Panel featuring José Manuel Albares and Josep Borrell

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Panel featuring José Manuel Albares and Josep Borrell

On the occasion of Europe Day, José Manuel Albares, Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, and Josep Borrell, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, held a meeting at the Ateneo de Madrid, moderated by Elisa Carbonell, the ICEX CEO.

May 9, 2024
José Manuel Albares and Josep Borrell agreed on the need to reform the “institutional architecture” of the European Union (EU) with a view to enlargement, one of the great challenges it will face in the coming years. They also agreed on the positive reinforcement that enlargement will bring in the long term, highlighting a stronger NATO position and economic growth for all the Union's territories.
Moreover, José Manuel Albares and Josep Borrell stated that majorities in the European Parliament are vital for issues that affect the lives of citizens.

During the event in the Ateneo, the head of Spanish diplomacy stressed that Europe “is a construction of peace, a construction of freedom, democracy and equality”. On his part, Josep Borrell mentioned the example of Europe as a promoter of peace and assured that, in a world where there is more confrontation and less cooperation, the EU “wants to continue to be a strong advocate of a fair and effective multilateral system, ready to shape a just future for everyone”.

Conversation with Enrico Letta

Moreover, under the title “9 May: an opportunity to look to the future”, the head of Spanish diplomacy shared a dialogue at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister of Italy and President of the Jacques Delors Institute.

During the conversation, the Minister recalled the Schuman Declaration of 74 years ago and highlighted Europe’s values, “clearly challenged not only from outside Europe but also from within European societies”.    

PH​OTOS: Pepe Méndez / María Lucía Rodríguez (NOLSOM)​