The Best Knight Movies Of All Time, Ranked

Ranker Film
Updated May 1, 2024 593.3K views 71 items
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19.7K votes
3.7K voters
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Vote up your favorite movies that feature knights.

Embark on a cinematic journey with our collection of the best knight movies, a genre that captivates with tales of valor, courage, and the timeless allure of medieval chivalry. This handpicked selection, crafted by film aficionados, showcases an array of films that not only tell enthralling stories of heroic protagonists but also feature some of the most memorable performances and cinematography in the realm of movies about knights.

From the humor and charm of A Knight's Tale to the thrilling action in Gladiator, and the inspiring narrative of Braveheart, these films offer a unique escape to a period rich in history and adventure. Each knight movie, whether it adheres to the classic hero's journey or boldly subverts it, stands as a testament to the creativity and vision of some of the greatest directors of our time.

But what truly sets this list apart is your involvement. As a dynamic, crowd-ranked collection, your votes and opinions shape the hierarchy of these cinematic treasures. Whether you're drawn to the romanticized tales of knightly heroism, the fantasy knight elements, or the impressive spectacles of medieval battles, your voice matters in crowning the ultimate knight movie. So, immerse yourself in this diverse array of films, from the best movies about knights to new medieval movies, and cast your vote for the knight movie that has captured your imagination the most.

Most divisive: The Green Knight
Over 3.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Knight Movies Of All Time, Ranked
  • Kingdom of Heaven
    Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Jeremy Irons
    1,396 votes

    Kingdom of Heaven masterfully explores the concept of money and wealth through its depiction of the Crusades, a time when knights sought riches and glory in the Holy Land. The film intertwines financial motives among its characters, as they navigate the political landscape of medieval Europe and the Middle East. The protagonist, Balian, initially inherits a title and land, discovering the responsibilities and expectations that come with his newfound social standing. His actions throughout the film are driven by both a personal sense of honor and a practical understanding of the weight that money carries in determining the fate of entire kingdoms.

  • Gladiator
    Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen
    1,222 votes

    In Gladiator, the theme of money underpins the power dynamics between the people, the Roman Empire, and the gladiatorial combatants themselves. The film showcases the allure of money and power through the ruthlessness of Commodus, who conspires to claim the throne and control Rome's vast wealth. Maximus, a skilled warrior, is ultimately forced into a life as a gladiator, where monetary gain becomes a part of his struggle for survival. Gladiator brilliantly portrays how individuals can be enslaved and exploited by the power of money, even in a realm where one's fighting prowess is meant to be the ultimate measure of worth.

  • A Knight's Tale
    Heath Ledger, Mark Addy, Rufus Sewell
    1,388 votes

    A Knight's Tale uniquely uses money as the driving force of its main character, William Thatcher. Born into poverty, William seeks a better life by posing as a nobleman and entering jousting competitions to win valuable prizes. Through his rise in the world of nobility, the film explores the role of money in exacerbating social divisions during the Middle Ages. A Knight's Tale offers a fresh perspective on knights' stories by centering around a protagonist who is motivated not by honor but by the desire to escape his financial circumstances.

  • Braveheart
    Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan
    1,388 votes

    Braveheart, an epic tale of sacrifice and rebellion, explores the role of money in shaping the lives and motivations of its characters. As the powerful English monarchy enforces its rule over Scotland, the film highlights how the accumulation of wealth underpins their authority and ruthlessness. At the same time, Scottish nobles are shown to be swayed by the prospect of financial gain, ultimately hindering their country's fight for freedom. Braveheart showcases how money can corrupt even the noblest intentions, transforming knights from protectors of the realm into agents of greed and self-interest.

  • Excalibur
    Nicol Williamson, Nigel Terry, Helen Mirren
    808 votes

    Excalibur delves into the complex relationship between power, wealth, and identity within the Arthurian legends. The fabled sword's possession becomes a symbol of prestige and legitimacy, granting its wielder both financial and political authority. As characters like Arthur, Lancelot, and Morgana vie for control, they are driven by competing desires for money, status, and influence. Through this intricate web of ambition and treachery, Excalibur highlights the role that money plays in determining loyalty, love, and destiny in the lives of knights.

