The Meaning Behind The Song: Walkin' Blues by Son House - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Walkin’ Blues by Son House

The Meaning Behind The Song: Walkin’ Blues by Son House

The song “Walkin’ Blues” is a classic blues song originally recorded by Son House in 1930. It has since been covered by numerous artists and remains a staple in the blues genre. This article will explore the meaning behind the lyrics of “Walkin’ Blues” and shed light on its significance in the context of blues music.

History of Blues Music

Before delving into the meaning behind the song, it’s important to understand the historical context of blues music. The blues originated in the African-American communities in the Deep South of the United States during the late 19th century. It was a form of expression for the African-American population, reflecting the struggles and hardships they faced.

From its humble beginnings as a folk music genre, the blues evolved and became popularized during the early 20th century. It laid the foundation for various musical styles, including jazz, rock and roll, and R&B. The blues is characterized by its distinctive use of the 12-bar blues structure, call-and-response patterns, and the use of instruments like the guitar and harmonica.

The Lyrics and Meaning of “Walkin’ Blues”

Now let’s take a closer look at the lyrics of “Walkin’ Blues” and the meaning they convey. The song begins with the following lines:

“I woke up this mornin’, feelin’ ’round for my shoes
Know ’bout ‘at I got these, old walkin’ blues”

These lines encapsulate the essence of the blues, as the protagonist wakes up to find himself burdened by the hardships of life. He seeks solace and escape through his music and the act of walking, which becomes a metaphor for his journey through life.

The chorus of the song further emphasizes this sentiment:

“I woke up this mornin’, and I
Woke up this mornin’, and I
Woke up this mornin’, and I
Got them walkin’ blues, oh baby”

These repetitive lines highlight the cyclical nature of the protagonist’s struggles, as he continuously wakes up to face the same challenges day after day. Despite the hardships, the blues provides a means of catharsis and a way to cope with the pain and hardship of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What inspired Son House to write “Walkin’ Blues”?

Son House drew inspiration from his personal experiences and the African-American blues tradition when writing “Walkin’ Blues.” The song reflects the struggles and hardships faced by many during that period.

2. How has “Walkin’ Blues” influenced other artists?

“Walkin’ Blues” has been covered by numerous artists over the years and has left a lasting impact on the blues genre. Artists such as Robert Johnson, Eric Clapton, and The Rolling Stones have recorded their own versions of the song, showcasing its enduring appeal.

3. What is the significance of the 12-bar blues structure in “Walkin’ Blues”?

The 12-bar blues structure is a fundamental aspect of blues music, and “Walkin’ Blues” adheres to this structure. It consists of three lines, each lasting four bars, creating a rhythmic pattern that is characteristic of the genre.

4. How does “Walkin’ Blues” reflect the experiences of African-Americans during that time?

“Walkin’ Blues” reflects the struggles and hardships faced by African-Americans during the era when it was written. The song speaks to the daily grind and the desire for freedom and escape from the oppressive circumstances of the time.

5. What role does the guitar play in “Walkin’ Blues”?

The guitar is a central instrument in blues music, and it plays a prominent role in “Walkin’ Blues.” Son House’s guitar playing style, characterized by his slide guitar technique, adds a raw and emotionally charged element to the song.

6. How has “Walkin’ Blues” evolved over time?

Over the years, “Walkin’ Blues” has been reinterpreted by various artists, each adding their unique touch to the song. This evolution has allowed the song to remain relevant and resonate with new generations of blues enthusiasts.

7. Is “Walkin’ Blues” considered a blues standard?

Yes, “Walkin’ Blues” is widely regarded as a blues standard due to its enduring popularity and frequent cover versions by renowned artists. It continues to be recognized as a classic blues song that captures the spirit and essence of the genre.

8. How did the lyrics of “Walkin’ Blues” influence other blues songs?

The lyrics of “Walkin’ Blues” have served as an inspiration for other blues songs, influencing future generations of blues musicians. Its themes of struggle, hardship, and the power of music resonated with artists who sought to convey similar emotions through their own compositions.

9. Are there any live performances of “Walkin’ Blues” worth checking out?

Yes, there are several live performances of “Walkin’ Blues” that showcase the raw energy and emotion of the song. Son House’s own live recordings from the 1960s are particularly noteworthy and provide a glimpse into the intensity of his performances.

10. Can “Walkin’ Blues” be considered a protest song?

While “Walkin’ Blues” does not explicitly address political or social issues, it can be interpreted as a form of protest against the hardships and injustices faced by African-Americans during that time. It serves as a testament to the power of expression and the enduring spirit of resilience.

11. Has “Walkin’ Blues” been featured in any films or TV shows?

Yes, “Walkin’ Blues” has been featured in various films and TV shows, introducing the song to new audiences. It has been used to enhance the mood and atmosphere of scenes that require a bluesy and soulful sound.

12. What is the lasting legacy of “Walkin’ Blues”?

“Walkin’ Blues” remains an influential and iconic blues song that continues to captivate listeners. Its timeless themes and powerful lyrics ensure its place as a cherished part of blues music history.

These frequently asked questions shed light on the significance of “Walkin’ Blues” and offer insight into its lasting impact on the blues genre. As music enthusiasts, it is important to delve into the rich history and meaning behind songs like “Walkin’ Blues” to appreciate their cultural and artistic value.

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