N10bn fraud: EFCC detains ex- Kwara Gov, Abdulfatah Ahmed - Vanguard News

February 21, 2024

N10bn fraud: EFCC detains ex- Kwara Gov, Abdulfatah Ahmed

N10bn fraud: EFCC detains ex- Kwara Gov, Abdulfatah Ahmed
By Demola Akinyemi, Ilorin

Former Governor of Kwara State, Alhaji AbdulFatah Ahmed on Tuesday remained in the Custody of the Ilorin zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Ilorin, the state capital, making about forty-eight hours he’s been under intense interrogation.

Meanwhile his former CPS, Abdulwahab Oba has lamented the frustration they were passing through in securing the bail conditions of his Principal, who he said had also been denied access to his doctors.

Vanguard Correspondent reliably gathered that the former governor who was being interrogated by the Antigraft agency on a N10BILLION projects executed during his tenure as the governor of the state was spending his second day at the office of the Commission.

The former Governor AbdulFatah Ahmed who was reportedly invited at the weekend presented himself to the agency at about 9am on Monday and had remained in the office as at 7pm on Tuesday according to a source close to the Command.

When asked about the projects which the ex-governor was being grilled on, a source who craved anonymity said that he didn’t know the projects that he was invited to clarify at the office but added that “what I can tell you is that Ex-governor Ahmed is still with the EFCC and has not been released as at 7pm.”

Meanwhile, the Chief Press Secretary to the former governor, Alhaji AbdulWahab Oba who eventually broke his silence on Tuesday on the development, confirmed the presence of his Principal in the custody of EFCC and complained about the delay in meeting his bail conditions.

According to him: “Yes, he is still with the EFCC and we are now at a dilemma over the issue because they keep changing the goal post during the match. The case is taking a new dimension which we don’t really understand for now.

“Initially they said they wanted him to produce two sureties who are federal directors. The sureties came and were asked to provide landed properties in Abuja. We see this as a contradiction.

“The case was initially handled by the EFCC office in Abuja before it was transferred to Ilọrin over the issue of jurisdiction. Additionally, he has been denied access to his doctors, medication and direct access to his cook”, Oba said.

He charged the EFCC to follow due process and be seen to be transparent in their handling of the case as the former Governor has never defaulted in all previous invitations extended to him by the commission.