Premium Memberships

Over 500,000 students have learned from our lessons. Now it's your turn!

Upgrade to one of our Premium packages today and supercharge your success with anatomy comprehension with Dr. David Morton today!

Over 500,000 students have learned from our lessons. Now it's your turn!

Upgrade to one of our Premium packages today and supercharge your success with anatomy comprehension with Dr. David Morton today!

The Noted Anatomist Presents:

Discover A Simplified Approach to Master the Complexity of Anatomy

We're here to take care of all that jargon and overwhelming information, so you can master anatomy with ease and joy.

Envision turning complex anatomy topics into digestible lessons, stripping away the fog of tedious lectures. With Noted Anatomist, this isn't a daydream - it's a reality.

Online Anatomy Course Access


One Time Payment - Lifetime Course Access

Course + Weekly Group Tutoring


One Time Payment - Lifetime Course Access

Course + Direct Tutoring Sessions


One Time Payment - Lifetime Course Access

Online Anatomy Course Access

Only $297

One Time Payment - Lifetime Course Access

Course + Weekly Group Tutoring

Only $697

One Time Payment - Lifetime Course Access

Course + Direct Tutoring Sessions

Only $997

One Time Payment - Lifetime Course Access

In Record Time, You'll Be Able To...

Master More Material in Less Time

Get ready to level up your knowledge with our microlessons! These awesome videos cover complex anatomy topics in a concise, fun, and easy-to-understand way. Say goodbye to study fatigue and unlock key concepts 1.3x faster than standard learning methods with Noted Anatomist.

Boost Your Test Scores

Noted Anatomist is more than just a learning tool; it's your strategic partner to anatomy exam excellence. Trust in the experience of our vast user community, with 96% reporting that our rigorously constructed lessons greatly boosted their exam results and simplified the anatomy complexities in medical school.

Skyrocket Your Retention

Revise, recall, and retain with hundreds of review cards and quizzes specially designed for reinforced learning. Join the 81% of Noted Anatomist users who saw a marked improvement in their memory retention. With our platform, mastering complex anatomy topics is no longer an uphill battle, but a stroll in the park.

What does the Premium Version offer compared to the Free Version?

Online Anatomy Course Access

$297 - One Time Payment

Course + Weekly Group Tutoring

$697 - One Time Payment

Course + Direct Tutoring Sessions

$997 - One Time Payment

Full Online Anatomy Course Access

Experience comprehensive online anatomy training with our extensive collection of over 297 training videos, covering all aspects of the human anatomy, designed to deepen your understanding and knowledge of the body's complex structures and functions.

Foundational Q&A Cards Per Video

Enhance your understanding with interactive Q&A cards provided for each video, designed to reinforce key concepts and encourage active learning.

Notes and Key Takeaways

Easily grasp complex anatomical details with concise notes, lesson summaries, overview and key takeaways that cover the most important points from each lesson.

Downloadable Documents

Access a wealth of knowledge offline with downloadable documents, allowing you to study at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

Flashcards for Each Course

Boost your memory retention with flashcards tailored for each course, making it easier to remember intricate anatomical structures and functions.

Weekly Group Tutoring Sessions

Join our weekly, 1-hour group tutoring sessions for collaborative learning experiences, gain insights from experts, and foster a deeper understanding of anatomy.

Direct Tutoring Sessions

Benefit from personalized learning with our online anatomy direct tutoring sessions, featuring two dedicated 1-hour sessions designed to provide in-depth understanding and cater to your specific learning needs.

What does the Premium Version offer compared to the Free Version?

Hear from Our Satisfied Members!

We're always excited when we help our members achieve their goals in anatomy studies. Here's what a few of them have to say about their experience with The Noted Anatomist:

"The Noted Anatomist has been a game changer for me. The study materials and tutorials are top-notch, and the support from the community is incredible. It's made learning anatomy much easier and more enjoyable."

- James, Medical Student

"The videos and flashcards have helped me understand complex topics that I was struggling with. I would highly recommend The Noted Anatomist to anyone studying anatomy!

- Emily, Anatomy Enthusiast

"The group tutoring sessions are amazing! They provide an opportunity to learn from experienced tutors and interact with other members. It's a great way to supplement my studies."

- Mohamed, Pre-med Student

Explore The Categories of Mastery Training...


Anatomy Foundations

Dive into the fundamental structures and functions of the human body, exploring everything from basic anatomical positions and terminologies to intricate organ systems and their roles.


Back Anatomy

Explore the intricate structure of the back muscles, spine, and intervertebral discs that support our body and facilitate movement.


Autonomic Nervous System

Uncover the workings of the autonomic nervous system, which controls our involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and breathing.


Cardiovascular System

Get to know the heart's anatomy, its chambers, valves, and vessels, and its crucial role in pumping blood throughout our bodies.


Spinal Cord

Discover the vital role of the spinal cord and nerves in transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body.


