one step at a time - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish

External sources (not reviewed)

First, the steps signify changing diet and exercise routines one step at a time.
En primer lugar, los pelda�os significan que la dieta y las rutinas de ejercicio deben cambiarse paso a paso.
Take one step at a time and read each [...]
section all the way through before you start.
T�mese su tiempo y lea cada secci�n detenidamente [...]
antes de comenzar.
[...] development needs to happen one step at a time.
El desarrollo
[...] agr�cola necesita dar un paso cada vez.
The aim would be to create a joint working group which would make progress 'one step at a time'.
Se tratar�a de crear un grupo de trabajo conjunto con el objetivo de �hacer camino al andar�.
The impact of many of the recently instituted
[...] accountability measures of 2005 and 2006 has yet to be felt, as such measures are implemented one step at a time.
Los resultados de muchas de las medidas de
rendici�n de cuentas
[...] adoptadas recientemente en 2005 y 2006 todav�a no se han percibido porque esas medidas se est�n aplicando gradualmente.
So keep working hard for the future to improve
[...] and any child, one step at a time, is an improvement.
As� que mi mensaje es seguir trabajando duro para [...]
mejorar el futuro de cada ni�o.
Each individual employee can contribute within their own personal work environment
towards achieving these improvements, and help to put environmental
[...] protection concepts into practice one step at a time.
Cada empleado puede contribuir a las
mejoras en su entorno personal de trabajo, y ayudar as� a
[...] llevar a la pr�ctica, paso a paso, una conciencia medioambiental.
Our goal is to have the network operating around the Earth at 10 gigabits per second, and
[...] we're getting there one step at a time.
Nuestra meta es contar con una red que opere en torno a la tierra a raz�n de 10 gigabytes por segundo y
[...] para ello avanzamos un paso a la vez.
I live my
[...] life one day at a time, one step at a time.
Vivo mi vida d�a a d�a, doy un paso por vez.
LONG BEACH, California
[...] (April 17, 2010) - One step at time, each moment [...]
getting closer to the goal - that was the mindset for the JaguarRSR
team in Long Beach as they took their first checkered flag with the #75 Jaguar XKR GT in Round 2 of the American Le Mans Series presented by Tequila Patron.
LONG BEACH, California (17 de
[...] abril, 2010) - Paso a paso, cada momento m�s [...]
cerca de la meta; esa era la mentalidad del equipo JaguarRSR
en Long Beach al pasar la primera bandera a cuadros con el Jaguar XKR GT n� 75 en la ronda 2 de la American Le Mans Series patrocinada por Tequila Patron.
I've written a relatively classic story, but I want each scene to stand on its own,
to have a life of its own and for the
[...] film to grow one step at a time, in such a way [...]
that you can't see the strings being pulled.
He escrito una historia relativamente cl�sica, pero quiero
que cada escena tenga voz propia, vida propia y
[...] que la pel�cula d� un paso, de tal manera que no [...]
puedas ver hilos sueltos.
Can an action plan be limited, on the
[...] principle of 'one step at a time', to measures [...]
which, while not guaranteeing compliance
with the limit value, nevertheless contribute in the short term to improvements in ambient air quality?
�Puede limitarse el plan de
[...] acci�n, seg�n un concepto gradual, a medidas que, [...]
si bien no garantizan el respeto del valor
l�mite, contribuyen a corto plazo a mejorar la calidad del aire ambiente?
Then you can take one step at a time until you're done.
Entonces usted puede dar un paso a la vez hasta que termine.
Our aim, as I said, is to accept many more visits, but it's important
[...] to take things one step at a time and always keep [...]
up the quality.
Como he dicho, nuestro objetivo es recibir muchas m�s
[...] visitas, pero hay que ir paso a paso y mantener la calidad [...]
The company continues to strive to give customers the best products possible,
[...] changing the world one step at a time.
La compa��a contin�a esforz�ndose para proporcionarles a sus consumidores los mejores productos posibles,
[...] para cambiar el mundo paso a paso.
