Greek's Scott Michael Foster Talks Melissa & Joey Arc, Possible Parenthood Return
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Greek's Scott Michael Foster Talks Melissa & Joey Arc, Possible Parenthood Return

Cappie is back! Greek alum Scott Michael Foster makes his triumphant return to ABC Family this Wednesday at 8/7c — only instead of romancing co-eds, he’s swooning over Melissa Joan Hart on Melissa & Joey.

TVLine spoke with the actor about his latest comedic gig, the possibility of a Parenthood encore, and what he really thought about Greek‘s emotional series finale.

TVLINE | Tell us about the young lover you’re playing on Melissa & Joey.
Mel meets [my character] George at a small business association get-together. He’s a young designer with a bunch of ideas that he goes to her with, and they quickly hit it off. They start dating and he’s much younger than her, so she fibs about her age. Somewhere in the middle of their tryst, Mel has to tell him how old she really is and is worried that he’ll care, but he ends up not caring at all because at that point he really likes her.

TVLINE | But you’re only signed on for three episodes, so how does it all wrap up? Any chance you’ll return?
It ends in a sweet way, and George could definitely come back. At least I think so. [Laughs]

TVLINE | What’s the dynamic between George and Joe, given the latter’s vested interest in Mel?
Joe’s hard on him for being so young, but George actually goes to him for some sound business advice. He also gets a little advice about dating Mel. And that’s the extent of their involvement with each other.

TVLINE | Greek certainly had tons of comedic clout, but it was so different than the multi-cam/live audience vibe that Melissa & Joey has to offer. Was that part of the allure?
I’d never done multiple episodes of a multi-cam show, so when ABC Family came to me about this role, I wanted to be able to do an arc in that format. I took the job and it turned out to be a really amazing experience. And I would definitely do it again.

TVLINE | You’re not the first actor to tell me that. It’s no secret that the multi-cam format isn’t the most modern, but everyone says it’s the most fun.
It really is, because it’s the closest thing to doing a play. It’s instant feedback and it’s fun. Single-camera stuff doesn’t offer that instant gratification.

TVLINE | Talk a little about the Greek finale. What did you think of the way things came to an end?
No one knew if Season 3 would be our last — and we definitely didn’t want it to end the way it would have if it had been. So when ABC Family gave us a Season 4, we were so happy to be able to wrap up all the storylines. I’m grateful for the last season and what we got to do.

TVLINE | And what about your dramatic turn on Parenthood this past spring? It seems like that storyline opposite Mae Whitman may have run its course. Might we see you again?
You know, I ended up working with some of the crew of Parenthood again this year [on a different project] and they were all asking if I was coming back, too… but I don’t know. There’s definitely an opportunity for that character to return, but I’m not sure if he will or not.

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