  • The 13th Warrior
    Antonio Banderas, Diane Venora, Dennis Storhøi
    650 votes

    The 13th Warrior delves into the importance of money in shaping the hierarchical structure of medieval Norse society. Ahmad, an exiled Arab adventurer, encounters the world of the Vikings, where one's wealth and standing is often determined by their prowess as a warrior or by conquests. The film explores the role of monetary rewards in motivating these warriors as they battle supernatural foes, showcasing how financial incentives can drive individuals to undertake dangerous tasks. By blending elements of historical fiction with fantastical elements, The 13th Warrior illuminates the role of money in determining loyalty, courage, and ambition among knights and warriors.

  • The King
    Timothée Chalamet, Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton
    204 votes

    The King offers a gritty portrayal of power and money in the medieval world, following the story of a young King Henry V as he navigates politics and warfare. The film delves into the financial pressures faced by kings and knights alike, as Henry battles against foreign foes and domestic nobles vying for wealth and influence. The costs of war and the need for economic stability underscore many of the characters' decisions, revealing the delicate balance between honor and pragmatism in this brutal world. The King deftly demonstrates how money shapes not only individual destinies but entire dynasties, creating a captivating exploration of knighthood and power.

  • Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
    Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
    710 votes

    Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves puts a unique spin on the classic tale by emphasizing the relationship between wealth, nobility, and corruption. The film's portrayal of the Sheriff of Nottingham highlights the dangers of unchecked greed, as he endeavors to amass more money and power at the expense of the common people. As Robin Hood and his band of outlaws strive to redistribute this wealth, they encapsulate the struggle between honorable knights and those who were corrupted by money. This version of the Robin Hood legend offers a powerful exploration of the role of money in shaping noble ideals and driving conflict in medieval society.

  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam
    752 votes

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail takes a decidedly comedic approach to examining the role of money in the world of knights and medieval society. Through its satirical lens, the film pokes fun at the concept of nobility, highlighting the absurdity of wealth disparities and the feudal system. The quest for the Holy Grail itself becomes a commentary on the pursuit of financial and social status, with characters showcasing greed and ambition throughout their misadventures. By employing humor and wit, Monty Python and the Holy Grail offers a unique perspective on the impact of money on the lives and motivations of its knightly protagonists.

  • The Princess Bride
    Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin
    825 votes

    The Princess Bride blends romance, adventure, and a satirical view of money's role in defining characters' motivations within the realm of knights and nobility. Merchant Prince Humperdinck, driven by greed and a desire for wealth, schemes to start a war and tighten his grip on power. Meanwhile, the film's heroes, Westley and Inigo Montoya, must navigate a world where money often dictates allegiance and loyalty. This timeless classic showcases the complexities of love, honor, and betrayal, all interwoven with the ever-present influence of money within a fantastical medieval setting.

  • King Arthur
    Clive Owen, Keira Knightley, Ioan Gruffudd
    872 votes

    King Arthur dives into the world of medieval Britain by exploring the tensions between the native Celts and Romano-British aristocracy, with money and power serving as key drivers of conflict. The film presents Arthur and his knights as mercenaries, motivated by the promise of land and wealth in exchange for their service. As they confront the invading Saxons, their allegiances shift, and the film demonstrates how financial concerns can challenge a knight's sense of honor and loyalty. King Arthur thoughtfully explores the ways in which money and political power intertwine and ultimately define the lives of these storied warriors.

  • Arn: The Knight Templar
    Joakim Nätterqvist, Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgård
    355 votes

    Arn: The Knight Templar delves into the world of the Crusades and the motivations that drive knights to risk their lives in pursuit of Holy Land riches. The film follows Arn, a nobleman's son, as he becomes a warrior in the service of the Knights Templar, an order notorious for its immense wealth and influence. As religious and financial interests collide, the film explores the role of money in shaping the actions and decisions of Arn and his fellow knights. Arn: The Knight Templar provides a fresh perspective on the often-romanticized world of medieval knights by examining the darker, profit-driven side of their exploits.