Trunk Anatomy

Dive into the structure and function of the human trunk, exploring the major muscles and movements that support our upper body and facilitate motion.


Respiratory System

Understand the intricacies of the respiratory system, from the nasal cavity to the lungs, which enables us to breathe and oxygenate our blood.


Urinary System

Uncover the intricacies of the urinary system, which filters blood, removes waste, and regulates electrolyte balance in our bodies.


Neck Anatomy

Discover the complex anatomy of the neck, detailing its muscles, nerves, vessels, and structures that enable movement and protect vital pathways.


Digestive System

Explore the journey of food in our bodies, from ingestion to digestion and absorption of nutrients, to the expulsion of waste.


Endocrine System

Understand the endocrine system's role in regulating hormones, metabolism, growth, and other vital functions in the human body.


Female Reproductive System

Learn about the female reproductive system's structure and function, from the ovaries to the uterus, which enables the miracle of life.


Male Reproductive System

Delve into the male reproductive system, studying the structures that produce, store, and transport sperm and seminal fluid.


Cranial Nerves

Get to know the twelve cranial nerves, their origins, destinations, and functions that control our senses and motor functions.


Head Anatomy

Explore the detailed anatomy of the human head, including the skull, brain, sensory organs, and structures that facilitate speech and eating.



Delve into the fascinating world of the human nervous system, studying the structure and function of the brain, spinal cord, and neural pathways.


Upper Limb

Dive into the detailed study of the bones, muscles, and joints that make up our arms, from the shoulder to the fingers.


Lower Limb

Understand the complex structure and function of our legs, from the hip joint to the toes, which enable us to walk, run, and jump.



Understand the principles and applications of radiology, a medical imaging technique used to diagnose and treat diseases within the body.


Autonomic Physiology

Discover the workings of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and respiration.


Physiology Principles

Learn the fundamental principles of physiology, the study of how the human body functions, from cellular processes to organ systems.


And Many More!

Rely on the Expertise That's Earned Trust Globally

Join The Noted Anatomist’s

Anatomy Mastery Movement

Let's set the record straight – Noted Anatomist is split from the mold of traditional anatomy courses. We’re about engaging tutorial videos, interactive platform, and fostering a community where your questions are answered. When you team up with us, you're not just getting a course; you're becoming part of a vibrant, global community of medical students and professionals.

Anatomy Mastery at Your Fingertips

At Noted Anatomist, we understand that every learner is unique. Thus, we offer

tiered packages to suit your individual learning needs and goals.

Anatomy Primer

Clinical Anatomy Pro

Tier 1:

Dive into the basics and beyond of anatomy with our comprehensive Primer package. This tier includes:

  • Comprehensive textual outlines of all video tutorials with self-testing questions

  • Five foundational Q&A flashcards per video to engrain key anatomy concepts

  • Access to insightful notes and key takeaways

  • A host of downloadable documents for offline study

  • Comprehensive flashcards for every course to aid your revisions

$299 initial payment, then $50/month

Tier 2:

Take your anatomy understanding to the next level and gear up for professional examinations with our comprehensive Pro package.

  • Comprehensive textual outlines of all video tutorials with self-testing questions

  • Five foundational Q&A flashcards per video to engrain key anatomy concepts

  • Access to insightful notes and key takeaways

  • A host of downloadable documents for offline study

  • Comprehensive flashcards for every course to aid your revisions

  • Five clinical question cards per playlist, reminiscent of real board exam questions, complete with detailed explanations for each question

  • Weekly webinars on popular topics, directly addressing your anatomy queries and requested topics

$399 initial payment, then $50/month

Anatomy Mastery at Your Fingertips

At Noted Anatomist, we understand that every learner is unique. Thus, we offer

tiered packages to suit your individual learning needs and goals.

Anatomy Primer

Tier 1:

Dive into the basics and beyond of anatomy with our comprehensive Primer package. This tier includes:

  • Comprehensive textual outlines of all video tutorials with self-testing questions

  • Five foundational Q&A flashcards per video to engrain key anatomy concepts

  • Access to insightful notes and key takeaways

  • A host of downloadable documents for offline study

  • Comprehensive flashcards for every course to aid your revisions

$299 initial payment, then $50/month

Clinical Anatomy Pro

Tier 2:

Take your anatomy understanding to the next level and gear up for professional examinations with our comprehensive Pro package.

  • Comprehensive textual outlines of all video tutorials with self-testing questions

  • Five foundational Q&A flashcards per video to engrain key anatomy concepts

  • Access to insightful notes and key takeaways

  • A host of downloadable documents for offline study

  • Comprehensive flashcards for every course to aid your revisions

  • Five clinical question cards per playlist, reminiscent of real board exam questions, complete with detailed explanations for each question

  • Weekly webinars on popular topics, directly addressing your anatomy queries and requested topics

$399 initial payment, then $50/month