Harry Potter House Quiz: Where Would You Be Sorted?
Personality Quizzes

Harry Potter House Quiz: Where Would You Be Sorted?

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Are you a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Every Harry Potter fan wonders where the Sorting Hat would place them if they went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To find out, take the Harry Potter House Quiz to see where you truly belong!

Harry Potter House Quiz: Where Would You Be Sorted?

you will be given a few questions and all you need to do is answer them as far as you can. At the end of the quiz you will be given a result – whichever Hogwarts house you are sorted into. Whatever your result is, do not forget to share it with your Harry Potter loving friends so you can discuss your house qualities and how they fit your personality. Comparing results is part of the fun!

Harry Potter House Quiz: Where Would You Be Sorted?

Are you brave, loyal, and courageous like Harry Potter? Or are you intelligent, creative, and wise like Luna Lovegood? Take this quiz to find out where you would be sorted in Hogwarts!

1 / 10

Who is your favorite house-elf?

2 / 10

What's your favorite magical sweet?

3 / 10

What event would you attend?

4 / 10

Who is your favorite Hogwarts professor?

5 / 10

Where would you look first if you lost your pet toad?

6 / 10

Which pet would you want to own?

7 / 10

Which subject do you enjoy studying most at Hogwarts?

8 / 10

What is your opinion on Polyjuice Potion?

9 / 10

If you could have any job in the wizarding world, what would it be?

What Each Hogwarts House Represents

Before discovering your house, let’s explore what each one represents in more detail.


Gryffindors value bravery, nerve and chivalry above all else. Just like Harry Potter himself, they are willing to rush into action and do what’s right without hesitation. Hermione Granger is another famous Gryffindor in the books for her steadfast loyalty to Harry no matter the situation.

Some key Gryffindor traits include:

  • Bravery
  • Nerve
  • Chivalry
  • Determination
  • Daring
  • Loyalty
  • Courage

Ask yourself – would you stay by your friends no matter what? Are you willing to fight for a cause you believe in? Do you speak up when you see injustice being done? If so, you likely align with Gryffindor values.


Ravenclaws prize wisdom, wit and intellect. Luna Lovegood embodies this house with her creative thinking and unique perspective on life. Ravenclaws have a true love of learning and enjoy expanding their knowledge.

Some defining Ravenclaw characteristics include:

  • Wisdom
  • Wit
  • Creativity
  • Individuality
  • Acceptance
  • Sharp-mindedness
  • Resourcefulness

Consider your love of learning new things – do you prioritize gaining knowledge and new experiences above all else? Do you think outside the box? If so, you may belong in Ravenclaw.


Hufflepuffs are known for dedication, patience, and fairness. Kind-hearted Cedric Diggory represents this house well with his strong morals and sense of justice. Hufflepuffs believe in equality, inclusiveness and playing by the rules.

Typical Hufflepuff qualities are:

  • Dedication
  • Patience
  • Loyalty
  • Kindness
  • Tolerance
  • Modesty
  • Cooperation

Do you believe in giving everyone a chance? Is playing by the rules important to you? Are you there for your friends when they need help? If so, you likely align with Hufflepuff’s values.

See also  Which Harry Potter Female Character Are You?


Slytherins are ambitious, cunning and achievement-oriented. Draco Malfoy is the quintessential Slytherin with his pride, resourcefulness, and disregard for following rules. Slytherins are determined to prove themselves and be the best.

Some defining Slytherin traits are:

  • Ambition
  • Leadership
  • Pride
  • Resourcefulness
  • Cunning
  • Determination
  • Self-preservation

Consider how far you would go to achieve your goals and prove yourself. Do you have a competitive edge? Do you look out for yourself first? If so, you may belong in ambitious Slytherin.

Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself

As you reflect on where you belong, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • If faced with a difficult task, would you ask friends for help or figure it out on your own?
  • Is it more important to follow the rules or do what feels right in a situation?
  • Do you make decisions with your head or your heart?
  • How do you react when someone questions your abilities?
  • If you could only have one trait, would you choose boldness, intelligence, kindness or ambition?

Really think through your honest answers. How you approach life says a lot about which Hogwarts house fits you best. There are wonderful qualities to each of the four houses. Where do you feel you align most?

Discover Your True Hogwarts House

The Sorting Hat knows where you’ll thrive and make your mark at Hogwarts. While only it can truly determine your match, the Harry Potter House Quiz gives you a great idea of where you belong.

Are you ready to see where you fit in? Take the Harry Potter House Quiz now to find out if you’re a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

Once you get your result, be sure to share it on social media so you can compare with other Harry Potter fans! Did your friends get the same house as you or completely different ones?

No matter what house you get, remember the Sorting Hat is never wrong. Embrace your house qualities and let them inspire you to become your best self, just as they do for students at Hogwarts.

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