Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) Team: History, Captains, Sponsors, Stats – All Details
HomeSportsCricketRoyal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) Team: History, Captains, Sponsors, Stats – All Details
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Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) Team: History, Captains, Sponsors, Stats – All Details

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Whether it was Chris Gayle’s smashing sixes, Ab de Villiers unbelievable shots, or Virat Kohli’s class, Royal Challengers Bangalore team or RCB has always known how to stay in news. The team has given some of the most entertaining and heart-warming moments to the entire IPL history. Nobody can get over the light moments and numerous dances shared by Kohli and Gayle and the overall comradery shared by the entire team. No wonder then, RCB is one of the most popular teams in the league! Associated with gold and red, and a lot of flamboyance, RCB has had quite a run at the IPL over the last eleven years.

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