  • Willow
    Val Kilmer, Joanne Whalley, Warwick Davis
    589 votes

    Willow offers a fantastical take on medieval society, where the pursuit of money and power plays a central role in shaping the lives of knights and commoners alike. The film's central character, Willow Ufgood, is thrust into great adventure and danger by forces beyond his control, with wealth and influence driving the machinations of characters both good and evil. Money becomes a powerful motivator for some characters, while others are driven by more altruistic purposes. Willow presents a vivid and imaginative exploration of how money impacts the destinies of knights and the people they protect.

  • Highlander
    Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, Roxanne Hart
    285 votes

    Highlander offers a unique take on the world of medieval knights by blending elements of fantasy, science fiction, and history. The film follows the immortal Scottish warrior Connor MacLeod, who exists across centuries, gaining wealth, power, and knowledge as he battles other immortals for ultimate supremacy. Money becomes a crucial element in the story, as well as a symbol of the passage of time, showcasing how wealth can be both a source of strength and corruption for those who possess it. Highlander presents a fantastical exploration of knights' struggles as they balance the pursuit of money with their eternal quest for honor and immortality.

  • Dragonheart
    Dennis Quaid, David Thewlis, Pete Postlethwaite
    543 votes

    Dragonheart explores the deep-rooted connection between money, power, and corruption in the realm of knights and medieval society. The film follows Bowen, a disillusioned knight who forms an unlikely alliance with a dragon named Draco to scam local villages for profit. This tale of redemption highlights the role money plays in shaping morality and ethics, as characters struggle between the temptations of wealth and the path of heroism. Through its fantastical setting and gripping narrative, Dragonheart delivers a powerful examination of how money informs the motivations and actions of its knightly protagonist.

  • Outlaw King
    Chris Pine, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Florence Pugh
    127 votes

    Outlaw King details the struggle of the Scottish warrior Robert the Bruce as he fights for his country's independence from English rule. The film explores how the political and financial pressures of the time influenced the actions of knights and nobles, with King Edward I manipulating and exploiting the Scottish elite for monetary gain. Robert the Bruce's quest to rid his homeland of foreign influence highlights the complex interplay between money, loyalty, and patriotism as he inspires his countrymen to fight for their freedom. Outlaw King showcases the rampant corruption of an era in which knights were often swayed by the allure of money and power.

  • The Adventures of Robin Hood
    Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone
    237 votes

    The Adventures of Robin Hood is a cinematic classic that offers an enthralling tale of honor, love, and struggle against corruption driven by money and power. The eponymous hero, Robin Hood, wages a relentless battle against the greedy Prince John and his cronies, seeking to redistribute wealth to the poor and disenfranchised. Through daring feats and acts of selflessness, the film showcases how the pursuit of money can lead to the corruption of nobility and knighthood. The Adventures of Robin Hood remains a timeless reminder of the need for knights to stand up against tyranny and fight for justice.

  • Ladyhawke
    Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer
    397 votes

    Ladyhawke is a captivating blend of romance, adventure, and fantasy, where the themes of love and honor clash with the corrupting influence of money. The film's antagonist, the powerful Bishop of Aquila, pursues wealth and influence with a ruthless determination. Meanwhile, the story's heroes, the knight Etienne Navarre and his lover Isabeau, navigate a world where their fates are governed by the bishop's machinations and the impact of wealth on the lives of knights and commoners alike. Ladyhawke deftly explores the consequences of greed and ambition in a medieval world where honor should be the guiding principle for its knights.

  • Ironclad


    Kate Mara, Paul Giamatti, Brian Cox
    384 votes

    Ironclad is a gritty, action-packed tale of knights, mercenaries, and the battle for control of a strategic castle during the English civil war. Money forms the backbone of the film's narrative, with the ruthless King John seeking to regain power and wealth by overthrowing the barons who have risen against him. The ragtag group of warriors defending the castle are driven by various motivations, including some who are lured by the promise of riches. Ironclad provides a fascinating examination of how money drives conflict and shapes the loyalties and ambitions of its knightly characters.

