How old is Ultear? (after the time skip) | Fairy Tail Amino

How old is Ultear? (after the time skip)

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  • Same age as Lyon (26/27)
  • Older than Lyon (early 30’s)
  • Younger than Lyon (23/24)
71 votes · Voting has ended

So, this is something that always puzzled me.

At first, I assumed that Ultear was a couple years older than Gray and Lyon, so she’d be in her early 20’s before the time-skip.

Then we had that flashback during the Gray vs Ultear fight and she looked a lot younger than them or maybe the same age.

That’s when I started wondering if perhaps she IS the same age and only her Arc of Time magic makes her seem older in the present.

I mean, magic that involves time manipulation surely must have an effect on a person’s body.

There’s also the Meredy factor. When Ultear “rescues” her, she seems to be at least 16 while Meredy looks to be no older than 5/6. If that was the case, Ultear would be around 23 before the time-skip; fitting with my first theory.

So, what do you think? Is she the same age as Lyon after the seven years or is she older? Or younger?

How old is Ultear? (after the time skip)-So, this is something that always puzzled me.

At first, I assumed that Ultear was a
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She's not younger... Ur adopted Lyon following Ultear's 'death'. But I suppose Lyon could have been older...? Idk

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0 Reply 07/07/18

It is confirmed that Lyon is 19/26. I assume Ultear was older than him mostly because of Meredy, but who knows.

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0 Reply 07/07/18
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