Cameron Hayes | Sons of Anarchy | Fandom
Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy
The subject of the article is involved with Sons of Anarchy The subject of the article is involved with Sons of Anarchy Season 1 The subject of the article is involved with Sons of Anarchy Season 2 The subject of the article is involved with Sons of Anarchy Season 3

Cameron Hayes was a member of the True IRA on the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Played by American actor Jamie McShane, Cameron makes his debut on the episode "The Pull" in season one. Playing a recurring role throughout the same and subsequent seasons. He served as a main antagonist in season two and the early episodes of season three, before meeting his demise in "Oiled".


Cameron Hayes had several cousins, including Michael McKeavey, Maureen Ashby, and the powerful IRA consigliere Father Kellan Ashby, as well as a son, Edmond, all of whom were involved with the IRA. He spent most of his time in Northern Ireland, rarely coming stateside. Nevertheless, he was wanted on four continents.

Cameron would become the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original's IRA point of contact after the death of McKeavy. SAMCRO was a good customer of the IRA and would purchase automatic weapons from them to sell in the US. Cameron betrayed the Sons, dealing to the Aryan Brotherhood behind their backs and after Edmond was killed, he would go rogue and kidnap the son of SAMCRO Vice President, Jackson "Jax" Teller and murder another SAMCRO member before fleeing back to Ireland. Cameron's wrongs would eventually catch up to him and he would be killed by his own for the chaos he had caused.

Season 1[]

"The Pull"[]

Cameron Hayes arrives at the bar, he is meeting members of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original. Club President, Clarence "Clay" Morrow and Alexander "Tig" Trager soon arrive and sit with Cameron where he informs them that Michael McKeavey, his cousin is dead; he was previously the Sons' IRA contact. He was killed under orders of Brenan Hefner, the corrupt Oakland port commissioner, McKeavey refused to pay him more money and Hefner had his goons kill him. The Sons offer to help take care of Hefner, but Cameron insists it is personal. He goes to count the money the Sons presented him with to continue their business arrangement.

As the trio drink to McKeavey's life and the Sons and IRA partnership, the bar is attacked, bullets begin to fly as Cameron is shot in the leg whilst the barman is able to put down one of the attackers. As Clay and Tig get their bearings, they realise that Cameron has been shot and is bleeding badly. Tig says they have to get him to a hospital but Cameron says he is wanted in four continents, he cannot go to a hospital. Tig also learns that the attackers were Mayans Motorcycle Club. A rival club that the Sons now seem to be in a war with,

More members of the Sons soon arrive and the barman says he will take care of the Mayan body whilst the rest of the club get Cameron back to the clubhouse for treatment. Cameron speaks to Filip "Chibs" Telford, a Son and Scotsman who assures Cameron he was once a medic in the army, before he was court-martialled.

Back at the clubhouse, Chibs says that they need real medical tools or Cameron will die, the bullet hit an artery and it being lodged inside of him is the only thing stopping him from bleeding out.

Later that night, Chibs and Juan Carlos "Juice" Ortiz try their best to patch Cameron up.

"Hell Followed"[]

Chibs and Juice continue to work on Cameron, eventually being able to pull one of the slugs from him causing a fountain of blood to spray out of the wound. Tig and Gemma Teller-Morrow rush in before the pair swiftly leave the clubhouse.

Cameron eventually comes to and is horrified to see that Juice has his finger buried in his ass cheek, essentially keeping him alive. Chibs soon returns and Cameron tells Chibs that Hefner must be dealt with and dealt with swiftly. On Monday he is going to set dogs loose on cargo and the IRA shipment will be discovered. Chibs assures him that the club will deal with it.

Tara Knowles, a doctor and club ally finally arrives to assist Cameron, she immediately has Gemma feed Cameron some pills and then tells Juice that she is going to plug the wound his finger is currently holding. Tara is later able to remove the remaining slug from Cameron and he is carted out of the clubhouse.

"Better Half"[]

Now recovering under protection of SAMCRO, Cameron is hiding out in a cabin owned by the Sons in the mountains. Gemma arrives with some groceries for him. Cameron then learns that the ATF is back in Charming and he must stay put until they can smuggle him out of the country.

The following day, Tara checks on Cameron one final time before he is smuggled out of the country.

Season 2[]


Now back in the US, Cameron is joined by Edmond, his son. Edmond and Cameron watch on as SAMCRO test weapons they are about to purchase.


SAMCRO arrive to collect their guns, they are running them under the guise of a charity ride. Edmond mentions that Jimmy O'Phelan, the de facto leader of the True IRA may be coming to the US soon. The club looks uneasy as they stare at Chibs, he says, "Their day will come".

"Falx Cerebri"[]

In the wake of an explosion at the SAMCRO garage, Edmond is sent by Cameron to investigate.

Cameron and Edmond then meet with Ethan Zobelle and AJ Weston, members of the League of American Nationalists, a group of white supremacists disguised as a legit business group. Edmond is asked by Zobelle's daughter, Polly Zobelle to keep her company whilst the others discuss business.


