From Brooklyn to the beach, wandering the hallways of my mind. so many doors I’ve yet to open, windows I’ve neglected to shut. Shit Everywhere.

Art has been a kind companion along the way, a portal to explore my fears, hopes and dreams. Satire is my weapon of choice, though I have found myself in a deep dive on the fragility of humanity, to which I am no stranger.

People ask about my process, that’s a tough question because it is literally changing daily, as am I. Some might label my work as mixed media or collage, I like to think of it as fantastical narrative I suppose, a perpetual exercise of bringing light to darkness, joy to pain, color to a cloudy day. Essentially, I utilize a wide variety of elements as my paint per se, abstract paintings, photography, illustration, texture, ink and so on, digitally assembled.

There is a duality between artist and subject, unspoken, but screaming for attention
— Harry Knapp