43 Facts about the movie Lincoln - Facts.net
Shantee Shroyer

Written by Shantee Shroyer

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Pinterest.com

Welcome to the world of “Lincoln,” a monumental film that takes us back in time to the tumultuous era of the American Civil War. Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Daniel Day-Lewis in a career-defining role, this critically acclaimed masterpiece offers a captivating portrayal of one of America’s most revered presidents, Abraham Lincoln.

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of “Lincoln” and uncover 43 intriguing facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes anecdotes to historical accuracies, we will explore the making of this cinematic gem and shed light on the remarkable efforts put forth by the talented cast and crew. So grab your popcorn and prepare to be swept away by the gripping narrative, breathtaking performances, and thought-provoking themes that make “Lincoln” an unforgettable cinematic experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Lincoln” is a captivating movie directed by Steven Spielberg, showcasing the remarkable performance of Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln and highlighting the President’s relentless pursuit to abolish slavery.
  • The film’s attention to historical accuracy, powerful storytelling, and exceptional performances left a lasting impact, offering a profound insight into Abraham Lincoln’s character and the tumultuous era of the American Civil War.
Table of Contents

Lincoln was directed by Steven Spielberg.

Renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg helmed the movie Lincoln, bringing his visionary storytelling to the historical drama.

The film was released in 2012.

The movie Lincoln was released in 2012, captivating audiences with its powerful portrayal of the 16th President of the United States.

Daniel Day-Lewis played the role of Abraham Lincoln.

Academy Award-winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis delivered a remarkable performance, immersing himself in the character of Abraham Lincoln.

Sally Field portrayed Mary Todd Lincoln.

Talented actress Sally Field portrayed the complex and influential role of Mary Todd Lincoln, showcasing her range as an actress.

The movie received critical acclaim.

Lincoln was highly praised by critics, with its compelling storytelling, superb performances, and attention to historical accuracy.

It won two Academy Awards.

The film received recognition at the 85th Academy Awards, winning Best Actor for Daniel Day-Lewis and Best Production Design.

Lincoln grossed over $275 million worldwide.

The movie was a box office success, grossing over $275 million worldwide, showcasing its widespread popularity.

The screenplay was written by Tony Kushner.

Tony Kushner, an acclaimed playwright, wrote the screenplay for Lincoln, infusing it with his unique storytelling style.

The film focused on Lincoln’s efforts to abolish slavery.

Lincoln delved into the President’s relentless pursuit to pass the 13th Amendment, which would end slavery in the United States.

It showcased the political turmoil of the era.

The movie depicted the intense political battles and societal divisions faced by President Lincoln during the American Civil War.

The film featured an ensemble cast.

In addition to Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally Field, Lincoln boasted a talented ensemble cast, including Tommy Lee Jones, David Strathairn, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Spielberg spent a decade developing the film.

Steven Spielberg dedicated ten years to researching and refining the story of Lincoln before bringing it to the big screen.

Lincoln was inspired by Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book.

The movie drew inspiration from the book “Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln” by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

The film’s musical score was composed by John Williams.

Renowned composer John Williams created the emotive and powerful musical score for Lincoln, adding depth to its storytelling.

The movie showcased Lincoln’s eloquence as a speaker.

Lincoln highlighted the President’s remarkable ability to communicate and inspire with his speeches, including his renowned Gettysburg Address.

The film was shot on location in Richmond, Virginia.

The production team captured the essence of the era by filming on location in Richmond, Virginia, which offered a historical backdrop.

Lincoln emphasized the importance of unity and compromise.

The movie explored Lincoln’s unwavering belief in finding common ground and working together for the greater good of the nation.

The film was praised for its attention to historical accuracy.

Lincoln was commended for its meticulous attention to detail, striving for historical accuracy in its portrayal of events and characters.

Spielberg and Day-Lewis collaborated for the first time.

This project marked the first collaboration between director Steven Spielberg and actor Daniel Day-Lewis, creating a dynamic partnership.

The movie’s production design recreated the era.

The production design team meticulously recreated the period settings and visual aesthetics, immersing audiences in the world of Lincoln.

Lincoln highlighted the President’s personal struggles.

The film delved into Abraham Lincoln’s personal challenges, including the loss of his son and the toll the war took on him emotionally.

The movie received twelve Academy Award nominations.

Lincoln garnered critical acclaim and received twelve nominations at the 85th Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

The film depicted the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Lincoln showcased the pivotal moments when President Lincoln signed and enacted the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the freedom of enslaved individuals.

The movie explored Lincoln’s relationship with his cabinet.

Lincoln delved into the complex dynamics and relationships between President Lincoln and his cabinet members, revealing the challenges they faced together.

Lincoln highlighted the immense toll of the Civil War.

The film portrayed the devastating consequences and human cost of the American Civil War, capturing the magnitude of the nation’s struggle.