  • The Sword in the Stone
    Sebastian Cabot, Rickie Sorensen, Alan Napier
    190 votes

    The Sword in the Stone is a lighthearted take on the Arthurian legend that subtly explores the impact of money on the lives and motivations of its characters. As young Arthur, guided by the wise wizard Merlin, learns valuable lessons about life and leadership, he encounters a world in which wealth often dictates social standing and power. The magical sword embedded in stone serves as a metaphor for the equalizing force of true nobility and virtue, transcending the superficial trappings of money and status. This animated classic offers a charming and insightful look at how even the youngest of knights must grapple with the influence of wealth in their quest for greatness.

  • Ivanhoe
    Robert Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Fontaine
    246 votes

    The 1952 adaptation of Sir Walter Scott's classic novel, Ivanhoe, expertly explores themes of money, power, and chivalry in medieval England. The eponymous character, a Saxon knight, seeks to restore the rightful king, Richard the Lionheart, to the throne while also navigating the complexities of an oppressive social hierarchy driven by wealth. As Ivanhoe battles against corruption and injustice, he demonstrates the importance of honor and loyalty over monetary gain. This sweeping tale serves as an enduring examination of the role money plays in shaping the knights and nobles of its era.

  • The Name of the Rose
    Sean Connery, F. Murray Abraham, Elya Baskin
    392 votes

    The Name of the Rose offers a gripping tale of mystery and intrigue set against the backdrop of a medieval monastery, showcasing the corrupting influence of money and power even within religious institutions. The film follows the intelligent Franciscan friar William of Baskerville, who uncovers a series of murders linked to a hidden manuscript that challenges the Church's teachings on wealth and poverty. As he delves deeper into the mystery, the film explores the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their interests and maintain their financial influence. The Name of the Rose is a powerful exploration of how money and greed can corrupt even the most sacred institutions.

  • Centurion
    Michael Fassbender, Dominic West, Olga Kurylenko
    187 votes

    Centurion delves into the brutal world of Roman Britain, where the power dynamics between the Roman Empire and the native Picts are heavily influenced by money and resources. The film follows Roman soldier Quintus Dias as he navigates the harsh terrain and dangerous enemies that seek to undermine the empire's wealth and authority. Centurion brilliantly showcases how the characters are driven by their desire to protect and expand the empire's financial interests, even at the cost of their own lives. Through its intense action and gripping narrative, Centurion unravels the complex relationship between money, empire, and individual ambition in the world of ancient warriors.

  • First Knight
    Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Ormond
    539 votes

    First Knight delves into the complexities of love, honor, and duty within the backdrop of the legendary fabled city of Camelot, where wealth and power are intrinsically linked. The film explores the clashes between the noble knights of the Round Table, led by King Arthur, and the treacherous Sir Malagant, who seeks to amass greater power through ruthless ambition. First Knight highlights the central role of money in driving conflict and shaping the destinies of its complex characters, including the legendary love triangle between Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere. This skillful adaptation of the Arthurian tale offers a thought-provoking examination of the impact of wealth and power on the world of knights and chivalry.

  • The Eagle
    Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, Donald Sutherland
    420 votes

    The Eagle is an enthralling tale of honor, loyalty, and the quest for a lost symbol of Roman power. The film's protagonist, Marcus Aquila, embarks on a perilous journey to recover the golden emblem of the lost Ninth Legion, underscoring the significance of wealth and prestige in determining the fate of entire armies. As Marcus and his slave Esca venture into enemy territory, the film explores the tensions between Rome's imperial ambitions and the fierce resistance of the native tribes, which are inextricably linked to the quest for resources and hegemony. The Eagle serves as a powerful reminder of the role money plays in driving conflict and shaping the destiny of Rome and her warriors.