Cameron receives a call from a worried Edmond, he says that Clay and the Sons have just visited, demanding to know where their AK's are, Edmond lied and said they had been sold but Clay is very suspicious, he says that before they sell anything to the League, they should speak to Jimmy O first.


Edmond and Cameron are at the gun storage shop when Chibs kicks open the door, firing a few shots at Edmond before grabbing him and slamming him down on the counter with the gun to his head. Chibs demands to know why the IRA have been selling guns to the League. Cameron soon arrives armed with a shotgun, which he points at Chibs, demanding he let Edmond go. Chibs obliges and in another twist, Jimmy O appears from the back of the shop, Chibs informs him that the Sons have a new gun pipeline, to which Jimmy sternly tells Chibs that he doesn't. Jax bursts through the door with his own gun drawn, the situation is calmed by Jimmy who greets Jax and gets him to put the weapon down. Jax tries to coax Chibs to leave, who marches up to him and tells him that he isn't his VP anymore, now he is going Nomad.


Weston meets with Cameron to collect more guns. He is annoyed when Cameron explains that their Russian gun pipeline has dried up and this could be the last shipment for a while.

"Na Trioblóidí"[]

Cameron tells Edmond to meet him at the dock, where he calls him on a hidden phone after discovering that he is being tailed by the ATF. A panicked Edmond on the phone tells Cameron that the ATF has him and they are going to try and pin him as a rat, Cameron tells him that he has to kill Stahl and prove his loyalty and to tell him when it's done.

On his way to the safe house to make sure the job is done, he hears over his police scanner that Clay’s old lady, Gemma Teller-Morrow has killed Edmond, causing him to fly into a grievous rage. Cameron races to the scene and spots SAMCRO member Kip "Half-Sack" Epps leaving the scene, he tails him.

Cameron armed with a gun storms the house, he sees Tara on the phone and hangs up the call and disarms Half-Sack, telling them that Gemma killed Edmond. Cameron says that maybe he will kill an old lady and even the score, aiming his gun at Tara. Half-Sack, fuelled with adrenaline is jumpy and ponders diving at Cameron who trains the gun on him instead, telling him to not get brave and demanding he sit. Cameron makes his way to Abel and draws a large kitchen, saying "Son for a son, seems about right". Half-Sack lunges at Cameron who is able to redirect the blade in time, he plunges it deep in to Half-Sack's abdomen before pulling out, Half-Sack collapses to the floor, dead.

Cameron then picks up Abel and begins to sob, he then ties up Tara and flees with Abel, making his way to the docks and putting Abel on his boat, he rides away as the Sons watch on from the dock.

Cameron commands him to prove his loyalty to the cause by killing the Agent June Stahl. With the ATF swarming the house, he sees SAMCRO prospect Half Sack Epps fleeing the scene and follows him. Insane with grief, he holds Half Sack, Tara (who previously saved his life), and Jax Teller’s infant son Abel at gunpoint. Cameron goes to kill Abel with a kitchen knife, saying “a son for a son seems about right,” only to be jumped by Half Sack, who he stabs in the stomach and leaves to die. He ties Tara up in the baby’s room then kidnaps the child and flees. He escapes to the marina and, with SAMCRO hot on his heels, he manages to escape on his boat.

Season 3[]


Cameron sails to Oakland where he buys an Irish passport and US travel visa from a document forger. Now using the alias “Timothy O'Dell,” he travels to Rocklin where he buys a one-way ticket to Vancouver, Canada. After that, he flies back to Ireland.


Arriving in Belfast, he visits his cousin Maureen, leaving Abel with her. Next, he goes to the church to confess his sins to his other cousin, Father Kellan. Kellan tells him that his actions have threatened a decades-long relationship with the Sons of Anarchy, though Cameron believes he was justified. The priest promises to plead his case to Jimmy O and the Army Council. When he returns to the church, Kellan blesses him before he is garroted by Michael Casey. His body is marked and dumped in the streets so that everyone knows Cameron Hayes came home.

Murders Committed[]


Trading Cards[]


Appearances-Logo-SOA Season 1 appearances
"Pilot" "Seeds" "Fun Town" "Patch Over" "Giving Back"
"AK-51" "Old Bones" "The Pull" "Hell Followed" "Better Half"
"Capybara" "The Sleep of Babies" "The Revelator"
Appearances-Logo-SOA Season 2 appearances
"Albification" "Small Tears" "Fix" "Eureka" "Smite"
"Falx Cerebri" "Gilead" "Potlatch" "Fa Guan" "Balm"
"Service" "The Culling" "Na Trioblóidí"
Appearances-Logo-SOA Season 3 appearances
"SO" "Oiled" "Caregiver" "Home" "Turning and Turning"
"The Push" "Widening Gyre" "Lochán Mór" "Turas" "Fírinne"
"Bainne" "June Wedding" "NS"