The film showcased Lincoln’s determination and resolve.

Lincoln highlighted the President’s unwavering determination to achieve his goals, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

The movie’s cinematography captured the essence of the era.

The cinematography in Lincoln effectively captured the mood and atmosphere of the time, immersing viewers in the historical setting.

The film explored the political maneuverings of the era.

Lincoln delved into the intricate world of political maneuverings, alliances, and negotiations that shaped the course of history.

Lincoln provided a deep insight into the President’s character.

The movie offered a profound exploration of Abraham Lincoln’s character, revealing his complexities, vulnerabilities, and unwavering leadership.

The film’s dialogue was praised for its depth and authenticity.

Lincoln’s screenplay was acclaimed for its rich and authentic dialogue, capturing the essence of the era and the personalities of its characters.

Lincoln showcased the challenges faced by the President’s family.

The film delved into the personal struggles and sacrifices made by the Lincoln family amidst the intense political climate of the time.

The movie highlighted the significance of the 1864 presidential election.

Lincoln showcased the pivotal 1864 presidential election and the impact it had on Lincoln’s pursuit of abolishing slavery.

Lincoln’s makeup and costume design were highly praised.

The makeup and costume design in the film were lauded for their exceptional attention to detail, bringing the characters to life.

The movie’s script was heavily researched.

The screenplay for Lincoln was meticulously researched to ensure its historical accuracy and authenticity.

Lincoln portrayed the President’s struggle with his conscience.

The film explored Abraham Lincoln’s internal battles and the weight of the decisions he had to make as President.

The movie’s supporting cast delivered standout performances.

In addition to the lead actors, the supporting cast in Lincoln delivered exceptional performances, adding depth to the storytelling.

Lincoln paid homage to the power of words.

The film celebrated the transformative power of words, capturing Lincoln’s ability to inspire and unite through his eloquence.

The movie took a nuanced approach to historical figures.

Lincoln portrayed the historical figures with depth and complexity, allowing audiences to see beyond their public personas.

Lincoln highlighted the President’s strategy and political acumen.

The film showcased Abraham Lincoln’s strategic thinking and political astuteness, shedding light on his ability to navigate complex situations.

The movie’s editing emphasized the tension and drama.

The editing in Lincoln effectively heightened the tension and drama of key moments, enhancing the overall storytelling experience.

Lincoln’s portrayal of the Thirteenth Amendment’s passage was gripping.

The film brilliantly depicted the gripping and suspenseful scenes surrounding the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

The movie’s historical accuracy resonated with audiences.

The attention to historical accuracy in Lincoln resonated with audiences, inspiring a greater appreciation for the events and people that shaped our nation.

The film left a lasting impact on viewers.

Lincoln’s poignant portrayal of historical events and characters left a lasting impact on viewers, inviting reflection and understanding of our nation’s history.


In conclusion, “Lincoln” is a remarkable film that showcases the life and legacy of one of America’s most iconic presidents. With its captivating storytelling, brilliant performances, and historical accuracy, the movie immerses viewers into the world of Abraham Lincoln and the challenges he faced during his presidency. The film not only sheds light on Lincoln’s political achievements, but also delves into his personal struggles and emotions, making him a relatable and inspiring figure. Steven Spielberg’s masterful direction, Daniel Day-Lewis’s exceptional portrayal of Lincoln, and the impressive attention to detail in recreating the setting of the Civil War era make “Lincoln” a must-watch for history enthusiasts and movie lovers alike.


Q: Is the movie “Lincoln” based on true events?

A: Yes, “Lincoln” is based on true events. The movie focuses on the final months of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency and his efforts to pass the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery in the United States.

Q: Who plays the role of Abraham Lincoln in the film?

A: The role of Abraham Lincoln is played by the renowned actor, Daniel Day-Lewis. He brings Lincoln to life with his remarkable performance, capturing the essence of the iconic president.

Q: How historically accurate is the movie?

A: “Lincoln” is known for its attention to historical accuracy. The film meticulously recreates the setting and costumes of the Civil War era, and the dialogue is based on authentic speeches and documents from that time period.

Q: Did the film receive any awards or nominations?

A: Yes, “Lincoln” received critical acclaim and was nominated for numerous awards, including 12 Academy Award nominations. It won two Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Daniel Day-Lewis and Best Production Design.

Q: Can children watch the movie “Lincoln”?

A: “Lincoln” is rated PG-13, indicating that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13 years old. Parents should use their discretion and consider the historical context and mature themes portrayed in the film before allowing their children to watch it.

If you enjoyed learning about Spielberg's Lincoln, why not explore other captivating historical dramas like The Passion of Joan of Arc? Or, dive deeper into the life and legacy of the 16th President with our collection of fascinating Abraham Lincoln facts. For a thought-provoking look at the complexities surrounding Lincoln's fight against slavery, check out these surprising facts about the Emancipation Memorial.

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