaherty

136 books60 followers
People know Irish writer Liam O'Flaherty especially for his short stories, collected in Two Lovely Beasts (1948) and The Pedlar's Revenge (1976).

This significant novelist, a major figure in the literary renaissance, also wrote short stories. Left-wing politics involved him as was his brother Tom Maidhc O'Flaherty (also a writer), and their father, Maidhc Ó Flaithearta, for a time.

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