  • Robin Hood: Men in Tights
    Cary Elwes, Richard Lewis, Roger Rees
    311 votes

    Robin Hood: Men in Tights takes a comedic approach to the classic story of the legendary English hero, satirizing the role of money in the world of knights and nobility. The film pokes fun at the extravagance and greed of the wealthy and powerful, who seek to suppress and exploit the common people for their own gain. Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men fight against these injustices, using wit and humor to redistribute wealth and restore balance. Through its irreverent take on the classic tale, Robin Hood: Men in Tights offers a lively exploration of the age-old struggle between greed and generosity in the realm of knights and outlaws.

  • The Last Duel

    The Last Duel

    Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer
    78 votes

    The Last Duel provides a riveting exploration of honor, loyalty, and the impact of money on the lives of knights in 14th-century France. The film follows the story of two knights, Jean de Carrouges and Jacques Le Gris, as they engage in a deadly duel to settle a contentious accusation involving wealth, power, and betrayal. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that money is a driving force behind the characters' motivations and actions, revealing the dark underbelly of medieval society. The Last Duel masterfully showcases the consequences of greed and ambition in a tale that challenges notions of chivalry and honor.

  • Robin Hood
    Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt
    100 votes

    Robin Hood offers a fresh take on the timeless tale of the legendary archer-turned-outlaw, once again emphasizing the struggle against greed and corruption fueled by wealth and power. The film delves into the character's origin story, portraying Robin as a nobleman-turned-crusader who returns home only to find his lands taken and his people oppressed by the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham. As Robin rallies his band of Merry Men, the film highlights the intersection of money, politics, and injustice that drives the conflict in medieval England. This reinterpretation of the classic story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of fighting for social equity and justice in the face of an inherently flawed system driven by financial interests.

  • Last Knights
    Clive Owen, Cliff Curtis, Aksel Hennie
    90 votes

    Last Knights is a gripping tale of honor and sacrifice set against a backdrop of political intrigue and betrayal, where the primary motivation for many characters is money and power. The story follows a loyal knight who leads a band of warriors in a quest for vengeance after their noble master is unjustly executed by a corrupt ruler. As the plot unfolds, the influence of money on the characters' motivations and actions becomes increasingly apparent, demonstrating the pervasiveness of greed and corruption in the world of knights and nobility. Last Knights serves as an engrossing examination of the dark side of wealth and the lengths individuals will go to secure their own prosperity.

  • Black Death
    Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne, Carice van Houten
    107 votes

    Black Death is a harrowing exploration of the apocalyptic fears and societal upheaval caused by the infamous plague that ravaged 14th-century Europe. The film follows a group of knights and religious zealots led by the stern knight Ulric, as they embark on a mission to uncover the truth behind a mysterious village rumored to be untouched by the deadly disease. As the story unravels, the narrative dives into the darker side of humanity, revealing how desperation for salvation and the quest for power often intertwine with economic anxieties. Black Death serves as a chilling reflection on the role of money in exacerbating the darkest instincts of individuals and communities during times of crisis and uncertainty.

  • Henry V
    Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Brian Blessed
    69 votes

    Henry V serves as an epic exploration of the life and reign of the young English king, delving into themes of war and politics that revolve around the pursuit of money and the defense of national wealth. As the film follows Henry's conquests in France, it exposes the harsh reality of the economic factors fueling warfare and the lengths to which rulers will go to preserve their wealth and power. Featuring memorable performances and a captivating narrative, Henry V provides valuable insight into how money shapes the decisions and actions of knights and kings during times of strife and conflict.

  • Season of the Witch
    Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman, Stephen Campbell Moore
    294 votes

    Season of the Witch blends elements of fantasy, horror, and historical fiction to present a thrilling tale of knights, supernatural forces, and the dark side of human nature. The film follows disillusioned knight Behmen and his companion Felson as they're tasked with escorting a young woman accused of witchcraft to a remote monastery, where her fate will be decided. As the journey unfolds, it becomes clear that the characters' motivations are driven not only by the fear of dark forces but also by more earthly concerns, such as wealth and power. Season of the Witch skillfully weaves together themes of greed and corruption with a fantastical narrative, offering an intriguing examination of the role money plays in shaping the actions and decisions of its knightly protagonists.