He or she can lean back in order to rest, relax the hands, and get up one step at a time depending on his or her strength.
Puede recostarse para descansar, agarrarse con las manos de manera relajada y, dependiendo de su fuerza, levantarse poco a poco.
Set a savings goal
[...] for yourself - one step at a time.
Establezca una
[...] meta de ahorros, a un paso por vez.
We're trying to encourage a change of behaviour and
engage in a dialogue with those who make decisions, like traditional leaders, to change
[...] this kind things one step at a time.
Intentamos alentar un cambio de comportamiento y entablar un di�logo con
aquellas personas que toman las decisiones, como los dirigentes tradicionales, para cambiar
[...] este tipo de cosas paso a paso".
The regional government minister emphasised that the work has not
necessitated the complete closure of the station, since it can
[...] be carried out one step at a time, which avoids excessive [...]
inconvenience for passengers, bearing in mind that
Plaza de Castilla stations connects lines 1, 9 and 10 and the bus interchange.
El consejero destac� que para la realizaci�n de la obra no ha sido necesario el
cierre completo de la estaci�n, ya que se puede llevar a cabo por partes, lo cual evita mayores
[...] molestias a los viajeros, teniendo en cuenta que la [...]
estaci�n de Plaza de
Castilla conecta las l�neas 1, 9 y 10 y el intercambiador de autobuses.
Focus first on where it is easiest to make changes and deliver improvements, and
[...] build from there one step at a time.
Conc�ntrese� primero� en� las� �reas� donde� es� m�s� f�cil� hacer�
[...] cambios�y�lograr�mejoras,�y�desde�all�,� construir�paso�a�paso.
The negotiation of the Protocol
involved many countries with strong views on what should be done-but there was always a
[...] willingness to take one step at time.
La negociaci�n del Protocolo inclu�a a muchos
pa�ses con puntos de vista muy firmes sobre lo que hab�a que hacer, pero siempre existi� la
[...] buena voluntad de ir paso a paso.
I consider my personal
[...] involvement as a Lasallian Partner in the mission as a journey taken one step at a time.
Mi participaci�n personal
[...] como lasaliana en la misi�n la considero como un itinerario seguido paso a paso.
Since 1957, every CAP reform has
[...] aimed to take one step at a time, while maintaining [...]
the original philosophy.
Desde 1957, todas las reformas de la PAC han
[...] pretendido avanzar poco a poco mientras se conservaba [...]
la filosof�a original.
If you want to be on the other side of the street (outcome), do the
process of pointing yourself in
[...] the right direction and taking one step at a time until you reach the other side [...]
of the street.
Si quieres estar en el otro lado de la calle
(resultado), haz el proceso de
[...] colocarte en la direcci�n correcta y dar un paso a la vez hasta alcanzar el [...]
otro lado de la calle.
In this chapter, we will take you through an entire Evolver
[...] optimization one step at a time.
En este cap�tulo le guiaremos a trav�s de todo el sistema de
[...] optimizaci�n de Evolver, paso a paso.
However, we
[...] suggest that you do one step at a time, so that you [...]
can benefit from the feedback provided by experts reviewing your plan.
Sin embargo, le
[...] sugerimos que vaya paso a paso de manera que pueda [...]
beneficiarse de los comentarios de los expertos que eval�an su plan.
But the journey has to be made one step at a time; the real feeling of vertigo comes when you look deep inside [...]
yourself to let your talent shine through.
Pero el viaje se debe hacer paso a paso. La aut�ntica sensaci�n de v�rtigo llega cuando buscamos en nuestro interior [...]
para despertar nuestro talento.
In this chapter, we will take you through an entire
[...] RISKOptimizer optimization one step at a time.
En este cap�tulo, le llevaremos a lo largo de toda
[...] la optimizaci�n con RISKOptimizer paso a paso.
Add PowerValve one step at a time by turning the [...]
blue lever clockwise until pedal feedback is minimized.
Pedaleando normal empieza
[...] girar la palanca azul en sentido del reloj hasta [...]
que notes la funci�n de la plataforma de pedaleo.
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