Kessel, von, Mortimer -

Kessel, von, Mortimer

Date of birth:
May 25th, 1893 (Arnswalde/Pommerania, Germany)
Date of death:
January 8th, 1981 (Goslar/Lowersaxony, Germany)


Mortimer von Kessel was born on May 25th, 1893 as the son to Konstantin von Kessel and Julie Freijn von Buddenbrock. On March 17th, 1928 he married Dorothee von Kessel. The couple had a son on December 14th, 1928 (Mortimer von Kessel), another son on January 13th, 1931 (Silvius von Kessel) and one more on May 24th, 1934 (Immo von Kessel).

August 1st, 1914: Fahnenjunker;
March 22nd, 1915: Leutnant (Patent September 1st, 1913);
June 1st, 1923: Oberleutnant;
?: Hauptmann;
February 11th, 1935: Major;
October 1st, 1937: Oberstleutnant;
April 20th, 1939: Oberstleutnant (RDA: January 1st, 1937);
October 1st, 1939: Oberst;
November 1st, 1942: Generalmajor;
December 1st, 1943: Generalleutnant;
March 1st, 1945: General der Panzertruppen.

August 1st, 1914: Ersatztruppenteil, Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12;
September 28th, 1914: Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12;
September 4th, 1916: Ordonnanzofficier, Stab, Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12;
September 9th, 1916: Regimentsadjutant/Gerichtsoffizier, Stab, Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12;
July 1st, 1917: stellvertretenden Brigadeadjutant;
May 1919: Abwicklungsstelle, Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12;
1919: 10. (Preu�.) Reiter-Regiment, Reichsheer;
March 22nd, 1922: Wehrkreispr�fung;
1924: 2. Eskadron, 10. (Preu�.) Reiter-Regiment;
November 1st, 1926: Regimentsadjutant, 10. (Preu�.) Reiter-Regiment;
February 1st, 1928: 4. Eskadron, 10. (Preu�.) Reiter-Regiment;
1929: Chef, 3. Eskadron, 10. (Preu�.) Reiter-Regiment;
October 1st, 1933: Stab, 13. (Preu�.) Reiter-Regiment;
October 1st, 1934: Stab, Reiter-Regiment Hannover;
May 1st, 1935: Stab, 3. Kavallerie-Division;
October 15th, 1935: Stab, 1. Panzer-Division;
October 12th, 1937: Kommandeur, Aufkl�rungs-Abteilung 9;
November 10th, 1938: Kommandeur, Aufkl�rungs-Regiment (motorisiert) 8;
July 1st, 1939: Abteilung P2, Oberkommando des Heeres;
November 1st, 1939: Abteilungschef P2, Heerespersonalamt (HPA);
January 15th, 1943: F�hrerreserve OKH;
May 8th, 1943: Kommandeur, 20. Panzer-Division;
December 27th, 1944: F�hrer, Generalkommando, VII. Panzerkorps;
March 1st, 1945: Kommandierender General, VII. Panzerkorps.

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First World War (1914-1918)
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12, 2. Kavallerie-Division, Deutsches Heer
Awarded on:
March 27th, 1915
Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
Adjutant/Gerichtsoffizier, Th�ringisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12, 2. Kavallerie-Division, Deutsches Heer
Awarded on:
September 25th, 1917
Eisernes Kreuz 1.Klasse (1914)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Generalmajor (Brigadier)
Kommandeur, 20. Panzer-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
July 5th, 1943
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 2er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
Generalmajor (Brigadier)
Kommandeur, 20. Panzer-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
July 23rd, 1943
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 1er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
Generalmajor (Brigadier)
Kommandeur, 20. Panzer-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
December 28th, 1943
Awarded for his achievements as commander of the 20. Panzer-Division. Kessel himself described one of the most important actions that led to his being awarded the Knight�s Cross as follows�

�A counterattack with a Volkswagen against a commanding height, which was recaptured with enemy losses of 2 companies, 12 heavy machine guns and 9 anti-tank rifles. This hill was then held against two attacking enemy battalions, which were smashed.�
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Generalleutnant (Major-general)
Kommandeur, 20. Panzer-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
October 16th, 1944
Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub
Awarded for his command of the 20. Panzer-Division during the Soviet Operation Bagration, where it fought well despite the vast opposing superiority. Particularly noteworthy was the Division�s intervention at Tscherebomirka on the 24.06.1944 at the boundary between the 4. and 9. Armee, the operations around Paritschi, the defense of Bobruisk and the subsequent breakout from the place, the cooperative actions with the 12. Panzer-Division and the march of the Gruppe von Kessel from Stolpce to Baranowicze via Jeremicze-Luki (01-06.07.1944).

611th award