  • El Cid
    Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren, Raf Vallone
    41 votes

    El Cid is an epic historical drama that chronicles the life and legend of the 11th-century Spanish knight, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. As the film explores the complex geopolitics of medieval Spain, money and power emerge as key driving forces behind the actions of knights, kings, and nobles alike. The eponymous hero's struggle to maintain his honor and loyalty in the face of shifting alliances and mercenary motivations is underscored by the ever-present influence of wealth on the fates of those around him. El Cid serves as a powerful reminder that even in the hallowed halls of chivalry, the temptation of money can often outweigh the virtues of honor and duty.

  • The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die
    Alexander Dreymon, Mark Rowley, Arnas Fedaravicius
    18 votes

    The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die immerses viewers in the brutal world of 9th-century England, where warring factions vie for control over the land and its wealth. The film follows the young warrior Uhtred, caught between opposing loyalties, as he stands against the invading Viking forces that threaten the kingdoms' financial stability and future. As Uhtred engages in political intrigue and ferocious battles, the central theme of money shines through, with characters propelled by desires for power, land, and riches. The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die masterfully demonstrates how the acquisition of wealth shapes the fates of kings and warriors alike in this epic historical drama.

  • Ivanhoe
    Sam Neill, Olivia Hussey, John Rhys-Davies
    42 votes

    The 1982 adaptation of Ivanhoe offers a faithful rendition of Sir Walter Scott's classic novel, once again delving into themes of honor, love, and the corrupting influence of money in medieval England. The titular hero, a Saxon knight, finds himself entangled in an intricate web of political intrigue as he fights to protect the rightful king and his beloved Lady Rowena from the machinations of ambitious nobles and power-hungry clergy. As Ivanhoe confronts the challenges posed by a society where money and power often trump honor and loyalty, the film provides a vivid exploration of the moral dilemmas faced by knights in a world driven by greed and ambition.

  • King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

    King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

    Charlie Hunnam, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, Jude Law
    96 votes

    King Arthur: Legend of the Sword offers a stylish and action-packed reimagining of the Arthurian legend, with money and power playing a central role in the film's narrative. As Arthur rises from humble beginnings to challenge the ruthless Vortigern for the throne, the movie explores how wealth and influence corrupt the very essence of nobility and leadership. The eponymous hero's quest to reclaim his birthright is driven as much by his desire to end Vortigern's oppressive rule as it is to restore justice and equity to the kingdom. This fresh take on the timeless story effectively showcases the impact of money on the world of kings and knights and serves as a reminder of the need for heroes to rise against the tyranny born from greed.

  • The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc
    Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, Faye Dunaway
    78 votes

    The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc is a captivating biographical drama that chronicles the life of the legendary French heroine, exploring themes of faith, honor, and the pervasive influence of money on the lives of knights and soldiers during the Hundred Years' War. The film delves into the harrowing struggles faced by Joan as she leads an army against the powerful English forces, confronting the harsh realities of a world driven by greed and ambition. The Messenger offers a vivid portrayal of the challenges faced by those who dare to defy the established power structures that prioritize wealth and influence over justice and compassion.

  • The Last Legion
    Colin Firth, Ben Kingsley, Aishwarya Rai
    78 votes

    The Last Legion is a thrilling adventure set during the fall of the Roman Empire, as the last remnants of Rome's once-powerful military struggle to preserve their legacy in the face of overwhelming odds. The film highlights the role of money and resources in determining the fate of empires and individual warriors alike. As the heroic general Aurelius endeavors to protect the young emperor Romulus Augustus and the fabled sword of Julius Caesar from the barbarian hordes, the narrative emphasizes how the quest for wealth and power drives both the heroes and villains of the story. The Last Legion offers a gripping exploration of the impact of money on the decisions and actions of warriors during one of history's most tumultuous periods.

