

to my official homepage. Feel free to have a look around.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Thank you to all who sent messages and vibes on my birthday. I have to admit it is my 62nd, so I am pretty used to them by now and look at it one of two ways, depending on the day. One way is to just celebrate the big ones, the other is to celebrate each one now they will inevitably get fewer. Anyway.... Thank you. I had a very quiet and peaceful day. Watched some sport and then a movie, La...
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
So my news is out. I am pleased, because I am buzzing about it. So thrilled to be working with Siân again, after, well, let's not mention the amount of years. We met up again at the photo shoot and as last time, I was bowled over by her. She is a glorious person, an icon. Our director is James Dacre. Hugely looking forward to working with him. The wider cast hasn't been announced yet, when I...
Monday, April 08, 2024
Oooh. Can't wait. The Almeida !!! There are a few theatres and studios I would like to work, and this is one. And it's a new play, Alma Mater. I have felt pretty lucky throughout my career, and this is just another example of my luck continuing. And I get to work with Polly Findlay and Lia Williams and an old chum, Susannah Wise. It's not a play that centres around me, which is obviously a...

Current projects

Alma Mater
Kendall Feaver's sharp new look at the ever-growing generational divide between activists. Ends July 20, 2024. Book now...
Summer 1954
Features a double-bill of Table Number Seven and The Browning Version by Terence Rattigan. From October 24, 2024. Booking starts April 27

Upcoming Events

11 Jun 2024;
Alma Mater
Almeida Theatre / London / UK
12 Jun 2024;
Alma Mater
Almeida Theatre / London / UK
13 Jun 2024;
Alma Mater
Almeida Theatre / London / UK
14 Jun 2024;
Alma Mater
Almeida Theatre / London / UK
15 Jun 2024;
Alma Mater
Almeida Theatre / London / UK

Recent Work

Learn about my latest projects and work.

Celebration Day Writing Competition 2024 Winners Excerpts
Alma Mater

The latest from the galleries...


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Nathaniel Parker
c/o 42 Management & Production
Simon Beresford
Palladium House, 7th Floor
1-4 Argyll Street

London W1F 7TA United Kingdom

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