Installing the updated League client – League of Legends Support

Installing the updated League client

Having problems migrating to the updated client? We're here to help!

The client began downloading and installing something after I logged in! What is this?

I'm unable to install the League client through the patcher.

I installed the League client, but my shortcuts always launch the patcher.


My League of Legends client began downloading and installing something after I logged in! What is this?

We’re rolling out a new login flow for players worldwide that enables saved login credentials as well as a number of under-the-hood changes! These include unlocking our ability to support future features like two-factor authentication and background patching.

Here’s what the screens look like: 


(the image may change depending on what patch you’re on!)

Do I have to do anything?

Nope! Once you’re upgraded, just log in as usual. You can also take advantage of the Stay Signed In functionality by storing your username and password, allowing you to skip the login screen! 


Can't install the League client through the patcher?

The patcher should automatically migrate you over to the updated client. If it doesn’t appear to be doing that then the patcher you’re using is out of date. In fact it’s so out of date, it doesn’t even know what a League Client Update is. :’(

The latest patcher should look exactly like this image below:


If it doesn’t then your patcher is definitely out of date. Let’s update it and get you into the new and improved client!



  1. Unpin your League of Legends shortcuts from your taskbar by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting “Unpin from taskbar”
  2. Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends and click on lol.launcher
    • If you see the error “ Patcher Kernel has stopped working” right-click on the launcher and click “Run as administrator”
  3. Once it finishes updating, the patcher should launch and look like it does in the example above
  4. Click on the launch button once it’s enabled. This will close out the patcher and launch the League client. It may take a minute for the client to appear (check Task Manager if you don't see it right away)
  5. Finally you should see the client! You will see a pop up informing you that the client needs to convert your shortcuts into snazzy new ones. Follow these steps if they don't change automatically



  1. Go to Applications, right-click or Ctrl + click your League of Legends application and select “Show Package Contents”
  2. Go to Contents → LoL and click on “Play League of Legends”
  3. The user kernel will then launch in your taskbar and begin to update your patcher. This may take a few minutes
  4. Once it finishes updating, the patcher should launch and look like the example above
  5. Click on the launch button once it’s enabled. This will close out the patcher and launch the League Client. It may take a minute for the client to appear
  6. Finally you should see the League client! You will see a pop up informing you that the client needs to convert your shortcuts to snazzy new ones. Follow these steps if they don't change automatically



The League client updated correctly, but shortcuts still start the old patcher

After installing the League client the patcher should convert your legacy League of Legends shortcuts for you into shiny new ones. It will try to do this 3 times before giving up. We'll go over the easy way first, and if that doesn't work we have other steps for you to try.

Old League of Legends shortcuts look like this: legacy-icon-small.jpg

New ones should look like this: new-icon-small.jpg



  1. Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends and delete the directory named “Config”. Stay in the League of Legends directory
  2. Now double click on LeagueClient.exe, located in the League of Legends directory
  3. Click on the launch button once it’s enabled. This will close out the patcher and launch the League client. The client may take a minute to appear (check Task Manager if you don't see it right away)
  4. Once the League client launches, a popup will appear informing you that the client is about to perform the shortcut migration
  5. Click OK. Now, if you have UAC (User Account Control Settings) turned on you will see a shield pop up appear either in your taskbar or in a screen takeover
    • If the shield appears in your taskbar, click on it and select "Yes" on the next popup
    • If the popup takes over your screen, just click "Yes"
  6. After a few minutes, you should see your shortcuts update into new icons


Workaround: If the client was still unable to migrate your shortcuts

  1. Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends and right click on the League client. Select “Pin to Taskbar”
  2. (Optional) Right click on the League client and select “Pin to Start Menu”
  3. (Optional) Right click on the League client and select “Send to → Desktop"
  4. Manually delete any old League of Legends shortcuts on your desktop, and unpin the old shortcuts from your taskbar and start menu



NOTE: Only an account with administrator permissions can migrate shortcuts on Mac so if you’re a standard user, the following steps will not work.

  1. Go to Applications
  2. Right click or Ctrl + click your League of Legends application and select “how Package Contents"
  3. Go to Contents → LoL and delete the directory named “Config”. Stay in the LoL directory
  4. Now double click on the LeagueClient icon that’s located in the LoL directory
  5. Once the client launches, a popup will appear informing you that the client is about to perform the shortcut migration. Click OK
  6. It may take a few minutes, but you will see your shortcuts update into new icons

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