  • Camelot
    Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero
    168 votes

    Camelot is a sweeping musical adaptation of the beloved Arthurian legend, valiantly exploring the complexities of love, honor, and the power dynamics shaped by wealth and social standing. As King Arthur seeks to create a better world based on justice, equality, and peace, he finds himself challenged by the corrosive influence of money on the loyalties of his closest companions, including the knight Lancelot and Queen Guinevere. Camelot uses its enchanting songs and memorable performances to craft a timeless tale that showcases the constant struggle between noble ideals and the corrupting lure of wealth and power in the realm of knights and kings.

  • Robert the Bruce
    Angus Macfadyen, Jared Harris, Zach McGowan
    50 votes

    Robert the Bruce is an engrossing historical drama that delves into the tumultuous life of the legendary Scottish king, whose struggle for his nation's freedom is inextricably tied to the pursuit of wealth and power. As the film explores the complex web of political alliances and betrayals that defined Robert's reign, it underscores the integral role of money in shaping the course of history. With its gripping narrative and nuanced performances, Robert the Bruce offers an insightful examination of the forces that drive men to war and the sacrifices they make in the name of their countries, their people, and their own personal ambitions.

  • Pathfinder


    Karl Urban, Moon Bloodgood, Russell Means
    55 votes

    Pathfinder blends elements of historical fiction and fantasy in a fascinating exploration of cultural clashes, where the pursuit of wealth and power underpins the actions of warriors and tribes alike. The film follows the journey of a young Viking boy who, after being abandoned and raised by Native Americans, must confront his heritage and choose between the opposing forces that seek to exploit the riches of the New World. As the characters navigate this volatile landscape, Pathfinder skillfully examines how societies are shaped and defined by their relationship with money and resources, in addition to the personal desires of individual warriors.

  • Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas

    Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas

    Mads Mikkelsen, Bruno Ganz, David Kross
    23 votes
  • Ran
    Tatsuya Nakadai, Mieko Harada, Akira Terao
    39 votes

    Ran is a masterful adaptation of William Shakespeare's "King Lear," set in feudal Japan, where family ties and loyalties are inextricably linked to wealth and power. The film follows the aging warlord Hidetora as he divides his kingdom among his three sons, setting off a chain of events that leads to betrayal, conflict, and ultimately, tragedy. Throughout the narrative, the role of money in driving the characters' motives and actions is thrown into sharp relief, providing a poignant examination of the corrosive impact of wealth on human relationships. Director Akira Kurosawa's visionary storytelling and stunning visual style infuse Ran with an unforgettable sense of epic grandeur.

  • Gawain and the Green Knight
    Robert Hardy, Nigel Green
    38 votes

    Gawain and the Green Knight is a dramatic retelling of the famous 14th-century Arthurian poem, exploring themes of chivalry, honor, and the complex interplay between wealth and morality. The film follows Sir Gawain, a young knight of the Round Table, as he embarks on a perilous quest to fulfill a deadly pact with the enigmatic Green Knight. As he confronts the challenges posed by his journey, Gawain wrestles with the impact of money and social standing on the lives and motivations of those he encounters. Through its nuanced characterization and atmospheric storytelling, Gawain and the Green Knight offers an engaging exploration of the role of money in shaping the fates of medieval knights and the society they inhabit.

  • Elizabeth: The Golden Age
    Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Clive Owen
    44 votes

    Elizabeth: The Golden Age is a sumptuous period drama that explores the reign of Queen Elizabeth I during a time of political intrigue, religious strife, and the burgeoning influence of wealth and power on the lives of knights and nobles. As the Virgin Queen navigates the treacherous waters of her own court, as well as her relationships with the Spanish and French monarchies, she must balance the need to project power and maintain her empire's financial stability against her own personal ideals and desires. Through its masterful performances and lavish production, the film offers a compelling exploration of the role money plays in shaping the world of monarchy and chivalry during the height of the Renaissance.

  • Valhalla Rising
    Mads Mikkelsen, Gary Lewis, Jamie Sives
    38 votes

    Valhalla Rising is a brutal and atmospheric tale of a mute Viking warrior who becomes embroiled in a quest driven by greed, ambition, and the search for new lands and riches. The film expertly showcases how warrior cultures, driven by the desire for wealth and conquest, inevitably clash and destroy each other. As the characters navigate treacherous landscapes and confront both mortal enemies and supernatural forces, Valhalla Rising provides a thought-provoking exploration of the role of money in the world of ancient warriors and the consequences of unbridled ambition.

  • Mongol
    Tadanobu Asano, Honglei Sun, Khulan Chuluun
    35 votes

    Mongol is an epic historical drama that follows the life and rise of Genghis Khan, the legendary founder of the Mongol Empire, whose insatiable appetite for wealth and conquest would reshape the world. The film deftly explores the complex interplay of ambition, loyalty, and the pursuit of riches, as Genghis battles against rival tribes and internal betrayals to establish his dominion. Mongol offers a fascinating insight into the mindset of a warrior driven by the acquisition of wealth and the inexorable expansion of his empire, providing a compelling portrait of one of history's most powerful and enigmatic figures.

  • Pilgrimage
    Tom Holland, Jon Bernthal, Richard Armitage
    29 votes
  • The Warlords
    Jet Li, Andy Lau, Takeshi Kaneshiro
    19 votes
  • The Song of Roland
    Klaus Kinski, Alain Cuny, Dominique Sanda
    28 votes

    The Song of Roland is a captivating medieval epic inspired by the 11th-century French poem that tells the tale of the brave knight Roland and his loyal soldiers fighting for their king, Charlemagne, and the glory of Christendom. The film explores themes of honor, duty, and sacrifice, as well as the role of money and resources in shaping the characters' motivations and actions during the Crusades. With its sweeping narrative and unforgettable characters, The Song of Roland offers a powerful exploration of the complexities of chivalry and the devastating consequences of greed and ambition in a world torn apart by war and strife.

  • The Virgin Spring
    Max von Sydow, Allan Edwall, Tor Isedal
    26 votes

    The Virgin Spring is an emotionally gripping drama set in medieval Sweden, where the horrific murder of a young girl triggers a brutal cycle of revenge and retribution. As the film delves into the darker aspects of human nature, it explores how money and social standing influence the choices and moral dilemmas faced by its characters. Through its unflinching portrayal of violence, loss, and the search for justice, The Virgin Spring serves as a haunting examination of the impact money has on the lives and destinies of knights and commoners in a world ruled by ancient customs and religious fervor.

  • Red Cliff
    Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Fengyi Zhang
    24 votes
  • Your Highness
    Danny McBride, James Franco, Natalie Portman
    35 votes

    Your Highness is a raucous medieval comedy that pokes fun at the conventions of the knightly genre while still delivering a compelling story rooted in the quest for wealth and power. As two mismatched princes embark on a perilous journey to rescue a kidnapped princess, they encounter a host of colorful characters driven by their own monetary desires and ambitions. Through its irreverent humor and sharp wit, Your Highness offers an entertaining deconstruction of the all-too-familiar tropes of noble quests and romanticized chivalry, ultimately revealing the central role of money in the world of knights and adventure.

  • Macbeth


    Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Paddy Considine
    30 votes

    Macbeth is a chilling adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy about ambition, power, and the corrosive influence of wealth. As the eponymous Scottish general rises to power through treachery and murder, the film showcases the destructive power of unbridled ambition and the toll it takes on the human spirit. Macbeth delves into the darker side of nobility and chivalry by exploring the motivations and consequences of characters who would trade their honor for the promise of wealth and power. Through its evocative storytelling and gripping performances, Macbeth stands as a timeless examination of the corrupting allure of money within the realm of knights and kings.

  • Alexander Nevsky
    Nikolay Cherkasov, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Dmitriy Orlov
    17 votes
  • The Green Knight
    Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, Joel Edgerton
    41 votes
  • Hamlet
    Mel Gibson, Glenn Close, Alan Bates
    150 votes
  • The Passion of Joan of Arc
    Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, André Berley
    31 votes
  • Black Knight
    Martin Lawrence, Marsha Thomason, Tom Wilkinson
    71 votes
  • House of Flying Daggers
    Takeshi Kaneshiro, Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi
    30 votes